I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, but it wouldn't let me. How will Brennan deal with the psychological pressure of the last few months? This chapter's a filler but it does have a purpose. Enjoy!

Brennan walked into the Jeffersonian in the best mood she'd been in for over nine months. She pulled off her hooded jacket and threw it into her office carelessly. She made her way up to the main platform and greeted Angela.

"Wow, what's with the outfit?" the artist asked. Brennan looked down at her cropped trousers and vest top before frowning.

"You don't like it?" she said.

"No, it's great. It's just not what you usually wear."

"I felt like a change."

"Anyway, where's Mr. Tall, dark and FBI?" she asked, passing her friend her lab coat. As soon as they heard the rushed footsteps behind them they knew who it was.

"Bones, where did you disappear to?" Booth said rubbing Bailey's back. She just shrugged. "I was feeding Bailey and when I turned round you were gone."

"I wanted to be early for work," she laughed, holding her arms out and taking her daughter in her arms. "Did you miss mommy? I'm sorry, but I didn't want to be late for work again," she added in a babyish voice. Angela and Booth just raised their eyebrows and resisted the urge to laugh.

"You not going to apologise to daddy?" Booth teased her.

"Why should I do that?"

"Because Bailey wants you to."

Brennan looked thoughtful for a moment. "Ange, will you take your goddaughter so I can apologise to daddy," she passed her child over and turned back to her partner. She gave him a gentle smile which he returned. Unexpectedly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her, starting to kiss him.

"Whoa, I should make you apologise more often," Booth laughed once they had parted slightly. Brennan started to kiss him again, but he pulled away. "Are you feeling okay, Bones?"

"Perfectly fine, thanks. Is something wrong with you?"

"No, I'm good, but I don't think this is appropriate in work."

"Why? Angela doesn't mind."

"No, but the guys who are waiting for you to sign for the remains do," he laughed, pointing behind her. She pulled her arms from round his neck and spun round to see the men who were struggling to hold up a large body bag.

"Have you noticed anything strange about Dr. Brennan?" Zack asked his colleague as he watched him at the microscope. Hodgins laughed and shook his head.

"Hell yeah, great isn't it?" he asked, turning back to his work.

"Dr. Brennan or the sample?"

"What do you think, dingus?" he said, slapping him on the back of the head. "Did you see those poor delivery guys?" Zack just sighed and looked around in some attempt to relieve his boredom. No hope. He was just about to speak when a noise in the lab distracted them both. "Is that music?" Hodgins laughed.

"If you can call it that," he covered his ears. The song changed and they both ran into the lab to find out what it was all about. It's probably just Angela again Hodgins thought. This brought a smile to his face, Angela was always causing trouble. And it was for that exact reason that he was so surprised to see that everybody, but Brennan was looking confused.

"Dr. Brennan. Is this your music?" Cam shouted through the music. The scientist nodded and started to sing along to the music. "You are disturbing everyone's work, I demand that you turn it off immediately."

"Well, tough monkeys."

"What did you say?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I'm not taking demands from the women who tried to help a nutter to abduct my baby," as Brennan shouted this, the music stopped so the whole lab heard what she said.

"I don't suppose you've done any work then?" She tried desperately to change the subject.

"Actually I found out that he was clonked on the head by a brick."

"Is that the technical term for it?"

"No, it's the normal term."

"Dr. Brennan, if you don't quit it with the attitude, I'm sending you home for the day."

"You're just jealous, because I have Booth and our child and you're old and lonely," Brennan pointed out leaning right in Cam's face. She gave her boss a sadistic smile and spun round.

I hate Cam, in case you hadn't noticed. So what do you think is going on with Brennan? Next chapter will be up fairly soon, but I want some ideas for the next one. Please review and tell me what you think!