Here is Chapter Seven of "Love's Trial"! It's a little short, but it seemed the best way to divide up the story :)
I don't own Inuyasha ;)
Sesshomaru slowly opened his eyes and then saw Kagome still nestled against him. He smiled to himself, but the smile quickly faded. Tuesday…Kagome was returning to her father today. He squinted at the hanging wall clock. It was already 10:21 and Kagome needed to be back to her father's house by five. He gently shook Kagome.
"Kagome? Kagome, wake up."
She mumbled incoherently before slowly opening her eyes. Sesshomaru expected her to recognize him. Then, to pull away, scream, or slap him. Maybe all three. However, she only smiled and yawned.
"Good morning."
Her face suddenly fell. "Tuesday," she whispered.
"Yes. We should get up now or we will not have time to get everything ready for you."
The two attended to their individual morning routines before joining each other in the kitchen. Sesshomaru was just in the process of placing a pan on the stove when Kagome came in. She glanced at him, then at the stove.
"Um…do you want help?"
Sesshomaru had to chuckle at her facial expression. "You do not wish me to burn down the kitchen?"
"I didn't say that!" she said defensively. She paused. "Though maybe it crossed my mind," she admitted.
"Let us make breakfast together," Sesshomaru suggested. "And you can keep an eye on me, to make sure I do not get distracted."
"Okay," Kagome laughed.
She headed towards the refrigerator, but was intercepted by Sesshomaru when he pulled her towards him gently. He enveloped her in a hug, resting his cheek against her hair. Kagome wrapped her arms around his waist and the two simply clung to each other. They didn't need to speak to know what was on their minds.
The two eventually separated and continued making breakfast. It was a simple meal but it took some time to finish. Sesshomaru thought that their eating was subconsciously slowed; he supposed they were trying to postpone the inevitable. This was their last potentially carefree moment together. Although they still had time before five, they would be spending it preparing for Kagome's return. Time that would be far from carefree.
They did eventually finish eating. And they did eventually leave the house in order to complete Kagome's errands.
When 5 o'clock drew near, the two grew silent and tense. Kagome asked him to drop her off a block from the house. Sesshomaru understood and obliged. They both got out of the car after Sesshomaru had parked. They stood facing each other and Sesshomaru found that he could not find any words.
Kagome seemed to be in a similar situation. She merely gazed at him, wringing her hands. Finally, Kagome nearly threw herself into Sesshomaru's arms, beginning to cry. Sesshomaru tightened his arms around her shaking form and closed his eyes against the onslaught of his own misery. Kagome finally pulled away.
"I have to go."
"I understand."
"I'll see you…later."
"I will be there."
Kagome bit her lip and seemed to blink back additional tears.
"I won't say goodbye," she said, the firmness of her voice undercut by a faint quiver.
Sesshomaru felt his throat tighten and could not help wrapping her in another hug.
"Never goodbye," he murmured into her hair. "Only 'until we meet again.'"
"Yes," Kagome said faintly.
Kagome rose up and kissed him soundly. Then she pulled away and ran, head down. She turned back towards him only once, as though afraid stopping would cause her to lose her momentum and courage. She slowed her pace before turning her head to look at him, tears pouring down her face. Then she faced forward again and was soon out of sight.
Sesshomaru paced around the house which now seemed so empty. The court hearing was in two days and Sesshomaru thought he might go crazy before then. He had not even been able to concentrate at work, a first for him. Work was usually his escape. Not this time. As loathe as he was to admit it, he needed to talk to someone. Sesshomaru picked up the phone and, after a moment of hesitation, dialed.
"Hey, Mutt."
"Fluffy. What's the occasion?"
Sesshomaru hesitated. "You want to grab some dinner?"
There was a brief moment of silence before Inuyasha replied, "Yeah. Sure. I'll pick you up in half an hour."
Inuyasha hung up before Sesshomaru could protest, something Inuyasha had most likely calculated. Inuyasha knew full well what Sesshomaru thought of his younger brother's driving. Terrifying was not an adequate word.
Inuyasha arrived at the specified time and sat stubbornly in his car until Sesshomaru reluctantly slid into the passenger seat.
They had their food in front of them before they spoke to each other.
"So, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha asked, his mouth full. "What's on your mind?"
Sesshomaru finished a bite of food before answering.
"I needed to talk to someone…"
Inuyasha gaped at him. "And you thought of me," he said skeptically.
"You are my brother."
"Well. Yeah. But we're not exactly close."
"No. But I trust you."
Inuyasha looked at him for several moments before sighing. "Well, I trust you too, Mr. Fluffy. Anything in particular you want to talk about?"
"No. I just need…company, I suppose. And must you call me that childish nickname?"
"You do not change."
"You don't either."
"No. I suppose not."
They finished eating. Inuyasha made frequent barbs at Sesshomaru, which was normal. But Inuyasha never once mocked Sesshomaru for his nervousness, anxiety, or fears. And Sesshomaru was grateful.
Well, that's it for Chapter Seven. R&R, please :)