A/N: Hi guys! Okay, so this is my first official Troypay fanfic and I just came to realize how incredibly hard it is to actually start a chapter, so I'm really applauding all the other writers out there who've written many marvelous fanfics and for inspiring me to write this one!
This first chapter goes out to all of you!
The Way You Look At Me
Chapter 1
The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you
"Urgh! Leave me alone!" Sharpay Evans muttered, squeezing her eyes shut against the rays of light that streamed into the room. Her hand shot out to shut the really annoying alarm clock, only to find the bedside table empty. The ringing continued but she gave up searching for it. Plopping her pillow over her head, she lay flat on her stomach and growled, "Go away!"
Still it didn't stop, and her grumpiness grew even more. Her head was pounding as though hell had been let loose in it. Finally, in frustration, Sharpay sat up and immediately felt spears piercing through her skull.
Damnit! She winced, falling back down onto the bed. Too fast. Too fast.
As she gasped for air, trying to stabilize her breathing, she felt the world spinning. When the throbbing subsided, she slowly lifted her eyelids one at a time. Everything seemed blurry at first, but when her vision focused, she found herself staring at bright red numbers.
Eight-thirty? Holy shit, I'm late for school!
Sharpay flung her duvet aside and stood up. Suddenly she felt a pressing need to hurl. She ran to the bathroom, almost tripping over a pair of stilettos as she went. She knelt down in front of the toilet and threw up until she felt that there was nothing left. After pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts, she pulled the handle to flush all the fluids down.
Did I eat something nasty last night? She wondered, trying to remember anything that had happened. She knew something wasn't right but her memory was hazy. There was something about an after party…
She wanted to stand up but her legs had turned to jelly. Using the counter as a support, she heaved herself up and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
The sight was horrifying. Sharpay couldn't even believe that she was looking at herself. Her face scrunched up in disgust at how her dark eye shadow had smudged and it made her look like a dreadful panda bear. Her blonde hair seemed to have morphed into a freaking bird's nest and her clothes smelt like beer and cigarettes.
Great! If Mrs. Darbus ever needs a zombie, I can always try out for that part, she thought with a scowl. Oh my God! Mrs. Darbus!
Sharpay quickly brushed her teeth and zipped through her shower in record-breaking speed. Not bothering to scour her wardrobe for something to wear, she simply just pulled out the first two pieces of clothing she saw, threw on a glittery pink trucker's cap and a pair of boots. She quickly grabbed her bag and a bunch of keys on her study desk, and then rushed out of the house. Jumping into her sleek black convertible, she stuck the key in the ignition and tore down the road, thankful that there weren't many vehicles that morning.
A million thoughts were running through her mind as she drove.
Okay, so I was at a party last night, and somehow I must've gotten drunk. Whoop-pe-di-doo, Sharpay! You haven't learned your lesson one bit, have you?
She glanced up at the rearview mirror in time to see a rebellious smirk playing on her lips.
So, then, at this party…what exactly happened there? How'd I manage to get wasted and then return home in one piece?
Twenty minutes later, the school came into view. Hastily, she parked her car in an empty lot, grabbed her science project from the backseat, got out of the vehicle and locked it, racing down the pathway that led to the main entrance. She stopped short at the foot of the stairs when she saw a shadowy figure looming by the window. Already late for the second period, Sharpay didn't want to risk getting caught by Mrs. Dulaine, the Hall Administrator, who was so strict; nobody had ever managed to escape her eagle eyes before. Being caught would mean serving detention after school—and Sharpay couldn't afford tainting her perfect record just for that.
Thinking fast, she made a cut across the football field to go round the other entrance.
I can't believe I'm doing this! I can't believe Ryan didn't even have the decency to wake me up! He'll be so dead by the time I'm done dealing with him!
The back door was small and hidden behind a corner. Not many students knew about it but it was really handy for occasional late-comers. Sharpay shifted her bulky scientific model of a volcano in her arms and took a few deep breaths to regain her composure. She made a few minor adjustments to her outfit and cringed slightly.
Oh, man! This is definitely not my day, she thought. In the midst of all the hustle, she'd pulled on a grungy pair of jeans and a soft pink hooded long-sleeved tunic. It was something she only wore for her other activities but never to school. There's nothing I can do about it now, can I?
Gently, Sharpay pushed the door open, praying silently that the rusty hinges wouldn't creak. Besides having sharp eyes, Mrs. Dulaine also had sharp ears. Cautiously, she poked her head in and found herself in the janitor's closet. The room smelt musty, and it was hideously decorated with cobwebs and thick layers of dust. There were pails and brooms and other relevant cleaning equipment.
Funny, they have cleaning supplies in here but they never bothered to clean the room.
Suddenly, Sharpay heard the sound of brisk footsteps coming closer and she froze. She saw the familiar plump figure of a woman through the small translucent porthole and held her breath, keeping as still as possible. Mrs. Dulaine paused for a moment before walking away. Sighing in relief, Sharpay waited for a few more seconds just to be sure, suppressing a shudder, then held her hand out and turned the knob. After making sure that there wasn't anybody in sight, she tiptoed down the corridor towards the lockers.
Sharpay examined her science project for damages before charging to her classroom. She took an abrupt turn at a corner and collided straight into a hunk of muscles. The object flew out of her hands and she landed on the floor with a loud thump.
"Ow!" she yelped, rubbing her sore back.
"Hey, watch where you're going next time, Evans!"
Sharpay glanced up to see Troy Bolton glaring down at her as he nursed his right arm. Her anger flared and it took a lot of will power to prevent her from kicking him where it would hurt. "Watch where I'm going? You've got some nerve there, Bolton! You're the one who came banging into me without the decency to apologise and—"
He held up both his hands. "Whoa—I came banging into you? And I have to apologise? Obviously you were the one who wasn't looking—"
Jumping to her feet, Sharpay fumed. "I had something in my hands, in case you haven't noticed, which by the way, thanks to you is ruined now!"
"Oh, so now it's my fault that you were carrying that shit around?"
"What the fuck, Bolton!" she raged on.
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
He simply just raised his eyebrow, regarding her with amusement. His exasperation was gone, replaced by a smug grin on his lips. Troy studied her up and down, and then nodded in approval before traveling back up to meet her eyes His gaze was intense and she got lost in the many emotions swimming in those two pools of molten cerulean blues. She was caught off guard by all of it, and involuntarily took a step back. He kept his eyes glued to hers, and she felt a stab of fear running down her spine, unsure of what he was going to do to her.
"Stop looking at me like that," she said through gritted teeth.
"Like what?"
Sharpay tilted her head back, her stare unfaltering. Something was up with Troy, though she didn't know what. But there was just something in the way he was looking at her with traces of tenderness that made her insides squirm.
"You don't have to try and deny it, Sharpay. I know you couldn't resist me," he continued. This voice dropped down to a whisper when he said, "I'll take that as a compliment."
Sharpay's mouth hung open. He thought she was hitting on him! "I can't believe you—you egotistical jerk! You must've done some serious damage to your head for thinking that I'd actually—"
He laughed heartily. "Oh, come on. You know you want me," he said huskily.
"Not even if you're the last male specimen in the entire universe!" she spat out.
"That's not what you said last night."
I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
"What are you talking about? First, you came bulldozing into me and then you accused me of trying to get into your pants—wait—what about last night?"
Troy's eyebrows sprung up. "Who said anything about sex?"
Sharpay was getting sick and tired of his mindless games. "What about last night?" she repeated, her tone more venomous with each word.
He tried to take her hand but she pulled away, blinking hard. Part of her was freaking out as possibilities began swarming into her mind. Did something bad happen between Troy and her? People say you're most honest when you're drunk, but Sharpay wasn't sure if it was the best state she'd ever been in. Being honest meant telling the truth and that wasn't exactly something she wanted to share with anyone—at least not yet.
"Don't call me that! What happened last night between us, Troy?"
"You mean…you don't remember?" he murmured, suddenly seeming really fascinated with the floor. He stood there, awkward and uncomfortable, and Sharpay had a sinking feeling that it wasn't going to be good news.
Troy was hesitating, not entirely sure if he wanted to tell her everything. She was known to be quite a violent person who might just end up breaking a few of his limbs, and he needed his arms and legs for basketball. So maybe if she couldn't remember anything, it was best he'd rather not mention about that night.
"Hey! Why aren't you kids in class?"
Both Sharpay and Troy turned to see Mrs. Dulaine marching up to them with that grim expression on her face. She had a fashion sense that went way beyond vintage and the huge pair of specs that hung from the thick chain dangled down to her waistline. Her bleach blonde hair was held up in a tight bun without a single strand out of place, in contrast to her cherry red lipstick.
"Er…well you see, we, uh…well—" Troy began lamely.
"Do you each have a hall pass?" Mrs. Dulaine asked monotonously.
"No, we don't."
Sharpay was clenching her fist, trying to refrain herself from severely injuring Troy for his wit—or lack thereof. He was a terrible liar, and for someone who had supposedly stolen the lead character from her brother in the previous play, Troy was a bad actor as well.
Mrs. Darbus would faint if she were to see this.
"Well then, I guess that means you've each earned for yourself detention with me this afternoon. See you there," Mrs. Dulaine said without any emotion and walked off.
Immediately, Sharpay jumped onto Troy's case. "What the hell's wrong with you?"
"I couldn't lie to her, Sharpay! My dad's the coach!" he yelled back in frustration.
"Well, fine!" she snapped, picking up her wrecked science project. "Thanks a lot, Bolton!"
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide
A/N: Song used—"Collide" by Howie Day.