Summary: Sometimes the stupidest mistakes we make bring us the best thing that's ever happened to us.
Disclaimer: Everything not mine belongs to its respective owner, but everything else not previously claimed is mine.
Rating: T (for now)
Warnings: Foul Language, Violence, "Mature Themes"
Notes: I'm doing four new things here – 1, it's totally and completely AU (they're not even in Japan); 2, it's in first person; 3, it's in present tense (well, not this prologue, really, but the rest is); and 4, it's IchiShiro.
Dedication: To my brother, who is the only reason I've ever been to New York in the first place, and the only reason I've ever been to Brooklyn (at night) at all. That being said, please keep in mind that my knowledge of the streets of NY and whatnot is limited, and since I'm a kid from the sleepy suburbs of SoCal, I'm bound to get some things wrong. But whatever - it's my fic, dammit! xD
Snow Berry
Freaky Diseased Kid
It was a stupid stupid stupid thing to do. Even he said it was stupid. Everybody said it was stupid. I know it was stupid.
But I still did it.
I'm a fifteen-year-old "homeless orphan" on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. Well, not always, but that's where I dug myself into the shittiest shit-hole that was ever dug in the history of shit-hole diggers.
Hope I made myself clear that this was a lot of shit.
Anywho, I was basically minding my own business as I wandered back to my makeshift "home" when I heard this kid yell "Get the fuck away from me!" from the alley. Now, I'm a smart kid – I know that I should just keep walking if I want to live, but this kid's voice… I'd heard that kind of panic and fear before – usually out of women, though. They scream like that when they're gonna get raped. This kid, though, he sounded kind of like me (and I'm not being vain – he really sounded like me) and I don't know if it was the hunger or whatever, but for some reason, I thought it really was me that was about to get raped.
And I don't know about you, but I really didn't want me getting raped.
So I made the stupidest move I'd ever made in my whole entire fifteen years of existence.
I stopped in front of that alley, and I yelled, "Leave 'im alone!"
The two greasy thugs picking on this kid looked up at me, looking real pissed. The one not holding the kid against the wall moved out of the way so I could see their almost-victim. This kid – I swear, he was as white as a ghost. I mean literally. His skin was real pale and his hair was this silvery-white color. Made him even paler looking that he was wearing a black shirt and faded black jeans, plus his fingernails were painted black. His eyes, though, were real freaky. The color part was a gold-brown (real pretty color, if you ask me), but where the eye was supposed to be white, it was pitch black.
So, Freaky Diseased Kid aside, these two thugs grinned real creepy-like at me and Thug Not Holding Freaky Diseased Kid started towards me. I probably whimpered (or looked like I wanted to) because this guy started laughing all slow.
"You stupid?! Get the hell out of here!" Freaky Diseased Kid yelled at me. Then I made the second stupidest move I'd ever made.
I yelled, "Bite me!" and Survival Mode kicked into high gear. I'm not a cocky brat for nothing – street fighting's my best feature. So I kick Thug One's ass to the ground, then kick Thug Two's ass, then I grab Freaky Kid by the arm and haul all ass out of there (hey – I wasn't going home empty-handed!).
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