Hermione was sitting in the library, which she had finally convinced her father to let her have. There are any unused rooms in the manor, but ever since Hermione's mother died, her father hadn't wanted anything to change about the manor.

Once a maid moved a table 10 cm to the right from where the table originally was when Hermione's mother was alive; not only did her fire her, but he gave her a good telling off, leaving the girl in tears, after that he had stormed out of the house , and didn't return until 5 o'clock in the morning extremely drunk , that the door man had to help him to his room; that episode now was repeated almost everyday, minus the maid and table, every morning her father would get up, and head for the nearest bar, when the bartender would kick him out for being to drunk he'd either head to another one or go home and complete getting drunk there.

Anyway back to Hermione, Hermione had filled her library up from flourish and blots, she had honestly tried to take care of her father, but then she got sick, every time she tried to help him , he'd hurl insults at her like no tomorrow, she just couldn't take it anymore, she was grieving too but her father was too selfish to see anyone's pain but himself, now Hermione just locked herself away in the library and read, read until her eyes hurt and the words started to dance in front if her; she then would sleep and repeat the same routine the next day.

She never wrote to her wizard friends anymore, she didn't want sympathy words, and as for her muggle friends, she completely shunned them out, they have tried to communicate with her but she wouldn't see them, she didn't think she could take the sympathetic looks anymore, and she felt that if she heard one more person tell her "I ' m sorry for your loss" one more time she was gonna burst, so she never picked up the phone when it rang, she always sent her friends owls back .

Now back to her book, she was currently reading a book called 'ancient pureblooded families, their history and offspring' she flipped to the next page, up until now she had read about the McNaire's, the Nott, and the Bullestrodes, and until now those families were absolutely barmy, the kidnapped, tortured and downright killed one another for the 'inheritance', it was crazy, but interesting to read, so she started reading about the another family.

The Zabini's

The Zabini's family is one of the most pureblooded lines in the wizarding world, they currently have one heir (Blaise Zabini), but there used to be two. Anastasia Zabini, is the daughter of Rudolf Zabini and Gemma Zabini, Anastasia was Blaise Zabini's twin, Anastasia disappeared on her first birthday, the Parkinson's(for the Parkinson's go to page 300) are believed responsible for this particular incident, because on birth Anastasia was betrothed to Draco Malfoy the soul Malfoy heir(for the Malfoy's go to page 350), the Parkinson's who wanted for their daughter to be the future Mrs. Malfoy were believed to have kidnapped the girl and hide her, their scheme indeed worked after exactly one year , the Malfoy's lost interest in the Zabini daughter, and reined that she is dead , and after the Zabini's in blood line and wealth are the Parkinson's , and sure enough their daughter Pansy Parkinson was betrothed to Draco Malfoy. Of course should Anastasia resurface she would be expected to marry Draco Malfoy the minute she turns seventeen, which would have been on the first of August 2007.

Hermione chuckled, she didn't know who to feel sorry for Pansy Parkinson for having to marry the biggest git in school, or Malfoy for having to marry the biggest slut in school, and she completed reading.

The Zabini's still believe their daughter is alive, they offer a prize for whoever finds her which is 50,000 galleons , now there is a photo of Anastasia that was conviently taken the day she was kidnapped.

Hermione looked at the picture of the little girl she was adorable, she had chestnut hair, it was silky and done in two high ponytails at the top of the girls head, she had milky white skin, she had sapphire pale blue eyes which were innocent and adorable, Hermione wished that when she one day had a daughter she would be as half as beautiful as this baby, she was giggling and reaching her arms to the camera as if wanting the person holding the camera to carry her.

Hermione closed the book she couldn't read anymore the words were dancing on the paper in front of her. She closed the book and got out of the library and headed to her room.

She heard her father tripping on every table that existed in the house, she rolled her eyes and hurried to her room, she didn't want to fight, but what she saw in front of her father's room made her make a double take, her heart stopped beating in her chest.

Well liky,no liky tell me what you think.

The next chapter of this story is already written and as the next chapter of "why I ever loved you" is in the typing process, don't forget to tell me what you think, pleeeeeeease review