Disclaimer: I own nothing, all characters borrowed from JKRowling.


It was Friday night, pushing 5 minutes past 3 am.

"Sit down, before I stun you." Severus commanded from his armchair in front of the fire.

Hermione did not even pause in her agitated pacing, "Shh! I'm practicing."

Severus shook his head bemusedly and resumed reading his paper. He had been smugly entertained by the anxiety Hermione had developed over her task, having full confidence in her and Draco's ability to be successful with minimal effort—after all, the book was only guarded by muggles. Still, she had ignored his assurances so he finally gave up and was intent to watch her fret. For her own part, Hermione had been furiously whispering spells to herself for several minutes, glancing every few steps at the crystal and gold hourglass on the mantle. "He is –

A rapid knock interrupted her. Hermione rushed to the door and admitted a harried Draco. "Sorry I'm late. Blasted Peeves." He nodded to Severus who acknowledged it and bent his head back, seemingly bored. Hermione frowned.

Draco turned back to her, "You ready?"

She opened her mouth to speak but at first no sound escaped, and when it did her voice cracked. "Y-Yes."

Severus snickered.

Draco put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze, "Don't worry - piece of cake. I've stolen stuff way better guarded than this. Stuff guarded with magic, too. All we have to do is stun the muggle guards, get the book, and get out. We'll be there and back in less than five minutes." He smiled at her and stayed his hand until Severus cleared his throat and Hermione shrugged him off simultaneously.

"Thanks Draco." She gave a weak smile, "I've just never stolen anything before…never had to do a…surprise attack…."

"Well of course not. So it's lucky you have me as your partner. Living a…" he threw a sideways glance at Severus, who was pretending to ignore them, "less than saintly youth, has given me certain skills and levels of confidence in…a variety of situations."

Severus humphed. Hermione smiled.

"So, now that's settled. Shall we?" Draco enjoined, lifting his wand and casting a death eater's mask for himself.

Hermione gave a small gasp of pleasure, "How did you—"

He cut her off by conjuring a mask for her too. "Later." His muffled voice promised.

She nodded and together they turned toward the apperition chamber.

"Good luck Hermione." Severus called after them, "And Draco if you don't bring her back safe and sound I'll find a Skrewt to feed you to."

Draco didn't laugh as he ushered Hermione through the stone wall. Without speaking, she lifted his arm and fitted herself to his side. Draco only paused, stunned, for a moment before he spoke the spell to take them Egypt.


Hermione slowly rose from a fog of darkness to find herself bound hand and foot, hands over her head, dangling from a hook. Her outer robe had been removed so she hung in her jeans and undershirt. Draco was in the same position as she, 10 feet away but he seemed to still be unconscious. His lip was cut and a river of blood had dried on his chin. Hermione felt the aches on her own body that were the evidence of the abuse she had already suffered. She tried to remember what had gone wrong….

Their plan had been flawless. Draco would apparate them in to the location he had previously scouted, out of the eye line of any guards. From there they would cast a shadow charm, stun any one who interfered and make off with the book. It should have been simple, as long as they kept quiet...

But like most things, it was all in the execution. Hermione suddenly remembered, as soon as the library began to appear from the darkness, Alarms began blaring. She had only just felt the ground reform beneath her feet when dense smoke suddenly covered everything around her. She gasped in air and immediately fell back into darkness.

Hermione continued to assess her condition and rattled her chains experimentally.

Suddenly footsteps sounded from down the hall and she quickly hissed at Draco to wake up. He jerked to attention and looked around with wide eyes. He immediately started flailing in his bonds and Hermione urged him vehemently to quiet down.

"Are you ok?" he asked frantically.

"I'm alive and nothing is broken. But they've taken our robes and wands. Do you think it was Wizards? I didn't feel any spell…"

"Neither did I." Draco looked worried.

With a loud bang the door to their cell was thrust open and three grinning Egyptians walked in, all fat, oily and clearly unwashed, with their uniform shirts left open over stained undershirts. They leered hungrily, eyeing the captives like fresh meat. Particularly Hermione. They spoke in quick, muttered Arabic, laughing maliciously. Without wasting any time one of them immediately went to Hermione and grabbed both her breasts in a vicious grip. She shouted in pain as Draco struggled against his bonds, yelling curses at the men.

They only laughed and one of them sucker punched him in the stomach. He grunted in pain, and lost his breath.

The man molesting Hermione got rougher and tears sprung from her eyes as she weakly repeated, "Please stop." In a sudden violent gesture he ripped her shirt open and pulled it off of her. In a moment her bra was also torn away and she hung her head in shame as the men began to grow loud in their guttural shouts of encouragement. The dirtiest of the three came forward and pinched her nipple cruelly, turning her on her hook by pulling it sadistically. But the moment she was turned so that her back and thus her mark were wholly exposed, all three men gasped and jerked away from her. They immediately huddled and began to whisper vehemently, looking at their captives with a new and very deep sense of fear.

"I think they understand who we are." Draco muttered worriedly.

Hermione, red with humiliation had to share Draco's concern. Worse even than being captive, is being captive to someone who has the power of knowledge.

The three seemed to have come to an agreement and one turned and ran out of the room. The other two sunk back against the wall and watched Hermione and Draco with weary eyes and pointed guns.

For long moments they hung, while the two remaining guards whispered and eyed them. Finally the third guard returned, leading an older, official looking Arab dressed in an officer's uniform. He appraised the captives quickly then turned and barked an order. The now sheepish guards jumped into action and Draco and Hermione were cut down, and Hermione was given back her robe. She hurredly covered herself and Draco came and put his arm protectively around her.

The officer stood before them and spoke in English, with a British accent "My sincere apologies, friends. I fear you have been treated most unfairly. We do not wish to offend you. We…did not know who you were." He smiled revealing yellow teeth.

Draco and Hermione shared a confused look.

"Yes, indeed I have orders to show you the utmost hospitality and to immediately take you to speak with…" his voice trailed off and he threw a weary glance at the listening guards. "So, if you will – " he gestured for them to walk out the door.

"Where are our wands?" Draco demanded.

The officer stopped mid-step, "Pardon?"

"Our…sticks…these guards took them." Draco explained. The officer rounded on the three and fired off a string of fast, angry Arabic. The three stood for a moment looking guilty until one produced the two wands from a back pocket. The officer jerked them from his hands and quickly passed them to Draco, who immediately gave Hermione hers.

"That was all that was taken from you, yes? Once again, many, many apologies – they did not know."

Draco and Hermione were still very much unsure about what exactly the officer knew but silently agreed that it was better to keep quiet, the less explaining they had to do the better.

With some parting words of an inflection even Draco and Hermione could understand to be a promise of punishment, the officer led them away from the guards and down a florescent lit hallway, tripping over frantic apologies.

They were guided up through the bowels of wherever they were and then out what seemed to be a back door. The sun was just dawning and already light and traffic were filling the down town streets of Cairo. A black limousine with heavily tainted windows awaited them. The officer opened the door for them and smiled anxiously. "Please, sir and miss, you can trust we wish only to redeem our error and show you the utmost respect and hospitality." Hermione threw Draco a weary glance but he only shrugged in response. They climbed into the luxurious back seat. The officer shut the door upon them and then sat in the front passenger's seat, behind the thick glass partition.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but Draco hushed her with a shake of his head. "Camera," he mouthed silently, his eyes wide with meaning.

Hermione nodded and turned her attention to the window, trying to remember their route.

They drove for only a short while, and judging from Hermione's thorough background research, when they pulled up to a gate surrounding a massive white stone complex, she was positive they had arrived at Abdeen Palace, home of the President of Egypt.

The officer jumped to open their door with a "Please, follow me." As he stepped through a side door, they heard him bark a few words. By the time they followed, they saw only the backs of retreating guards and presently they walked directly through the beeping metal detector which Draco eyed with curiosity.

For easily the next 10 minutes they followed the man through a maze of hallways, stairwells, entry halls, sitting rooms, reception rooms and more hallways; each luxuriously but classically decorated. Everything was deserted save suited guards who silently watched the three. Finally, outside an unassuming door, the officer knocked and gained entry. Draco and Hermione followed apprehensively but found only an intimate sitting room with a few small couches facing each other over a delicate chow bench and silk wallpaper. Another guard, indistinguishable from those they had passed before, was the only inhabitant.

Hermione and Draco shared a look, feeling more and more like fish out of water. Immediately the officer bowed low and retreated. The guard raised his arm and whispered into his wrist. After seemingly hearing a response from his ear peace he swiftly followed the officer.

They were left to wait for only a few breaths when a secret door to their left, one hidden by being flush with the crème paneled wall, slid open silently and a tan, bearded and bedraggled man of about 50 walked hurriedly through. He wore an expensive suit but his shirt was wrinkled, he had no tie and as he approached them he stifled a yawn.

"Friends. Friends. I am so sorry to meet with you under these circumstances. Truly, my sincerest regrets." His English was smooth but accented as he shook their hands.

Draco and Hermione threw each other weary glances before Draco took a gamble, "Mr. President?"

"Yes, yes, very sorry, again. May I call for something for you? You are thirsty perhaps? Here, I shall call for some Karkaday –"

Hermione held out her hand, "No, please. Sir, that won't be necessary."

The President turned back with a nervous expression, he seemed almost desperate to please them.

Draco moved forward, "If you could just forgive us some…confusion, Sir. We are…not quite sure what this meeting is to mean."

The dark Egyptian tugged his beard agitatedly before grinning toothily and motioning towards the lush leather sofas, "Ah, understood, understood. Please, sit down, you are right to ask me for candidness."

Hermione and Draco moved in unison and sat erect on the leather, hands clenched tensely in mirrored poses. The Egyptian readjusted his suit jacket nervously before sitting down. He tugged his beard and took a steadying breath before he began. When he spoke, he leaned forward and dropped his voice conspiratorially.

"I suppose I shall begin with what I know. I know that you are…of magic." His eyes darted around the room after he said the word and Hermione and Draco sat up straighter. "Two years ago, when I took office, a man came through my fire place and told me he was the Chief Chancellor of the Magical Union of North Africa. He told me briefly what the world really was and then…then, even as I screamed and begged him to tell me more, he left…left me to wonder at every breeze and shadow…left me to never see the world I know, the same way again. Left me to doubt my power and my nation and everything I hold dear." He shook his head and he stared past their heads for a moment before continuing. "But, before he left me, he mentioned someone, an enemy, he said, of all good and proper unions and of both wizards and…muggles…alike. One Who May Not Be Named."

Hermione and Draco traded meaningful glances.

"And so when he left and I realized I could never live the way I had, I grew angry and curious. I put my, how shall I say, my 'ear to the ground', yes? And I listened very closely for word of this "Nameless One." For I think I should see how I may be of service to those who oppose those would keep me blind, in hopes that in payment for my aid I may be shown the light."

The wizards sat back in slight shock. This was certainly unexpected. The President went on for a time about what he had learned of magic, and Hermione and Draco were rather relieved to find it was precious little. It seemed the only person he had managed to find willing to talk was a half-mad squib found living under a bridge.

Still, the squib did provide that crucial piece of information: a description of the mark of those dedicated to the Dark Lord. Since that time, the President had set a clandestine search for anyone with such a badge.

"…thus I was most distressed to learn of you mistreatment. Please have my assurance that those responsible have already been punished. They merely…did not know who you were." He faded into hopeful silence watching them with large eyes, as if seeing a mythical creature.

"It's quite alright, Mr. President. In their defense, we were trying to steal from you." Draco said casually. Hermione could not stop a nervous bark of laughter.

The President smiled with tight lips and dropped his eyes. "Yes…well, perhaps we can work something out? What exactly were you…looking for?"

Hermione pulled from her pocket a scrap of parchment upon which the title of the book was written in Arabic, English and the original hieroglyphics. The President raised an eyebrow but quickly nodded. "Of course, of course. He pushed the paper back across the table. "Well…that particular book is a rather ancient and valuable part of our history…"

Draco moved slightly forward and lowered his voice to a gentle register, "Mr. President, please allow me to say that I can commiserate with your frustration. Our master too, is unsatisfied with the way of things, particularly with the arbitrary and oppressive limits our magical forefathers have established. It seems a long time ago someone chose what was right and what was wrong, and though time and people have changed, the rules have remained. You are brethren in our wish to overthrow this tyranny."

The President smiled as Draco said exactly what he knew the Egyption longed to hear: "Though we can certainly not speak for him, I would tell you that we are moved to sympathize with you and, if you so wished, would be more than willing to speak on your behalf to our master and encourage him to consider an alliance of mutual benefit."

The man was so overcome he clasped both Draco's and Hermione's hands in thanks and immediately began spouting promises of providing the book as well as any other assistance they wished. They conversed congenially for a while longer before a knock at the door called the President away. He spoke with someone briefly before returning to stand before them.

"Unfortunately, it will take a short time to fetch the book as…explanations are required as well as the procurement of a satisfactory travel case. I understand that you both have been up most of the night? May I interest you in a respite in my private suite for a short while as preparations are made?"

Without needing to agree on it, both wizards nodded eagerly. They both felt tired, sweaty and dirty from their time in the dungeon. The President smiled and invited them to follow him as he pushed open the hidden door. They moved down more hallways and up a back staircase to what was clearly a more private part of the palace. A butler met them with a bow.

"If you will please follow this man, my friends. I will immediately go see to the arrangements. Please avail yourself to whatever you wish and do not hesitate to ask for anything." At their acknowledging thanks he bowed quickly and retreated the way they had come.

The butler softly requested they follow him as he moved through the suite. Before long they arrived in what seemed to be a guest bedroom. Sets of robes and towels were set out and the butler informed them that the bath was through a side door, after which he left them.

"Well!" Draco huffed as he threw himself down on the bed.

"That was…a pleasant surprise." Hermione said, still in shock.


"Do you really think the Dark—" Hermione began to ask but Draco swiftly raised a finger to his lips.

"Let's discuss it later, shall we?" He gave her a meaningful look as he shifted to get more comfortable. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. "Now toddle of and use the bath first. We both need it."

Hermione scowled as the second man in 2 minutes to suggest she needed a bath but shrugged it off with a small chuckle at the sudden turn of their fortunes. She grabbed a robe and towel and went through to the bathroom.

She found herself in a beautiful and expansive room of coral marble reminding her of her muggle history lessons on ancient Roman bath houses. Steam rose from a pool-sized bath across the room from her and scattered against the wall were carved benches topped with plush cushions. Hermione eagerly stripped and relished the sensation as she submerged herself. Someone had laid out an assortment of bath supplies and Hermione enjoyed herself immensely as she tried out various hair and body oils and crèmes.

When she had finished, she reluctantly left the heat of the bath and put on the soft robe. Wringing out her hair, she stepped back into the bedroom to find Draco snoring softly. She studied him for a brief moment, a small smile on her face, before she realized what she was doing. Immediately she flicked him with some water from her wet hands and he jerked awake.

"Damn you, woman." He grumbled.

"Get up and to the bath with you. We don't know how long we have." He nodded, still with his eyes closed and sat up slowly pushing his legs off the bed to sit facing away from her. He ruffled his hair to wake himself up and, after shrugging out of his robe, swiftly stripped off his undershirt. Hermione could not help it as her eyes widened at the sudden exposal of muscled masculinity. His shoulders were broad and his back and arms well defined. Only after he stood and moved around the bed did she released the breath she had not been aware of holding. Fortunately Draco seemed to not have noticed.

As he bathed, Hermione dressed and then stood at the window, watching the city move outside. In far less time than it had taken her, he returned and she turned to see him, flushed and wet and in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waste, roughly drying his hair with a towel.

"Enjoying the show?" he asked with a smirk.

She blushed. "No. Actually, I was just wondering where your mark was. It's not on your arms or back…"

Draco dropped the towel and stared at something on the wall. "Oh…it's actually…well…it's actually on my ars." He chuckled slightly at admitting this.

Hermione laughed with surprise. "Why on earth would he put it there?!"

Draco self consciously rubbed a hand over his chest. "Ah well…see…If I have a fault it's that I can be…a bit vain I s'pose…at times."

"Ya don't say." Hermione muttered sarcastically through a grin.

"Hush, you." He smirked. "But anyway, right at the moment he was to give me the mark, I couldn't stop this thought as it flickered through my head that I didn't want anything to ruin my good looks. And well…you know how he can hear everything we think, if he so wishes. Needless to say he was not very pleased. He thought to punish me"

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Then why did he put it where no one can see it? Isn't that what you wanted?"

In answer Draco turned and pulled aside his towel to reveal one snowy buttock, his right. Marring the otherwise flawless skin was a horrid pink and raised scar, a course and brutal branding mark only vaguely in the shape of serpent and skull. Hermione gasped.

"It burned as if he'd done it with true iron and he forbade me from treating the pain. It burned for days."

"Draco…that is…" Her voice was soft. Draco covered himself quickly and turned.

"Don't pity me. It's no more than I deserve for my hesitation to wear the mark proudly. Like you."

Hermione could think of nothing to say other than to nod. Draco wordlessly picked his towel back up and returned to the bathroom to change.

She laid down on the bed and let her mind wander to her own mark. Most of the time she tried to forget her duel with Rachel and what it felt like to kneel before the Dark Lord with his hand upon her head. But for now she let herself examine the memory not with pain and regret, and for the first time she finally acknowledge the gnawing thought that that might have been her proudest moment.

Draco came back, now fully dressed and stretched out next to her on the bed. They were both so tired they fell asleep within seconds.

For over two hours they slept soundly until they were roused by a knock. Draco opened the door to find the butler who invited them to follow him. They walked down the halls and found the President waiting where he had left them. On the table behind him was a black traveling case.

To his enquiries they assured him of their comfort and thanked him for his hospitality. He smiled, gratified, before throwing a glance to the butler who removed himself on cue. The President moved to the case and unlocked it, revealing not only the ancient text, incased in a protective sheath, but also a bound stack of paper which he told them was an English translation of the text, for their convenience. They thanked him profusely and Draco renewed his promises of speaking with the Dark Lord on the President's behalf.

Finally, Draco mentioned that they had best be going. The President nodded, "Of course, we are all busy people." He smiled and Hermione and Draco shared a look, not knowing how to proceed.

"If I could ask just one small favor as you leave," he shyly began as he moved closer to them, "I would greatly enjoy seeing how it is you…move." He scratched his chin, searching for the words, "I believe you can just…be in one place than the next, yes?"

"You want to see us apparate?" Hermione asked, catching on to what he wished.

The President snapped his fingers in delight, "Yes! That was the word. I would love to see such a thing." He bowed his head, "Forgive me if I presume too much."

Draco smiled, "Not at all Mr. President, that is no favor at all. Merely give us a moment."

As he moved to pick up the case, Hermione whispered anxiously, "what of the Ministry? They'll see that we cast in front of a muggle…"

Draco only huffed dismissively as he hefted the load. "When you take the mark our agents at the ministry remove your wand from their watch lists. You think he would allow the ministry to so easily watch where and what we cast?"

Hermione was a bit taken aback. From this perspective, the dark mark was rather liberating. She suddenly felt like the ever present watchful eyes she had always subconsciously labored under were gone. She felt free.

Once they stood before the President again, Draco asked him to step back a bit. He obliged eagerly. Hermione fitted herself to Draco's side and lifted her wand. They traded their final pleasantries with the President of Egypt and with a flick of the wand, popped out of space.

Draco and Hermione rematerialized at the edge of the forbidden forest just outside the Hogwarts gate. Draco set down the case and Hermione watched as he drew out his wand.

"We should tell the Dark Lord immediately." He said by way of explanation and Hermione watched fascinated as he began to chant a soft spell and a wisp of smoke appeared from the tip of his wand. With his other hand he cupped it close and, leaning his face in, whispered a report. The smoke darkened slightly and with a firm flourish, Draco addressed it to the Dark Lord and sent the little wind message on its way.

"You have got to teach me that." Hermione said, impressed. He smiled and picked up their package again.

As soon as they moved through the gate and started the climb over the slopes of the lawns of Hogwarts, faint but jolly music reached their ears.

"What on earth could that be?" Draco wondered allowed just as Hermione gasped and smacked her palm to her forehead.

"The weddings! I totally forgot. Harry and Neville are getting married right now!" She looked anxiously at Draco who only chuckled.

"Go ahead, I'll meet up with you in a bit. Got to drop this off at my rooms and assure Severus I kept you alive. I'll join you at the big reception."

"Thanks Draco." Without thinking about it she jumped up to give him a quick hug and peck on the cheek before darting off towards the West lawns where garlands and tables were coming into view.

Draco shook his shoulder as he watched her move away, and only after a moment realized that he suddenly felt lonely and wished she had not gone. He shook his head to clear his mind of these thoughts and continued up to the school a bit more dejectedly. Suddenly though, he remembered something and he brightened immediately: that night was Curt's party in London and Hermione had agreed to go with him. He felt a smile steal across his face as he thought of what…enchanting surprises Curt would surely have in store.


Author's note: as always, sorry for the slow update but thank you so much to everyone who still has interest after all this time. Please review, they make me really happy.