Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, Naruto, Inuyasha, YGOGX or the storyline that credit goes directly to Mecha-Metal Sonic, but there will be changes in the story. I own Hikari Urameshi. Jordan Rhodes and Jade Truesdale is owned by BEWK.
Chapter One
Yusuke Urameshi was lying on the grass, near the Slifer Dorm. The Obelisk Blue student was looking up into with a burning hatred for Sartorius and his Society of Light growing exponentially.
This time Sartorius went too far, first he had Chazz Princeton brainwash everyone in the Obelisk dorm, including Alexis Rhodes and except for himself, Kari, Sasuke, Atticus, Jasmine and Mindy. Second, he had both Syrus Truesdale and Tyranno Hassleberry captured, when they were in Domino for his sick little game. Third, he had all of the Ra Yellow students, including Bastion Misawa, who was cheated out of the win, except for Syrus, Hassleberry, Keiko, Kagome, Jordan, Jade, Sakura, Hinata and Ryoko.
The last and final one, that broke the camel's back for him, the Society of Light, they came and brainwashed Syrus, even though he was cheated out of the win, when Sartorius promised to bring Zane back to his normal way, which pissed Yusuke off, Sakura, Hinata, Ryoko, Jordan, thanks to Alexis and worse of all that damaged his spirit was that Chazz had dueled Keiko and she lost. Yusuke lost her to the Society of Light and he and Hikari kicked Chazz's ass hard for it, along with Sartorius. The twins gave Sartorius a ruthless beating and Yusuke was close to blasting Sartorius away with his spirit gun, but Jaden, Hassleberry, Jin, Kurama and Kari held him back, because Yusuke was in the verge of killing a human, in blinding rage. Atticus gave in soon after and now even Crowler had joined the society.
Ultimately, all that remained was himself, Kari, Jaden, Hassleberry, Naruto, Sasuke, Kagome, Botan, Jade, Daichi and Aster and he had his own agenda.
Inuyasha, Melody and the demons living him Professor Banner's old room, were still there.
The Slifer Red dorm was empty since all those its students were gone to the SOL.
The black haired Obelisk sat up and looked back to see Kari walking towards him, "Are you feeling okay?" she asked, sitting down with her brother.
Yusuke looked away and stayed silent. The eldest Urameshi twin sighed, "Yusuke, we'll get Keiko back, along with everyone that was brainwashed by that asshole, Sartorius." She said, to comfort him.
That didn't ease his pain, anger or hatred in his heart. He had to give his sister some credit for staying with him, "Thanks Kari…" he said, giving Kari a small smile.
Being the older sibling, Kari wrapped her arms around Yusuke and pulled him close to her. she rested her cheek onto Yusuke's head. Yusuke buried his face onto his sister's chest and wrapped his arms around her back and let's out a good cry. He hadn't felt this horrible since Genkai and Kuwabara's supposed deaths in the Dark Tournament and when he first thought that Keiko betrayed him, before arriving to Duel Academy last year. Kari spoked her brother's hair, softly and whispers, "Shh..It'll be okay."
Unknown to the twins, two pairs of brown eyes were watching them, "I've never seen Yusuke all broken up before," Kagome said, in a solemn tone.
"Yeah, it's because of the Society of Light getting Keiko and leaving Yusuke with a broken heart," Jaden scowled.
Jaden had a reason why he, himself, was angry with the SOL because Sartorius cheated Bastion and Syrus out of the win and they took someone important in his life away. He didn't know that Alexis had a little crush on him on the first time she laid eyes on him and it grew into love, before she went to SOL. Hell he had a crush on her as well but never showed it around the others. He was so sick of playing dumb and acting like a total fool just make others believe he was dumb, he wanted to show the SOL that he meant business.
He promised himself he wouldn't fall to the society and bring back Syrus and Alexis, no matter what the cost.
After a few hours of comfort and her brother crying himself to sleep, Kari got up, while carrying the sleeping Yusuke onto her shoulder, and walked towards the Slifer Dorm and to Jaden's room, where Yusuke, Jaden and Hassleberry were staying. Everyone was sleeping and Kari walked towards Yusuke's bed and laid him onto it and placed the cover onto him. Kari needed to be with her brother and she was too tired to change out her Obelisk Blue uniform so she got inside the covers. She soon fell to sleep.
(Jaden's Dream)
"You want to free your love, Jaden?" a voice asked him that sounded strangely like his own. "Yes I want to protect and I want to save my friends!" he shouted back. Out of the darkness stepped a young man with black hair with brown/reddish highlights, he smiled at Jaden and for some reason Jaden's wasn't afraid of him despite the chilling darkness that was around them.
"Then, take this deck and use it to free her," he replied handing Jaden a deck that seemed to glow within the darkness around them. "Who are you?" Jaden asked looking at the deck. "I'm your darkness, and like your friends the Neo-Spaceshins I want to save the balance between light and darkness." Jaden nodded putting his Hero deck in his pocket and placing the darkness deck in his duel disk.
"Tomorrow Jaden, when you and your friends awaken you will notice changes. DO not be afraid for these changes will show the society that you mean business and that you cannot be influenced by the light. You and your friends will have complete control over the darkness I give you so relax, you won't lose your mind to the shadows like Atticus and Zane did. Your friends, Yusuke, Naruto, Sasuke and Jade will receive the same message." the dark version of Jaden voiced.
"Don't worry I'll make you proud and I'll save our friends and bring Syrus and Alexis back!" Jaden watching his dark half walk back into the shadows.
(Yusuke's Dream)
"Do you want to save Syrus and Keiko from the Society of Light's grip, Yusuke?" a voice asked Yusuke that sounded strangely like his own, "Do you want to protect Hikari from the society?"
Yusuke nodded, without hesitation, "Yeah, I do! And to teach Chazz Princeton a lesson, what happens when you mess up the mind of someone, who you really care for!" he shouted back.
From the darkness stepped a young man with shoulder length black hair with red highlights, he smile at Yusuke and for some reason Yusuke felt comfort despite the chilling darkness that was around them.
"Here's the deck and use it to free her," he replied handing Yusuke a deck that seemed to glow within the darkness around them.
"Who are you?" Yusuke asked, looking at the deck.
"I'm a friend that wants to save the balance between light and darkness. Tomorrow Yusuke, when you, your sister and friends awaken you will notice changes. Don't be afraid at all. This would show to the society that you mean business and won't allow any more of your friends and sister to be influenced by the light. You and the others will have complete control of darkness. Don't worry, you won't lose your mind to the shadows like Zane and Atticus did."
Yusuke puts his new deck into his deck holder and placed his old warrior deck into his pocket, "Don't worry, after I free Syrus and Keiko from those geeks, I'll take great pleasure of destroying Society of Light."
(Sasuke's Dream)
"Do you want to free Sakura, Sasuke?" a voice asked Sasuke that sounded strangely like his own.
"Yeah!" Sasuke snarled, remembering how Alexis took Sakura away from him and made her join their side. He swore vengeance towards the Society of Light and to bring Sakura back.
A young boy with black hair with red highlights stepped from the darkness and smiled at Sasuke. Sasuke felt at ease, despite the chilling darkness that was around them, "Here's the deck and use it to free her," he replied handing Sasuke a deck that seemed to glow within the darkness around them.
"And who are you?" Sasuke asked, looking at the deck.
"Someone wants to save the balance between light and darkness. Tomorrow Sasuke, when you and friends awaken you will notice changes. Don't be afraid at all. This would show to the society that you mean business and won't allow any more of your friends to be influenced by the light. You and the others will have complete control of darkness. Don't worry, you won't lose your mind to the shadows like Zane and Atticus did."
Sasuke puts his new deck into his deck holder and placed his old deck into his pocket, "Don't worry, I'll free Sakura and destroy the Society of Light."
(Naruto's Dream)
"Do you want to bring Hinata back, Naruto?" a voice asked Naruto that sounded strangely like his own.
Naruto nodded, without hesitation, "Yeah I do, believe it!" he said, remembering how Bastion came back and took Hinata away to join that damned Society of Light.
A young boy with black hair with red highlights stepped from the darkness and smiled at Naruto. Naruto felt at ease, despite the chilling darkness that was around them, "Here's the deck and use it to free her," he replied handing Naruto a deck that seemed to glow within the darkness around them.
"Who are you?" Naruto asked, looking at the deck.
"I'm a friend that wants to save the balance between light and darkness. Tomorrow Naruto, when you and friends awaken you will notice changes. Don't be afraid at all. This would show to the society that you mean business and won't allow any more of your friends to be influenced by the light. You and the others will have complete control of darkness. Don't worry, you won't lose your mind to the shadows like Zane and Atticus did."
Naruto puts his new deck into his deck holder and placed his old deck into his pocket, "Don't worry, I'll show those geeks from the Society of Light who's boss, Believe it!"
(Jade's Dream)
"Do you want to bring Jordan and Syrus back, Jade?" a voice asked Jade that sounded strangely like her own.
"Yes I do!" she said, remembering how Syrus was cheated out of the win, by Sartorius, just for the sake for Zane to return to normal and Alexis took Jordan away from her to join that vile disgusting club.
A young girl with long black hair with red highlights stepped from the darkness and smiled at Jade. Jade felt at ease, despite the chilling darkness that was around them, "Here's the deck and use it to free him," she replied handing Jade a deck that seemed to glow within the darkness around them.
"Who are you?" Jade asked, looking at the deck.
"I'm a friend that wants to save the balance between light and darkness. Tomorrow Jade, when you and friends awaken you will notice changes. Don't be afraid at all. This would show to the society that you mean business and won't allow any more of your friends and sister to be influenced by the light. You and the others will have complete control of darkness. Don't worry, you won't lose your mind to the shadows like, your cousin, Zane and Atticus did."
Jade puts her new deck into her deck holder and placed her old deck into her pocket, "Don't worry, I'll bring Jordan and Syrus back from the white dorm!"