Usual Disclaimer: Could I write fanfiction for something I own? Nope.

Authors Notes: Wow, over 3000 hits. I really didn't think it would happen this soon. Thank you all so much, especially my reviewers! You mean a lot to me!

I apologize for the long gap between updates, but summer turned out to be anything but restful, with me totalling my car (I miss you Jinxie! My lovely little Accord!), working my butt off, and trying to transfer from Community College to a four year school three hours north of me, spitting distance from Canada. I leave home for good this Saturday, and that's been kinda hard for me to deal with. Plus I've been playing FF6 and FF8 to study up on the characters for my big FFCrossover, Behind the Mask of Mars. So please bear with me, since life is kicking me in the $$ right now, and spare time is precious.

Ch 14: A Heavy Legacy

Aeris rested on the bed with her back facing the window, though she was unable to sleep. She didn't want to look outside to see the Meteor staring down at her. It would hurt too much. While she'd never fully believed she was back to stay, she couldn't believe that she'd been allowed to live just to die the same way, fighting the same evil.

Cloud dozed lightly next to her. She rose gently, so not to disturb him, and walked out of the room. She needed to be alone, needed silence so she could hear the voice of the planet. She went into the living room, only to find it Nanaki and Edenni curled up against each other on the floor. She stood still for a moment, puzzled, and then allowed her feet to take her through the kitchen and into the orphans' playroom.

She sat down in an old rocking chair and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. She reached down into the center of her soul, where the spark that separated her from human-kind existed, and focused on it. Suddenly she could hear the planet's song. It was weak, still weak from years of being drained by the Shinra, and hesitant. It sensed the danger on the horizon.

I want answers. No more riddles, no more games. This isn't fair, and it's not right.

Life rarely is fair child. But in this case you are wrong. You can not see, and do not know what I know.

Then tell me what you know! Don't make me keep suffering like this! I'm going to die again, aren't I?

You must go to The City. You have time. He was weaker than his son, and his Meteor is also weaker. It also moves slowly, very slowly. You have three months before it shall pose a threat. Go to The City. I will tell you more there.

You haven't told me anything!

Aeris. Be calm. Be patient. It is hard… to talk to you now. It will be easier in The City.

Aeris stood up, fighting tears of anger. She dashed them away with the back of her hand. Perhaps this was going too far, perhaps the planet was asking too much of her, but she still needed to behave with grace and dignity. Angry fits had not been acceptable to her as a child, and they certainly were out of the question now.

"I won't be broken. Not after all I've been through," she said, and she idly reached up to the White Materia where it hung around her neck. She walked back into the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of water, an alibi if Cloud had awoken during her absence.

She walked back up to bed slowly, listening to the quiet sounds of night and letting them soothe her. If the planet was right and she had time, there was no sense in losing sleep over the Meteor. She would probably need all the sleep she could get.

As she entered the room she shared with Cloud, the streetlight outside her window illuminated his face perfectly. She felt her heart leap, and she suddenly had a terrifying thought.

What if I die again? I can't die a virgin twice, can I? Aeris sat down next to Cloud. She loved him, of that she had no doubt. Would it be better for the two of them if they made love and she died, or worse? Who could she ask? She couldn't talk to her mother about it, for all she loved the woman it would be too embarrassing for both of them. She couldn't ask Tifa; that would be extremely awkward. What about Shera?

Aeris pulled her knees up to her chest, leaned her head on them, and watched Cloud in silence. What hurt more than anything was the thought of hurting him. She remembered how long it took Cloud to get over her death, and the thought of putting him through that again was too much. Tears rolled down her cheeks silently but heavily. It was all too much for her to bear.

I guess that's what it means to be the last cetra. I'm bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders.

"Aeris?" Cloud asked softly, sitting up in bed. He wrapped his arms around her gently as she leaned into him.

"I'm sorry," she sniffled. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright." Cloud replied, trying to maneuver into a position to see her face. "Aeris, can you tell me what's wrong?" he asked softly.

"It's nothing…" Aeris began, and Cloud almost interrupted her before she continued. "and everything. How can the planet ask so much of me? I'm only one person, with a heavy legacy which means I get the raw end of every deal. I mean, I don't even know what it is to be a Cetra. I don't know how we differ from humans; I don't know what I can do, or what I am supposed to do. When my mother was alive she was afraid to talk about it in front of Hojo. Then she died, and there was no one to teach me."

Aeris brushed her hair out of her eyes wondering if she should bring up her other big topic of concern. She decided against it. Until she had an answer for the Cloud situation she wasn't going to discuss it with him. Instead she looked at him with wide doe eyes brimming with unshed tears. She looked so sad and so helpless that it broke Cloud's heart. He knew he had to comfort her. He leaned in and kissed her softly.

Aeris responded to the kiss fervently. It felt too good not to. His lips were so soft, and they tasted faintly of mint. His tongue brushed against her lips, and after she parted them her own tongue, and it sent shivers down her spine. She clung to him desperately, feeling that if she let go for even a moment she would die. He was her anchor to life, her best source of love and happiness. Take that away and she was nothing.

Suddenly she was on her back and he was on top of her. She gasped in surprise, and his lips left hers to sample other grounds. He moved to her neck, kissing it so feather soft that it tickled. She giggled gently, and he growled in the back of his throat, biting her softly. She gasped again, letting out a small but enticing moan. Cloud had never heard anything so sexy in his life, and that it came from the most innocent woman he'd ever known turned him on. A lot.

As his hands began to glide up and down her sides Aeris's mind began to whirl with thought. Cloud had never touched her like this. She couldn't think of any man who had. This was not the innocent, hesitant touches he'd been giving her lately. This was heavy, intense… this was sexual.

Aeris pulled away gently as fear over ruled all her other emotions, and sat up suddenly. Cloud stopped immediately and simply nuzzled her neck.

"Too far?" he asked.

"Too soon," Aeris answered as a yawn escaped her mouth. "...and too tired. It's nearly four."

Cloud couldn't stop himself from yawning in return. "You're right. Do you want me to go?"

"No!" Aeris paled then lowered her voice. "I don't want you to go. Can you just hold me?" she whispered softly.

"Of course Aeris." Cloud whispered back. "I love you, remember? I'm not just trying to get up your skirt," he continued, nuzzling her cheek softly and giving it a soft kiss. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her down into the bed. Safe in his arms, at least for the meanwhile, she could fall asleep easily.

When Aeris woke the next morning she felt as though she was in a fog. She had never had such a hard time waking up. Her head felt heavy, her eyelids like cement. She rolled over to feel that Cloud was missing, and his spot on the bed was cold. She opened her eyes and blinked several times then gasped when she saw the digital face of the clock blinking 1:17… 1:17… 1:17… 1:18.

"Oh my god!" Aeris whispered, hurrying out of bed, pulling her nightgown off and pulling jeans and a sweat shirt on. She then half ran, half tumbled down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs Cloud caught her with one arm. He held a plate in the other hand with a sandwich and some pickle chips.

"I was just coming to bring you some food." Cloud said jovially, as if Aeris had not just nearly fallen down the stairs.

"Why did you let me sleep until the afternoon?"

"You needed it."

"And now you're bringing me food?"

"I was hungry, so I figured you'd be." Cloud said. Aeris couldn't argue with that kind of logic, so she reached down for the plate and wrinkled her nose.

"Pickle chips? You know I hate pickle chips."

"I know." Cloud said, picking up one of the chips and popping it into his mouth. "But I like them. And I figured I eat them while you ate the sandwich," he continued, which made Aeris giggle helplessly.

"Alright Cloud. You win this round. Let's eat down here, on the couch, because I need to talk to all of you." Aeris said as her giggles died. Her face straightened and her smile faded. "I spoke to the planet last night. I need to go to the City of the Ancients."

"You spoke to the planet?"

"Yes, I hear it inside me. Like the voice of a very majestic woman. I have to sort of meditate to hear it. So I need to go to the City to hear it."

"The City? Why?" Cloud asked softly.

"It's easier for the planet to speak to me there. I don't need everyone to go with me." Aeris said, her eyes low.

"Well I'm going with you. And I can't imagine the others sitting around here knowing there's something to be done."

"If you say so." Aeris said, taking a bite into her sandwich. She decided that she'd finish her meal before gathering her friends. The sandwich was good, and nicely real in her hands. There was no meaning to unravel and it posed her no threat, and therefore was a pleasant change from the majority of what she was dealing with. It was just ham, cheese, and mustard on rye. It was rather tasty.

When the tasty sandwich was finished Cloud took the plate into the kitchen and allowed Aeris some time to sit on her own. Suddenly Marlene bounded onto the couch and grinned at Aeris.

"Hi. We haven't really had time to talk, have we?" she asked with childish seriousness. Aeris could not help but giggle as Marlene wriggled into her lap. Something about the girl's happiness made her happy.

"No we really haven't. Unfortunately I have to go to the City tonight. I really have wanted to spend more time with you."

"Then I'll come too!" Marlene said.

"Oh I don't know Marlene…" Aeris began.

"Why not?" Marlene asked.

"I… I don't know." Aeris said, and then she giggled. "I guess there's just so much going on that's over you…" Aeris stopped in mid-sentence. Hadn't Marlene weathered all the trauma of the past two years with a cool head? This wasn't over her head. She didn't know to know the gory details, especially those of the past, but she had the right to know what was going on.

"How about we ask your father if you can come along?" Aeris asked.

"Can we? Really?" Marlene asked, her eyes aglow.

"Oh I don't see why not." Aeris answered, hugging the little girl. "In fact, why don't you go get your daddy, and all the other grown ups and ask them to come in here? It would be a big favor."

"Sure." Marlene said, scurrying off. Aeris smiled as Cloud came back into the room. He smiled back and sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her in a comforting and protective way. Aeris nuzzled into him and allowed herself to enjoy a carefree moment in her lover's arms.

Three hours later she was found on the deck of the Highwind, experiencing her first airship ride. Her hair whipped about her, her eyes were wide and shining, and her smile was so wide it almost hurt. She was overjoyed that the ride felt every bit as good as she imagined it. Cloud was standing behind her, his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder, feeling as elated as she did.

The rest of Avalanche was also onboard, along with Edenni, Zack, and Shera, who had refused to be left alone. Marlene was the only child allowed to go. Elmyra was watching the rest of the children with the aid of the Turks.

When the group disembarked they headed straight for the shell house to set up camp. Cloud, Zack, Vincent and Nanaki would share the first bedroom. Cid and Shera would sleep on the Highwind. Reeve took a cot in the living room, while Barret took the couch. Marlene got a love seat. Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie and Edenni took the second bedroom. After the bedding arrangement was situated Aeris, Tifa, Shera and Barret prepared dinner. Once everyone had eaten and retired to the living room Yuffie finally said,

"So what exactly are we doing here?"

"I'm going to talk to the planet. It is easiest for it to talk to me here, so that's why I had to come." Aeris said, closing her eyes. "Now hush, so I can concentrate." Once again Aeris reached inside herself to the tiny light in her soul that made her different than all the others in the room.

I am here now. I have come, and I still want answers.

And you will have them, though possibly not the ones you want.

What is that supposed to mean?

The Meteor is coming, slow though it may be. In three months it will be close enough to be pulled in by my gravity. And I am not strong enough to heal myself again if it does hit.

Tell me what I need to do.

You already know. Holy must be summoned. This time there will be no interference.

That gives me little comfort!


Forgive me. I am just… Must I die again?

It's not for me that I ask. It's my friends. I love them, and I cannot bear to hurt them again.

Would you die for them again?

To spare their lives? Yes. In a heartbeat. But it will destroy them to lose me the same way twice.

Give the humans more credit than that. They are a resilient race, more resilient than your people.

I resent that. It is Jenova's fault my people died out. She stripped us of what made us Cetra.

Be that as it may, a Cetra yields to the will of the Planet, whatever that may be. The humans need only to thrive, that is all I ask of them.

That is not fair!

Yes, but there has only been a few dozen humans to reach the Promised Land, while every Cetra, upon their death, is welcomed there to spend eternity in bliss. You were blessed from the moment of your birth to have a place there. Humans, they must earn it. And since they are a selfish race, they rarely do.

My friends are not selfish!

No, your friends are exceptional. Were they drawn to you because they were exceptional, or was it the time they spent with you that made them so?

It is them, on their own. I believe that will all of my heart.

Does it change your mind to know that it was during the height of the Cetran civilization that the majority of humans who reached the Promised Land did so?


In fact, only four humans have since the Jenova Conflict. One of them was your own father.

My father? No wonder I did not see him. I did not go to the Promised Land.

No, you remained in the Lifestream to give strength to your Holy. To guide your friends. To heal Geostigma.

I know. But my father…

You will learn all you need to know of him when you come to me. He waits for you. But more important revelations about your family are forthcoming.

What do you mean?

Ask the child you brought with you.


Aeris opened her eyes so suddenly that she caught her friends off guard. Though the conversation with the planet had taken several minutes, none of them had taken their eyes off of her. Their eyes remained on hers as they frantically searched the room.

"Aeris?" Cloud asked softly.

"Where is Marlene?" she asked.

Where IS Marlene? You'll have to wait for the next installment to find out, and I really need to update If Music Be the Food of Love before I head up to school. So, mwhahahahahahaha!

Show me some love with some nice reviews!

::loves:: The Catie-Cat