Hi! Hope you enjoy this fic! Well this is my first EVER fic! From my English exams I get bad marks so please be easy on me if its rubbish! Apparently I need to 'expand my vocabulary'.
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own lost.
Chapter One
It was a couple of days ago that Sawyer took the guns from the hatch, the same day that Kate last talked to him, telling why she thought he took the guns. The camp was finally settling down over the situation and went back to their usual day-to-day routines.
Everyone was avoiding Sawyer until the fifth day, someone was over shadowing him. Making it impossible for him to read his book. He waited for a while to make a sarcastic remark but decided against it, and just asked the obvious question.
"What do you want?!" he tried to keep his voice as calm as possible.
"I want to borrow something."
Sawyer brought up his head he was wearing some glasses he found, as he lost his other one on the raft. He smiled at the figure, showing of his dimples.
"Well what can I do for ya, Freckles?" his voice lightening up a little, seeing as it was only Kate.
"Well I was wondering if you had any spare tarp, as you seem to have everything now."
"Since when do I have to tell you everything?"
"Well you didn't get Carte Blanche, so I get to ask why?" he knew all the asking was annoying Kate but he was liking it as this was better than reading his book.
"If you really want to know, I'm making my tent better" her voice growing more annoyed.
"Well let's save the tarp and you can sleep here with me." his smile growing wider.
"Can you just not be such a pig for one minute?" At that moment Kate turned her back on Sawyer and walked off.
Sawyer resumed on reading his book but he couldn't concentrate. The conversation earlier with Kate kept coming back to his mind. Rummaging around his tent he found a spare piece of tarp and decided to find Kate and give it to her. Pulling back the plastic sheets, he braced himself for the sudden brightness. Scanning around the beach he saw Kate sitting at the far end of the beach, the sea water lapping up her feet. He started walking slowly up to her.
Kate always sat away from the camp when she wanted to be alone and just relax. Since being on the island a lot has happened to her, she's been chased by polar bears, held captive by the Other's and she even started to have feelings for Sawyer. But she tried to push that out of her mind. She felt someone walking towards her, then something landed on the sand next to her. Kate turned her head to look what landed on the sand, a rolled up plastic tarp. She started to smile and looked up at the figure.
"So, I'm I dreaming or is Sawyer, the guy who doesn't give and only take, is giving me something I asked for a couple of hours ago?" she sat there thinking why he finally gave the tarp to her.
"Fine, if you don't want-"he started to reach for the tarp but Kate stopped him, her hand on his arm.
"No, I'll take it."
They made eye contact, staring at each others eyes, in a deep trance, their faces only inches away from each other. Sawyer started to lean towards Kate. Until Kate snapped out of it and pulled back away from Sawyer. She realised she still had her hand on Sawyer's arm and pulled it away like it was hot on fire.
"Erm...I better get started on my tent...I'll see you around, and thank you…you know for the-" she gestured to the tarp and stood up.
"No problem, glad to have helped ya sweetheart." he looked away trying to disguise he was annoyed, but Kate knew he was.
"Ok, bye." Kate walked off. Leaving Sawyer.
Sawyer sat their thinking about what just happened when Kate touched his arm; it was like it created a electric spark once her hand touched his skin. When he started to lean towards her why did she pull back? Was she afraid something was going to happen? Did he want something to happen? Sawyer shook his head to forget about that thought. He knew it would never happen; it was like the typical story, the con man and the fugitive. He sat there in the same spot where Kate left him repeating the words 'it would never happen', because he didn't want it, did he?
What did just happen with Sawyer? Am I starting to feel something for him? Even love him? No, I don't love him, I barely know the guy. He cons women all the time, he always messes around with their feelings, he knows how to pull the right strings and he's trying to mess with mine.
Jack started to approach Kate, who seemed to be daydreaming and walking to nowhere in particular.
"Hey Kate." Kate didn't turn around, she just kept on walking.
"Kate!" he shouted.
"Hm, what?" she snapped out of her day dreaming "Oh, hi Jack."
"You didn't answer me when I first shouted your name, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Jack" Jack gave her a are-you-sure Jack look "Seriously, Jack, I'm fine"
"Okay, well I wanted to ask if you wanted to be on the night shift at the hatch tonight."
"Who else is on it?" she asked, really not paying any attention.
"Sawyer" Kate looked up at Jack "I know he's the last thing you want to be with, but-"
"I'll do it" she replied
"Are you sure?"
"You came to me to me if I wanted to do the night shift and now you asking me if I'm sure?!" Kate was starting to get annoyed.
"Hey, I was just asking, I was just making sure, what's wrong with you today?"
"Nothing, I'll do the night shift." Jack started to come closer to Kate "It's nothing"
"I don't have to tell you everything!" Kate snapped. Jack backed away shocked at Kate's response, but most of all hurt by Kate's words.
"I see you don't need my company" Jack whispered and walked away from Kate, still hurting inside.
"Ja-"she tried to call for him but it wouldn't come out.
She didn't know what to do. But then she did what she was best at. What she always did when she want to get away from everything. She ran. Deep into the jungle, away from anyone. From everything. She ran as fast as her legs could carry and stopped at a tall tree. Looking around to make sure no one was around she climbed up the tree and perched on a branch strong enough to hold her weight. Kate just sat there with her legs dangling freely. A tear dropped from her eyes and she let another one fall, after a few minutes she was sitting there, alone, crying. Why she was crying, she didn't know. Maybe it was because of her past, Wayne, her mom, Tom, Kevin, Jack and maybe even Sawyer. It was because of her past she always pushed away those who cared for her, Tom, Kevin, Jack, and Sawyer. It was like she had a barrier that comes up every time anyone came close to her, and see how she really is, the real Kate. The thought of it terrifies her so much, if someone actually got to look at the real Kate, they would see a vulnerable person. And she didn't want that to happen.
So how was it? Please review! Or any suggestions for any future chapters.