Chapter Six

"If what you told us is true," Phoebe said. "Then she's going through what we've already gone through."

"Which would be?" Tess asked.

"She's turning evil." Piper said.

"See it's the whole magic thing if she's been infiltrated with the wrong kind of magic then it could be turning her." Phoebe said.

"This is giving me a headache." Liz said rubbing her temples.

"Ditto." Alex said.

"Now tell us about how she was you-know entering and exiting buildings." Paige said.

Piper's phone rang. "Go on without me it's Billie. I mean you would think that she's never babysat before." Piper walked out.

"At first she would sort of just appear and disappear." Michael said.

"Like in the blink of an eye?" Paige asked.

Michael and Liz nodded.

"That means her powers were pretty low level." Pheobe said.

"There are levels?" Isabel asked.

"Low and high. Not very complicated." Phoebe said.

"Now she simmers?" Paige asked.

Liz nodded and said "I guess that's how you could describe it."

Piper walked back in. "Crisis averted. What'd I miss?"

"Well by what these kids are describing it seems that she is going through a different kind of thing then we were going through. The power in her seems to be advancing, ours just stayed the same." Phoebe said.

"You've been through this before?" Max asked.

Phoebe nodded.

"Not me." Paige said holding her hands up. "I don't think I was alive."

"I think she's calling us old." Piper said turning to Phoebe.

"Now is not the time Paige." Phoebe said.

"You have great potential and great power." The seer said.

"Well why don't you show me how to use it." Maria said.

"Yes my Queen." The seer said bowing to her.

"My Queen," Maria said sitting down and crossing her legs. "I can get used to that. Now go get me some servants." Maria waved her away, but not before her eyes turned black and fire appeared in them.

Sorry for waiting so long to write. I've been stuck. Enjoy and please review.
