Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama does .

Chapter 1: Invitations.

It was a normal beautiful day in Konoha. But for some reason, Tenten and Hinata decide to have a party today. They only had one problem. Who's house.

"WE HAD IT AT MINE LAST TIME!" protested Tenten.

"Yeah, but Neji is always at my house when he's not training with you," replied Hinata.

"Who cares, he's freaking Hyuuga Neji," said Tenten.

"Exactly… he's Hyuuga Neji," repeated Hinata.

Tenten knew this was going no where. So she decided they would have to fight for it.

"I'll fight you. If you win we have it at my house AGAIN which is so UNFAIR!" Tenten exaggerated. "But if I win, we have it at your house with NO COMPLAINTS! Deal?" asked Tenten sticking her hand out.

"Deal," Hinata said. Then she shook her hand to close it.

"Ok, ready?" said Tenten.

Hinata and Tenten balled their hands into a fist.



"Rock, paper, scissors, says shoot!" they both sang.

At shoot they both flung their hands out. Tenten put out scissors, and Hinata put out rock. Tenten had lost. At rock paper scissors, she usually lost. It was her thing. She was just never good at rock paper scissors.

"Shit!" cursed Tenten.

"YAY!" Hinata cheered. "Party at Tenten's!"

"Come on Hinata no fair… you have Byakugan," Tenten complained.

"So… I didn't use it! Come on! I'll even help you buy some things okay?"

Tenten nodded. She was still kind of pissed at Hinata for winning, but at least she offered to help her buy some things. Knowing Ino, she would defiantly run off, Sakura might have but she is unpredictable.

"Uh-oh!" said Hinata.

"What is it?" asked Tenten.

"I forgot my wallet," said Hinata.

"Again…" said Tenten as her sweat dropped.

"Gomen! Gomen! I'm stupid! I didn't mean to! I'm a baka!! Please forgive me! Omg! Please!" Hinata started stammering.

Hinata hate having problems. When she did do something wrong she would beg for forgiveness. And I mean beg for forgiveness. She won't stop bugging you unless you forgive her. She was sweet and kind and nice, but she did have some mental problems.

"Hinata… Hinata… HINATA!" Tenten shouted to get her to calm down. "It's okay, we'll stop at your house so you can get your wallet okay?"

Hinata nodded and sighed with relief.

"Arigato gonsai mas" she thanked her. (IDK how to spell that! So I guess okay?)

"No problem," she said as they slowly headed towards Hinata house.

They finally made it there. Once they got there, there was a small figure greeting them at the door.

"Hinata-niichan!" cried the small figure.

"Ohayo Hanabi," smiled Hinata.

"Tenten-san is here too?" asked Hanabi.

"Hai!" said Hinata walking with Tenten towards the door.

"Tenten-san why are you here? Come to train with Neji-niisan again?" asked Hanabi.

"No, not right now. I'm buying decorations with Hinata. But she forgot her wallet," Tenten explained.

Hanabi looked at Hinata.

"You're too forgetful, if you keep this up the Hyuuga clan will look like fools. Even that baka Naruto will look smarter than us," Hanabi scolded her.

"Um… Hai…" Hinata said feeling a little bad.

She liked Naruto. A lot. But she did have to admit. Sometimes he is kind of a baka.

They walked inside and Neji was in the living room watching the Ring 2. (I just watched that movie yesterday. Ring 1 was so much scarier)

"TURN IT OFF!!" cried Hinata as she walked into the room.

Hinata never liked scary movies. It wasn't her style. She hates scary movies. One time she actually burnt all the scary movies in her house so she never had to even look at them.

"Hinata-sama. No," Neji said plainly.

"Asshole…" mumbled Hinata.

Tenten laughed. Whenever she came over to the Hyuuga household she didn't even have to worry about fitting in. Because everyone in this house could never even begin to fit in. It was like a circus here. That's why Tenten wanted to have the sleepover here, but NOOOOO! Hinata had to win so she had to have it at her house for the SECOND time in a row!

"Tenten? Tenten!" Hinata called for her.

"Huh? Wha?"

"Upstairs… wallet… decorations… party…" Hinata said.

"Oh right!" said Tenten following Hinata to her room.

"What party?" asked Neji.

"A sleep-over party at my house," explained Tenten.



"Why Neji-niisan want to go?" asked Hanabi smirking.

"Don't you have date with Konohamaru or something," replied Neji to that stupid question which he pretended he never heard.

"For you info. Yes I do. It's not like any girl would fall for you and your girly ass hair and your bad attitude."

"Hanabi! No cursing!" ordered Hinata.

"Fine," she said.

Neji got up from the couch and headed towards Hanabi.

"Hanabi-sama, forgive me," he said as he began to chase her around the house.

"WAH!!!!!" cried Hanabi.

Tenten just laughed. Again the Hyuuga household has once again made her love her life as a friend of the Hyuugas.

"MY GIRLY ASS WHAT?! WANNA REPEAT THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Neji shouted has her grabbed her by the hair.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Hanabi cried. "Hinata-niichan! Help me!"

"Got it! Let's go," said Hinata completely ignoring her sister as she grabbed the wallet and signaled for Tenten to leave with her.

"HINATA-NIICHAN!" Hanabi cried with a river of anime tears running down her face.

"You mouth is going to get you killed one day," said Neji as he threw her into the river in the back yard.

Tenten had no comment and quickly followed Hinata out the door to the store.

'A Party huh? With out me? That party is gunna suck.' Neji thought and then continued to watch the crappy scariness of the Ring 2.

"That's everything," said Tenten as they left the last store. "I think we should invite Ino and Sakura now."

Hinata nodded. Then the two went to find the pink haired medical ninja and the loud mouth blonde haired female.

"SAKURA! STOP MOVING!" Ino yelled.

"NO!" Sakura yelled back.

Ino decided she wanted to do Sakura's hair today. Sakura agreed since she trusted her, but Ino forgot to tell Sakura that this was her first time so now Sakura is panicking.



"Hi," said Tenten entering the house.

"AHHH!!" the two girls screamed forcing them to fall anime style. Hinata then walked into the house.

"What happened?" asked Hinata.

"I don't know," said Tenten staring at the two girls bankly.

"Get the anbu!" cried Hinata panicking.

"Hinata… they're not dead," said Tenten calmly.

"But they're unconscious," she argued.

"Watch this." Tenten went to get come cold water in the bucket. She poured it over the two unconscious girls. Causing them a surprise reacting.

"TENTEN WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" they both shouted at the weapon mistress.

"Nice to see you guys too," Tenten smiled at them. They both just grunted at her.

"Ano… we want to invite you guys to a sleepover at Tenten's…" said Hinata.

"Huh? Tenten's house? Again?" asked Ino.


'Great…' thought Tenten.

"Tenten does have the best food," added Ino.

"And the coolest bedroom," added Sakura.

"And the coolest backyard"

"And the coolest karaoke"

"And the coolest tv"

"And the coolest cds"

"And the coolest arcade systems"

"And the coolest…"

"SHUT UP!" interupted Tenten.

They two girls stared at her. "Gomen." They said.

"When is it?" asked Sakura.

"At 5," answered Tenten.

"But it's 4:30 right now!" exclaimed Ino.

"That's why you two better hurry, and Sakura… do something about your hair it looks awful," said Tenten.


"Tenten is lying it looks beautiful right Tenten?" said Ino urging her to say yes.

"Yes it's lovely… for a clown," smirked Tenten. Tenten was the find of girl who always spoke her mind. She wasn't afraid to hide anything.

"TENTEN!" screamed Ino.

Tenten shrugged and headed out the door. Hinata followed her leaving the ready to kill Sakura with the defenseless Ino. Picture the outcome.

Well that's chapter one! Thanks for reading. Gomen for my other stories. Ja ne!