Ungrateful Hope
Amime Ending + Movie spoiler
Moscow, 1931
Two years have passed since the last time the two alchemists had returned from Shambala.
Edward was sitting on a wooden chair, in front of the small window, staring at the morning sunshine with a distant look. "The things are right this way" - that's what Full Metal was trying to believe since he came back. A portrait laid on the corner table revealed a picture of his father, beside Trisha and his two little sons, in a nice and nostalgic place, surrounded by light-green grass and a deep blue sky, where they were once happy...
"Why did it happen?" Edward's thoughts about Hohenheim leaving his mother behind in such a desperate time couldn't be stopped…
The room on the upper level of that humble inn was been illuminated by the fist brightness of the day. The wooden floor and the wooden furniture were old and gave a regular look to the place – the brownness was uniform and the only thing that broke that predictable and normal appearance was the cape. The scarlet cape once used by a fantastic alchemist who protected lives, transmuted weapons, deceived enemies…was there, thrown at a corner, just like a faded dream, just like a unbelievable truth that could be forgotten.
- What is it Ed? – Alphonse was awakening. – You look sad again…Are you thinking about there, brother?
No sound was heard. But Al would know the answer. Almost everyday he was caught in a distant dimension where his dreams ruled their thoughts and his heart was drowned in agony and hope. It was an ungrateful hope, by the way. Edward wanted so badly a chance to open the gate once more. Clap his hands. Use alchemy! Be an alchemist. Be the Full Metal Alchemist. See Winry, Hawkeye, Mustang – "That bastard…" – and a slight smile came out of his face.
But it wasn't possible, it wasn't right. "The equivalent trade…"
"The philosopher's stone..." His father spent ages alive changing bodies, making his existence restless, messing people's feelings, only in name of the alchemy. "Would I do the same?" "Would I hide my true falling-apart being, my curse?" Edward looked at his Automail and couldn't help remembering...
"The hero who approached the sun had his wings destroyed and fell on the ground". He knew he would understand, Alphonse would, his mother for sure!
"Would she? Would he?
"Would I?"
Alphonse got up and placed himself beside his brother, putting his hand on Ed's shoulder and started looking at the same direction. At that moment, both brothers had the same feeling, the same thoughts, the same pain trying to explode, the same damn sensation of being useless…the same damn sensation of having possibly made the wrong choice.
- I want to go back there Alphonse… At least once more…
- You also have the sensation of belonging there…What are we doing here?
- Paying our price… - and a miserable look took Ed's face and made his golden eyes lose their shine.
- Should we really pay it? – Alphonse was at that moment, fed by a thrilling vibe – I mean...You're alive and I got my body and my memories back at last, after these two years. We have already paid for that don't you think?
- What do you mean? - Edward looked at Alphonse's face, filled with determination.
- Edward! Our father died. Scar sacrificed his life for us. Wrath did the same. We got rid of that cruel woman who wanted to destroy our world. We saved it! We have plenty of knowledge which Izumi-sensei taught us to be good alchemists. We spent two whole years in this world where people can't even dream.
Edward felt uncomfortable.
And Alphonse walked to the corner where the ruby cloak was lied and grabbed it fiercely, throwing it on Edward's lap.
- I wanna be Alphonse Elric. Brother of the Full Metal Alchemist! Not a forgotten memory! I bet you want that to. Or else you… - and he stared at the sunshine once again - …you would have already destroyed the gate…
Edward stood up and put on his cape. He felt unbeatable, unbreakable, the same way he used to feel there in Shambala. Every cells of his body were ready to burst and his yellow glowing eyes were shining over again.
- We'll study that thing until we open it Al! "Knowledge obtained without sacrifice doesn't worth value" And now I say: Knowledge obtained without value, doesn't worth a sacrifice! Let's go Alphonse! – And a true Edward opened the door and climbed down the stairs, running as a child after a rainbow.
- That's my brother! – And a proud Alphonse closed his fists in a symbol of willpower and trust. – Wait for me will you? Ed? EDWARD!!!
But the alchemist had already left the building.