Chapter 1
If this is what it takes...
You turned your back on me,
But I'll give everything for you
and although you've turned away,
I can still see your face.
You've made those who love you,
Cry for you, so, to dry their tears,
I'll go down in flames, but only, for you.
Naruto crumpled up his note to Sasuke and threw it as he walked down the road. He had snuck out of the village a few days ago, and left a clone in his bed pretending to be sick. This way no one would go after him. He wa goign to bring Sasuke back, the only way he knew how. He knew he was close. He kept going over his plan in his head. What was going to happen, what he was going to do, how he was going to do it. He sighed and looked up at the sky, a cloudy haze hug everywhere, the sun completely invisible. A rock hit him in the back of the head.
"Don't litter. dobe." The familiar voice said. Naruto continued looking at the sky, wishing the voice didn't make him as sad as it made him happy.
"Did you read it." Naruto said, not moving a single muscle.
"No. What is it, your fight plan? Dobe." Sasuke taunted. Naruto still didn't move.
"... Are you going to come home now?" Naruto asked, the pleading nature of his question apparent in his voice.
"No." Sasuke said, slightly irritated that Naruto had asked such a stupid question. Naruto sighed.
"Fine... If this is what it takes..." Naruto said. He turned to attack Sasuke, aiming the rasengan at him. Sasuke dodged, and then smirked. The fight was on. Both of them moving, faster than they ever had before, coming together in clashes on strength and pain, doing their best to bring the other down. Several connections were made. A fist to the face, the stomach, the side of the head. The end was nearing. Naruto and Sasuke were enarly dead even. Sasuke charged the Chidori and ran at Naruto. Naruto closed his eyes, and then moved foreward with the rasegan. At ten feet, Naruto let his attack go. Sasuke plunged the chidori into Naruto's chest, destroying his heart and lung. Naruto fell against a rock. Sasuke walked away, triumphant. His eyes fell on the note. Curiosity caused him to read it. As his eyes scanned the paper, his heart fell. By the end, his heart felt like it had torn itself into oblivion, and he realized what Naruto had done. He turned back to Naruto.
"N-N-naruto? w-what have you done?" Sasuke asked.
Naruto looked up, and gave Sasuke one last smile. ".. The mangekyos, yours. G-go home. Sasuke." Naruto with his final breath. His head fell, and it was over, and Sasuke's heart felt like it no longer lived. He moved, without knowing it, towards the village hidden in the leaves.
- FF to Konoha's Gates-
Sakura had been walking back from Naruto's apartment, grumbling irritatedly. Naruto had been faking his sickness, using his shadow clone jutsu. He was probably off goofing off somewhere.. or, she hoped. Sakura sighed, and made a mental note to tell Tsunade Naruto was just skipping out on work, and looked up. Sasuke was right there, just entering the village. Sakura's eyes widened. She screamed, and ran to him, wrapping him in a jump-hug.
"YOU'RE BACK!" She squealed again. Sasuke said nothing.
"Wait till everyone sees you! Naruto will be thrilled!" Sakura said cheerfully. She noticed the streak of pain that entered Sasuke's face when she said Naruto's name.
"Oh, Sasuke. Don't worry. Naruto won't blame you." Sakura said, trying to be reassuring. Sasuke still said nothing. he just handed her the paper he'd been holding. Sakura read it, and felt her world shatter around her, and the bright street lights suddenly felt dim and pointless.
"no" she whipsered. Sasuke just continued looking down.
"no... No... NO NO NO NO NO! NOT NARUTO! NOT NARUTO!" She screamed. Sasuke just continued looking at the floor, the pain in this eyes was apparent.
"... I'm, sorry. I... I should've died. Itachi should've killled me... This is my fault... It's all my fault.." Sasuke said.
"... Naruto, his clone, his clone dissappeared. I thought, I thought ... noo. noo. please noo." Sakura watched the tears fall off her nose and onto the ground.
"... I need to see the hokage..." Sasuke said, struggling to hold on. Sakura sighed, and nodded.
"I'll... I'll show her... this..." Sakura whispered, painfully.
-FF to the Hokage's Office-
Tsunade heard a quiet knock.
"Come in." she said, not looking up.
"Ts...Ts...Tsuande...sama..." Sakura's voice whispered. Tsuande looked up in surprise. Sakura's voice was too quiet for everything to be okay. Tsunade regarded Sasuke in surprise.
"Uchiha.. you're back?" Tsunade said. "Well, I suppose it's great. Have you two seen Naruto yet? He'll be happy." Instead of the nodds of agreement Tsunade expected to see, Sakura just handed the note to Tsunade.
"" Tsunade felt everything dissappear into and endless darkness. Another friend, another brother, gone. "...why? Why? Why Naruto, you.. you...why?" Tsunade said, tears slipping down her face. Sakura's tears were already staining the floor. Sasuke continued staring down, thinking of ways to kill himself, to make up for what he did to Naruto. Or ways he could get someone else to do it. He looked up at Tsunade.
"... Do I die now? Or do I have to wait?" Sasuke asked. Tsunade tried her tears and glared at Sasuke. She got up, but it was Sakura who acted. She walked up to Sasuke and punched him as hard as she could.
"She's right. and while, Naruto's...his... his.. absence, is killing us, it must be 100 times worse for you...So if it's killing us, it must be 100 tiems worse for you. and you're going to live with it. Now get out, and go home." Tsunade ordered. Sasuke complied, and left.
"I... I... I guess I... I guess I need to... to tell everyone.." Sakura choked out, turning around and walking out the door.
Tsunade just sat still for a few minutes, before opening a drawer and pulling out a letter. It had 'When Sasuke Returns' written on it in Naruto's handwriting. Naruto had given it to her a week ago, and told her to open it when that happens. Tsunade tearfully opened it, and read it, struggling not to cry.
'Dear Tsuande,
I just want you to know, I'm sorry. For everything. I want you to know, that I did, what I did for a reason. I'm sorry, that I could think of no other way. Please, don't blame Sasuke. He didn't know, didn't understand what I was going to do. Tell him, tell everyone, to move on with thier lives. Tell them, to be happy. and that they don't have to mourn for me. I did it because I wanted to. Don't cry for me. Take care of the villagers, because even though they hate me, I love them. Oh, and, Tsunade. please, don't blame Sasuke. Don't tell him, or anyone else, for that matter, but, I love him. Please, for me, for my memory, let him have his old live again.
With All My Love,
Uzumaki Naruto'
Tsunade held her face in her hands as the tears started again.