Chapter 16

(The birthday III- dirty dancing)

Hermione stifled the urge to put her palms against her ears, the bloody music was too loud!

"Come on 'Mione, lets go get a drink, you're buying for me" Ginny said urging her towards the bar.

Hermione followed the red head to the bar, and tried to locate the rest of her party, Harry was already chatting up a blond giggly witch by the DJ's station, Ron and the rest already sat at a table talking and laughing, Draco and Blaise were no where to be seen.

"I want a sex on the beach" Ginny whispered to her.

Hermione leaned on the bar, and called the bartender, he was heart stopping gorgeous with mussed black hair and a killer white smile.

"What can I get for you sugar?" he said, oh god he had an accent, a Texan lilt, that caused fluttering deep in her stomach.

"I want two sex on the beach" Hermione husked, leaning really close over the bar so that she was almost whispering in his ear.

He raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes twinkling, "that's a pretty dangerous request darling, are you sure you're old enough?" indicating the circle on the bar.

An age detector.

Hermione smiled and put her hand on it; it gave a soft glow for a second then indicated 17 in green.

"Guess I'm old enough huh?"

"Guess you are, 2 sex on the beach coming up!" he said, his eyes smoldering at her.

Hermione smiled, two second later she was handing Ginny her drink.

"I'll get off in half an hour, save me a dance sugar?" the lilting accent made Hermione's heart flip-flopped in her chest.

"Don't make me wait!" she called out over her shoulder as she left. God she loved flirting! It was her favorite past time besides reading and of course dirty dancing, something she was really good at since she took lessons a couple of years ago.

"Hermione!" Ginny giggled

"What?" Hermione asked, all wide eyed innocence

"You were all over him!"

"Well I had to; it is really difficult to hear anyone in this racket!" Hermione said innocently, eyes sparkling.

"Merlin! You are such a flirt!" Ginny giggled, taking a sip of her drink.

Hermione took a quick gulp of her drink, she danced best tipsy.

"Come on, lets dance" Hermione said taking Ginny's drink from her hand and setting it on a nearby table.

Hermione led the red headed girl to the crowded dance floor, got to the very center, then closed her eyes, feeling the beat of the song in the soles of her feet, she started dancing.

Draco Malfoy looked around him, looking for his fiancée, that girl was going to drive him barmy! He looked away for a second and she was gone!

He spotted Potter, he was snogging her! He had her up against the wall, he couldn't see her face but she had both her hands in his hair, mussing it up, like she had been doing to him to half an hour ago!

Draco felt his blood boil, this was unacceptable! She was his damn it!

He headed there, stomping his foot with every step, he was going to strangle Potter! He was going strangle him with his bare hands! Then he was going to take Granger home, and show her who she bloody belonged to!

He reached Potter just then, and he grabbed the back of his caught ready to rip into him, and…the girl who was not Hermione!

"What the hell is your problem Malfoy?"

"Where is Granger?" he asked, seething at his faux pas.

"Check the dance floor" he said with a smirk, and then put his arm on the shoulder of the blond he had been snogging, and walked away, grinning.

Draco turned, and there stood his fiancée, in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by circle of people egging her on as she proceeded to bend her body into a 90 degrees position, then wriggle her ass, which happened to be pressed to the crotch of the guy she was dancing with, she smiled innocently then put her index in her mouth, like a school girl caught with her hand the cookie jar and looked back at her ass like she had no idea how it was doing what it was doing.

He resisted the urge to stamp his foot, where the hell was the Granger from school! Was he going to spend the rest of his life beating men of his wife! Damn it!

And double damn it, but she looked sexy as hell as she did that!

Hermione kept wiggling her ass, she could feel Mr. Bartender getting excited, she smiled softly, it was a hard move, that had taken her ages to learn, but it never felt to get a rise out of her dancing partner.

Just then she spied Malfoy striding towards her with purposeful steps, looking for all the world like a guy on the warpath.

She straitened, and felt her partner pull her against him, she gyrated against him.

"Sorry, but I have to go" she said, turning in his arms, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips as a thank you and started to move away from him. She wanted to make Malfoy jealous not cause a fight, and possibly an ugly scene.

His arms locked around her "stay a little longer sugar, I'm feeling frisky" he said grinding his arousal against her, and grinning roguishly.

"Sorry but my fiancée is a little hot tempered and I don't want to cause a scene." Hermione said, but it was too late Malfoy was already shoving his way to them on the dance floor.

"I really have to go now!"

"Fine, but just another kiss sugar" he said

She let out a frustrated groan, and gave him another quick peck, he grinned again, he really was cute.

He let her go, and she flew from his arms, and right into Malfoy's.

"Please Malfoy, don't make scene" she whispered urgently in his ear, wrapping her arms around his waist to keep him in place.

He looked at her for a second, before he took her head into his hands, and kissed her, it was a clone from the one of earlier today, but she didn't fight him, he needed to stake his claim, and this would calm him down, because it was this or get into a fight with the Mr. bartender, and she definitely preferred this.

He let her go, his eyes burning "let's go now!" he said harshly.

He started out, pulling her with him, his arm wrapped around her waist, gripping the exposed flesh of her side tightly, she winced but didn't protest.

She caught Ginny's eye as they headed for the door, and signaled that she was leaving; the younger girl gave her a wink and a nod.

Five minutes later she found herself in her room, she started to move away from Malfoy but he held her tightly.

"Don't ever do something like that again!" he seethed

"I'll do what I want!" she said defiantly ripping herself out of his arms and standing there facing him with her hands on her waist.

He lunged at her and the ended up on the bed, he started kissing her, and she responded, his tongue set her mouth on fire and his hands burned her body, he left her lips, and kissed his way down her throat, then sucked at the base, then soothed it with his tongue, he moved between her breasts and marked her again, it continued like this for a while, his hands driving her wild while his mouth marked her in every place it could reach.

He finally stopped, just as Hermione burst into an orgasm, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, while her entire body convulsed, he took out his want and cast a silent spell on her as she lay there shuddering.

Her eyes finally opened to see him, sitting there smiling with self satisfaction.

He gave her a close mouthed kiss.

"Sleep" he said quietly, before striding out of the room, whistling.