San Francisco

He ran down the alley. Stupid witch. "Come back here you scared?" Blonds the worst type of witch. He only had one option. He looked around. There wasn't much he was in an alley. He needed something someone would pick up.

There has to be something.

Then he noticed something shine on the floor. He looked and saw a necklace.


He concentrated as hard as he could allowing all his magic except an ounce flow into it. Finally, it glowed. He whispered something in Latin and it disappeared.

Go somewhere far away from San Francisco. Were no one will think to look.

"There you are." The witch said. "Any last wishes?"

"Nope." He said. The witch looked confused for a while then through the potion in her hand.


San Francisco

That was weird. Billie thought. He didn't even put up a fight. Maybe I should check the book one last time.


Roswell, New Mexico

Maria walked home in the freezing night air.

God I was they would fix my car already.

It was super late and some stupid guy had sat there for almost an hour after the Crash Down had closed and refused to leave. And when she had mentioned that it was closing time, he had only responded "May I have some more soda?" She saw something sparkle on the floor. She picked it up and looked at it. It had just appeared there.

Just like magic. Well considering some of the things I've seen it wouldn't be hard to believe.

It was a necklace. It had a crescent moon and some stars around it. She put it in her pocket.

Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow.

San Francisco

"Looks like I forgot to read the fine print." Billie said fingering the line in the Book of Shadows.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Paige said.

Billie stuck her tongue out at Paige them read aloud "These demons have the ability to transfer all their other powers to any object. Allowing them to collect it later after a battle."

"That would explain why he didn't fight back." Paige said. "But if you killed him, wear are your powers?"

"You read my mind." Billie said sitting down in front of her laptop. "So let's scry for them."

After a few minutes the laptop beeped and Billie looked into the screen.

"I suggest you pack your bags." Billie said.

"Why? Where is this place?" Paige asked coming up behind her.

"Roswell, New Mexico."
