NOTE: sorry about the 1st chapter. I edited it already, so I hope it is more understandable…tnx
"Hey polka dots! Stop moving too much! It's your fault why we got stuck in this situation on the first place!" a rough yet familiar tone was heard.
"Wahahahaaaaa!!!" A loud cry filled the entire area
"Will you shut up already?! As I said, it was YOUR FAULT that we got into this situation."
It's another day in Alice academy. The entire area was peaceful and quite until…
"Hotaru!" The young brunette came to greet her best friend.
Hotaru got out a little sphere like object and threw it on Mikan. (Not the usual baka gun this time) A large amount of smoke filled the whole area creating an utter confusion. A few minutes later, the smoke cleared, everyone redeemed themselves except one……….
"Nanii??!"! A loud and confused yet worried voice came from our very own Mikan.
"Hey polka dots! What exactly do you want to happen by dragging me to this situation?" A voice said.
"As if I wanted this to happen of all people …WHY IS IT THAT I CANNOT SEPARATE MYSELF FROM NATSUME???" Mikan shouted, struggling to get away from Natsume.
"Allow me to explain" Hotaru said walking closer.
"This is my invention #007, the invisibosuperglue, gets you all sticky for quite some time. Its very useful to punish idiots who try to do anything funny. (Note: funny meaning idiots who get too close to me such as Mikan)".
" Wow!" As expected from my Hotaru…..hey wait! It isn't time to be impressed!
Get us unstuck now!!!!" Mikan exclaimed.
"No" Hotaru answered.
"Why not??"
"Because I don't have the antidote yet. You were just a mere test subject on my latest invention" She said.
"Hotaru, I thought we were best friends?!"
"We are, I'm just putting a use to our friendship". Hotaru said, in her normal tone
"What?? Whaahahaha!!!!"
"But why is Natsume stuck with Mikan?" Yuu asked.
"It seems that Natsume was nearby Mikan during the confusion and they seem to got stuck together by accident." Hotaru replied.
"Someone seemed too have moved too much." Natsume said, eyeing at Mikan.
"Hey! Its not my fault…Hotarruuu!!!!"
End of flashback
Natsume and Mikan where sitting under their favorite sakura tree.
"Hotaru said she'll figure it out somehow but it'll take time. But how long Hotaru? How long will you leave me like this? Hotaruuu!!!" Mikan said, complaining.
(After a few minutes….)
"well you done now?"Natsume asked while reading his manga.
"Sigh…..yes. "
For a moment, it suddenly turned to a very quite atmosphere. Both of them were silent and deep in their thoughts.
"What did I do to get stuck with her? But then again…I guess its not soo bad….i could just keep torturing her...Hehe!!"He thought.
But before he could continue with his thoughts, a slightly faint yet annoying murmur distracted him.
"Well spit it out. What is this time?"He said, rather annoyed.
"Well Natsume… see…I need to go."
"Huh? Go where?. "
"You know….GO. "
"What? How could you want to go on a time like this?"
"I don't know, I just need to go, okay!"
Though Natsume looked calm on the outside, inside, he was very worried and troubled. Sure, he has been in countless difficult situations, but not as difficult as this. Then a boy with blonde hair and a bunny on his arms, appeared.
"Natsume, I haven't seen you for quite some time now. Where have you bee……."
before he could finish, a small figure with pigtails appeared from behind Natsume.
"Konichiwa". Ruka-pyon! She said.
"Mikan? It's a very rare sight seeing Mikan and Natsume together".He thought.
"Konichiwa Mikan!"He replied, with a smile.
"So what happened here? Something I should know about?"he asked.
"Due to the carelessness of someone, I got stuck with this idiot, that's all."Natsume said.
"Hey!!!"She said, angrily.
Before anymore reactions, Natsume grabbed Mikans hand and pulled her away with him.
"See you Ruka! I'll tell you everything later as soon as we solve this mess."
"K bye!"He said.
"Where are we going?"Mikan asked.
"To find Imai of course! Where else?" was his cold reply.
After a long period of searching, they were exhausted. Without thinking, Mikan suddenly sat down on the floor.
"HEY! Watch it! Get off my foot heavy butt!!!!"Natsume said.
"Oh, kumena, but you didn't have to be so mean."Mikan said.
"Who wouldn't be? We have been searching for an hour and we dint find her yet. I don't even know how you could hold on for so long."He said, smirking.
"Of course I could, but not any longer!"She replied.
Before they could start searching again, Hotaru appeared, riding her scooter.
"Hotaru! We've been looking all over for you!" Mikan said as she was trying to hug her best friend.
"Save it". Hotaru said, pushing her away.
"Here". Hotaru said handing them something.
"Its my invention #008, the invisibosuperglue extender. Extends the invisiboglue that's sticking you to each other, (its invisible but it doesn't mean its untouchable) that way, you'll have some space. Use it only on emergencies such as this. Or else….before Mikan could react, she left in speed.
"Wait! Hotaru! Don't leave me!!!" She said.
"Would you stop whining and go already?" Natsume reminded.
It was already 5:00pm. Mikan and Natsume was sitting under the sakura tree once again. Natsume continued reading his manga,when…..suddenly, Mikan crawled towards Natsume, putting her face near his, looking at him on the eye. Then Natsume looked at her, their faces close to each others. He faced down fighting with a blush, his hart beat went faster
"whaaa…t d..o yyyoo..u" before he could continue, Mikan interrupted.
"Natsume, im bored." Upon hearing those words, he immediately stood up.
"I' m tired, lets go." He said.
(Author: sorry 4 ruining the moment….its just not time yet.)
Natsume walked towards his room with Mikan following him.
"Ehem…where are you going? In case you forgot, we are still stuck together." Mikan reminded.
"Huh?" Natsume completely forgot because he was still deep in his thoughts about the incident a while ago.
Then he looked at Mikan.
"Who'd forget?" He said, turning away acting cocky again.
"Hey polka dots, give me the extender."
"Because I'm tired and were going to sleep and we are still stuck together….duh!" He said.
"But we can't! Mikan continued, Hotaru said we should only use this on emergencies, but I don't think this is an emergency, I don't know why she said that but I trust her." She said.
Natsume looked at her, and then turned away.
"Here." He said, handing her a mattress.
"What's this?"
"Since we are already in my room, we might as well stay here for the night." He said.
"What?! Me? Sakura Mikan and Natsume Hyuuga sleeping in one room? What will others think?" she thought.
"What's with that so called shocked expression? Are you tired or not? Or is it….unless your scared". He said, in a teasing tone.
"Are you mocking me?" She said.
"What if I am?"
"Why youuuu!!!"
the door suddenly opened his mouth in shock seeing Mikan on top of Natsume (there's no malice here, this is just like those times when Mikan goes up on Natsume and actions a punch)
click! Click! A camera flashed.
"This is going to make millions!"
"hotaru??" Mikan said.
Then she looked at her situation with Natsume, she immediately got up ……..
"hotaru! Baka!!"
Then she looked at Ruka who was still shocked by what he saw.
" Ruka-pyon, it's not what you think." She said.
"Just because no ones around doesn't mean nothing happened." Natume said, emphasizing the word nothing as he got up.
Natsume!!! BAKA!!!!!
After a few minutes, hotaru and Ruka then said their goodbyes. They were all tired and exhausted with all the commotion.
It was already midnight; everyone was sound asleep, except for one special person. One special person whose thoughts kept him awake, as he stared at the person beside him, the person whom he was forced by fate to be with, a special person for him. He blushed while watching her sound asleep.
" Blushing? Why am I blushing?" He thought.
" No matter what I do, I can't seem to understand this difficult, yet in a way, wonderful feeling."
He was so unsure about their situation, he was so unsure about her, and he was mostly unsure of himself. While he was deep in thought, he felt something touch his hand, something very warm and it made him feel secure. Her hand touched his. On that very moment he realized that one things for sure, "Mikan, as long as you're here by my side, I could never find a reasonable reason to let you go" he thought as he held her hand tighter and fell asleep.
AUTHOR: well that's chapter 1……hope u liked it, this is my very first fanfic, reviews please and hope u go easy on me.)