A/N: It's baby steps, but I am starting back on IY fictions. Please read and review.

Kagome sighed and waited as Keiko unlocked the door, before following her friends into their apartment. She was tired, and the prospect of slipping between her soft sheets had her rushing through her shower, just so she could finally call an end to the day.

But, try as she might, she found that once in her bed, she could not go to sleep. Instead, she thought about the kiss that Sesshomaru had given to her, and for a moment, she wondered if he had meant to do it.

Sure, he was a good looking guy, but the fact that the only emotions she had ever known him to have were anger and sarcastic, and well... it kind of knocked her off balance.

She knew from past experiences with Inu Yasha, that his older brother was not someone who people messed with. In fact, he had a bad habit of tormenting those he deemed to be beneath him and didn't seem to care just how much pain he caused, just as long as he got what he wanted.

So, she was curious as to what he wanted with her. She doubted that he wanted her for her looks, seeing as how he was probably on the same level as Youko, if not higher.

Frowning up at her dark ceiling, she was also curious as to why Youko stood her up. He had seemed so anxious to go out with her, but when he didn't show, or call, she wondered if perhaps he decided that she wasn't worth his time, after all, and wanted something a bit faster.

Well, there was only one way to find out. Reaching over and turning on her lamp, she reached for her cell phone and dialed Youko's number. However, instead of ringing, it switched to his voicemail and she sighed before hanging up.

She placed her phone down on the night table, and was about to turn her lamp back off, but a soft knock on her door stopped her. Calling for the person to enter, and thinking that it was probably Miaka, wondering if she wanted a late-night snack, she was unconcerned about her appearance and knew that her friend would not make a big deal of her not being clothed.

However, when the door opened and revealed her visitor, her mouth flopped open and a bright-red blush spread across her cheeks.

"Good evening, Kagome." Youko said, a soft smile upon his lips. "You and I need to discuss what happened tonight."

Sesshomaru watched as his brothers argues over which candidates they would allow to rush their fraternity. After nearly an hour of arguing, Hotohori stood up and calmly said, "If we cannot decide publicly, then we will decide by a secret vote."

Several heads bobbed up and down, agreeing with their president and by the end of the meeting, they had managed to chose which young men they would allow into their coming 'hell week'.

But, once that matter had been decided, the conversation took on a more interesting topic, as Jakotsu and Nuriko reported on seeing Youko arriving at Kagome's apartment and that he was more than a little angry to discover that she was not there.

Smirking, Sesshomaru's chest fluttered as he thought about how angry his rival must have been to discover that Kagome had not sat around, waiting for him to make his appearance. Of course, the other men of the fraternity snickered and Bankotsu sneered, "Well, now he will probably leave my Kagome alone, and if he doesn't, I'll make him."

"Oh, shut up and sit down." Kouga snapped, tired of Bankotsu's grandstanding. "If he had a good enough reason, Kagome will forgive him. She is too nice not to forgive."

Inu Yasha nodded in agreement. "In fact, she will probably feel badly for not being there if she finds out that he had an emergency. It's just not in her nature to hold a grudge." He said, then looked over at Bankotsu. "Well, towards most people."

Naraku leaned back in his seat and took a sip of his wine. He studied Sesshomaru for several minutes before saying, "It seemed that you had a very good time at the movies, Sesshomaru."

Lifting his eyebrow, his golden eyes locked with Naraku's red ones and he calmly said, "What I do is none of anyone's business. Do not meddle in my affairs."

A smirk crossed the dark-haired man's lips as he leaned forward. "Don't you mean to say, your's and Kagome's affairs?" He asked, a sinister glint lighting up his eyes. "Tell me, Sesshomaru, is she a good kisser? Are her lips as soft as they look? Does she use her tongue at the start of the kiss or does she like to take her time and savor the moment?"

The room was deathly quiet as Sesshomaru regarded Naraku silently. Finally, the stoic man shrugged and asked, "Are you upset that what I had with Kagome looked so much better than the one night you had with Kikyo?"

The man before him looked stunned, but it was Inu Yasha's reaction that drew everyone's eyes and attention.

"What in the fuck are you talking about, Sesshomaru?" Inu Yasha demanded, his fists clenched. "What about him and Kikyo?"

Sesshomaru smiled, though it was anything but pleasant. The man before him was caught and it just happened to be pure, dumb luck that he was the one who happened by Naraku and Kikyo two days before, arguing about her denying him when she tried to stop Kagome from going to Club Shikon.

"What I mean, little brother, is that it seems that your girlfriend has decided to test the waters with Naraku while you were at our father's house several weeks ago." Sesshomaru said, his face never showing the glee that he was feeling.

Naraku had to give Sesshomaru credit. The man wasn't one to be messed with, and when someone did mess with him, he fought back and used every single weapon he had. He could learn much from him.

Turning to look at Inu Yasha, he decided that telling a simple half-truth would suffice, at least for now. Let Kikyo deal with the fool's anger. He had other things on his mind.

"Kikyo approached me and asked if I would escort her to Club Shikon, seeing as how I am a member." He said, his tone neutral. "At first, I said no. Then, she told me that the two of you had an agreement that you were seeing other people and that she would really enjoy my company."

The younger man before him was seething, and though it amused him, he would not show it. After all, it took great concentration to pass the blame to another and Inu Yasha didn't need to know that weeks before Kikyo asking him to take her to Club Shikon, he had been trying to get into her panties and had finally worn her down the nigh he took her to the club.

Taking in a deep breath, he continued. "So, we went to the club and danced. I had a few too many drinks, and before too long, I found her hand down my pants. I'm sure that you are smart enough to know what happened from there."

Inu Yasha really wanted to go over at beat the man senseless. However, he knew how Naraku got when he was drunk and that the man never could hold his liquor. Kikyo, however, could. Hell, she could drink him under the table.

Hotohori stood up and glared at Naraku. "I don't care if you were drunk, Naraku. You never should have agreed to take the girlfriend of your brother anywhere." He snapped, his cool demeanor gone. "We have said over and over again that loyalty is the most important aspect of being brothers."

Naraku nodded. "Yes, we have." He agreed. "However, we have also said that if one of our brothers dated a girl, and things did not work out, then it was allowed for another brother to go after the girl, especially if she was a good girl and had high morals. I did not know that Kikyo was not a good girl, and if I had known, I never would have agreed to take her anywhere. Besides, she is part of our sister sorority, and I did not believe that such deceit would come from one of them."

"I do hope that you are not trying to appear the victim, Naraku." Sesshomaru said, his tone curt. "If anyone here is to feel victimized, it would be that ass I call brother."

Inu Yasha was standing quietly, listening to Kouga as he frantically whispered in his ear. Finally, he took in a deep breath and through clenched teeth said, "I do not believe for a moment that Naraku would willingly betray any of us. Though he does have bad judgment, the entire blame lies on Kikyo. She knew that we were not seeing other people, and instead, waited until I left to go after one of my brothers. She also knew that he wasn't very good with liquor and I think that she took total advantage of the situation. I know that my brothers would not betray me."

Hotohori glanced at Inu Yasha and then back at Naraku. Finally, he sighed and sat back down. "Well, if that is how Inu Yasha feels, then I think that Naraku has been properly warned against such actions in the future and will control himself better." He said, shooting the red-eyed man a stern glare. "However, I do believe that we need to rethink this idea of dating another brother's ex-girlfriend."

When Naraku nodded, and Inu Yasha sat down, he sat back in his chair, a feeling of pure contentment rising in his chest. Well, Kikyo was about to get hers for denying him. It served the bitch right and who cared if it was a total lie. Besides, as long as he stayed out of trouble, all was right in the world.

Kagome quickly dressed and then walked into the living room where Youko was reaching for the cup of tea that Keiko had made him. Miaka was sprawled out in a chair, almost asleep, and her popcorn almost spilling out of the container that was in her lap.

Scowling, Keiko shook her head and walked over to Miaka. Removing the container, she hauled Miaka up and turned to her friend and guest.

"Well, I am going to put sleeping beauty to bed and then I am turning in." She announced and declined Kagome's offer to help. She shook her head at Miaka when Miaka snuggled up against her and murmured, "Oh, Hotohori. You smell divine."

Youko smiled at Kagome's friends and then turned to the girl beside him, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. He quickly finished off his tea, and then stood up, and watched as Kagome lifted her eyes to his face.

"You know, I never did eat dinner." He said and stretched before offering her his hand. "I saw a small cafe a few blocks away and I'm starved. Let's go and get something to eat."

Kagome bit her lip, but then nodded. He waited patiently for her to grab her purse and keys, before following her out of the apartment. He waited as she locked the door, and together, they walked down the stairs to where his rental car was waiting.

Soon, they sat in the small shop, and he quickly ordered a burger and fries, while she ordered a small salad. While they waited for their food, he reached across the table and placed his hands on top of hers.

When he had her complete attention, he said, "I apologize for not being there at the appointed time, Kagome. It seems my car has decided that despite all of the money I paid for it, that it wanted to act up, and broke down on my way to your apartment. And, I did try to call, but I could not get any signal at my location."

Blushing, Kagome looked down at the tabletop and said, "It's alright. I thought that something like that must have happened."

"Right after you wondered if I had stood you up, right?" Youko asked, his tone light. When she gasped and stared up at him, he nodded. "It is alright that you thought that. My reputation is a pretty scandalous one, but please understand, it is mostly embellished. It seems that the young ladies that I do go out with and then decide that there is not a future for us get very angry."

Kagome smiled and sighed. "Well, I'm sorry. I should not have doubted you. I didn't think that you'd go through all the trouble to ask me out just to stand me up." She murmured.

Reaching over, he patted her hand and then quickly changed the subject to the movie that she saw. She chatted away about how Inu Yasha's fraternity had stopped them and Sesshomaru had asked to accompany them to the theater, which then prompted his brothers to do the same.

She didn't notice the darkening of Youko's eyes or the curling up his upper lip at Sesshomaru's name. He listened carefully as she told him about the movie and he laughed when Kagome told him about how Miaka was famous for hiding her face in people's chests when frightened and that Keiko had been her target, once again.

But, he knew that she was leaving something out. In fact, he could almost bet that it had something to do with Sesshomaru and if he knew his old friend, the bastard had probably made a move on her or even kissed her.

However, he would not ask. After all, if Sesshomaru wanted to turn this into a competition for Kagome's hand, then so be it. He would not lose her, especially to someone like Sesshomaru.

It was almost midnight when they returned to Kagome's apartment and he waited as she unlocked the door. When she turned to look up at him, he smiled down at her and then leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"I had a very good time, Kagome. Though I would have rather gone dancing tonight, I think that this was just as perfect." He said, as he reached out and brushed the hair out of her eyes. "However, you still owe me a dinner and dancing date, so how do you feel about next Friday?"

Her eyes lit up and he was pleased when she quickly nodded. He pulled her into a warm embrace and smiled into her hair when her arms slipped around his waist to squeeze him back. He was content to stand there for hours, simply holding her, but when she yawned, he sighed and released her, stepping back and give her another smile.

Turning her around, he gently pushed her towards the door and softly said, "Goodnight, sweetheart. Sleep with the angels."

Kagome turned and smiled back at him, though he could see that she was exhausted. Reaching forward, he grasped the door knob, and closed it, separating them. He waited to hear the lock slide into place and then turned and began to walk back towards the stairs.

However, it was at that moment that the door opened, and Sesshomaru stepped out of the apartment, along with several of his brothers.

Gold met gold, and finally, Sesshomaru asked, "It's a bit late, isn't it?"

Youko smirked and shook his head. "Not if you are looking for a midnight snack." He replied, and ignored the muttered comments from the fools behind Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed dangerously. He stepped forward and calmly said, "Kagome is not for you. She deserves someone who won't hurt her once his needs are sated. Leave her be, Youko."

"I never took you for a hypocrite, Sesshomaru." Youko replied, his own eyes narrowing. "I know that you are trying to use Kagome to get to me and it won't work. I won't let you hurt her in your need to 'one up' me."

The two men glared at each other for several minutes and then Youko softly said, "If you hurt her, in your zeal to attack me, I'll crush you and take great pride in doing so. I won't let anyone harm her, physically or emotionally."

Sesshomaru felt his fists curl up and he snapped, "I'm not the one who will hurt her. After all, you are the one with the reputation for breaking hearts and leaving them in the dust once you are through with them. Kagome won't be another notch on your bed post."

Youko's face brightened, and he laughed. "Well, then...I guess you have no reason to worry." He said, his tone cheerful. "I don't intend on bringing Kagome into my bed until after we have a firm relationship established. So, you have nothing to worry about, old friend."

Before Sesshomaru could reply, Youko turned his back and walked down the stairs, whistling a merry tune. When he was gone, the men back into the apartment and Shuuichi softly said, "I don't think that he is lying. I honestly believe that he actually wants her and not just for carnal reasons, either."

"What he wants is of no importance to me." Sesshomaru sneered. "What he is going to get is my wrath if he doesn't back off of Kagome."

Inu Yasha, even though he was still trying to decide how he was going to deal with Kikyo, quietly asked, "Have you fallen for her, Sesshomaru? If you have, then go after her, but if not or you are not sure, then you need to be the one to back away from her. I won't watch her hurt and I won't see her cry. But, if either of you do make her cry, I'll come after both of you and I won't hold back."

"That goes for me, as well." Kouga said, standing beside his best friend. However, both men were shocked when some of their other brothers stood and moved behind them.

Kuwabara had heard enough. It was clear to him that neither man deserved Kagome. She was a gentle woman, except with Bankotsu, and didn't need to have two egos fighting over her.

Yusuke honestly didn't see what the big deal was, but he knew that if Kagome was hurt, then her friend, Keiko, would be hurt, indirectly. Despite their rocky initial meeting, he found himself thinking of the girl and was trying to screw up the nerve to ask her out. So, he would help watch over Kagome, and maybe, just maybe, he would get to know Keiko better and she could see that he really wasn't as big of an asshole as she first thought.

Tamahome stared at the taller man with narrowed eyes. That girl, Miaka, was a curious little thing and she amused him. So, he wouldn't let her friend get into a situation that he knew would be devastating, and he, of course, would let Miaka know that he had helped spare her friend heartache.

Hotohori frowned as Tamahome took up a spot behind Inu Yasha and Kouga. It was clear that Tamahome was only doing this because he was interested in Miaka. But, the memory of her being in his arms quickly brought Hotohori to a decision. He stepped before Inu Yasha and stared at Sesshomaru.

"Let us not forget that we are gentlemen." He said, his tone hard. "Youko is not a threat to you and you will not become a threat to Kagome."

"Of course not." Sesshomaru replied. "However, I am not going to let Youko have his way. Kagome is my top priority and I will not allow her to be harmed, especially not by Youko."

Hiei snorted and glared over at Sesshomaru as he snapped, "Well, that's good to know. Does that mean that you will protect her from yourself, as well?"

Naraku watched the entire scene with curious eyes and then smirked. So, Sesshomaru thought himself better than Youko, and even Naraku himself, and thought to tear the young model away from his rival. Perhaps, Youko would be willing to accept some aide, especially if it was coming from the inside of Sesshomaru's inner circle.

Kikyo stared at her cell phone and frowned. She had tried to call Inu Yasha several times, yet none of her calls had been answered or returned. That was highly unusual.

Sango sighed and looked over at Kikyo, who looked very upset. Hell, she was still hurt by Miroku breaking up with her, though she could now see his point of view. However, she knew enough about Kikyo to know that the woman wouldn't want her words of comfort. She just wanted to hear her boyfriend's voice.

Biting her lip, Kikyo dialed Inu Yasha's number one final time before she went to bed and prayed that he would answer.

To her surprise, the line was picked up and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it's me." She said, a bright smile upon her lips. "I've been calling you all night. Where have you been?"

At first, he didn't answer. She grew concerned for him, mainly because it was not Inu Yasha's nature to be so quiet. Finally, he said, "Well, I wasn't at Club Shikon with one of your sisters and fucking her."

All color drained from Kikyo's face and she sucked in a harsh breath. But, before she could reply, he said, "I never took you for a whore, Kikyo. I know that Naraku is a whore, when drunk, but I never thought that you were one, too."

"I-Inu Yasha, I don't know what you are talking about." Kikyo replied, her tone soft. "I swear that I have not done anything with Naraku."

Inu Yasha's laugh was cold and harsh. "Save it." He snapped, his tone curt. "Sesshomaru overheard you and Naraku a couple of days ago. Well, you don't have to worry about remaining faithful to me, anymore. As far as I am concerned, you are a free woman and can fuck as you please. Good night, Kikyo."

The line went dead before she could reply and when she lowered the phone from her ear, she dropped her phone in her lap and lifted her hands to her face. She felt her bed dip as Sango came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her, holding her as she cried.

Sango felt badly for Kikyo. The only reason why she even went along with Naraku was because the asshole told her that if she didn't meet up with him, he would tell everyone that her father was being investigated for embezzlement. Kikyo knew that if she didn't go along with Naraku, then her life at the college would be over and all she would have left is a life filled with shame as her father's crime was brought to light for everyone to see.

Not even Kagome knew just how deep Kikyo's father's crimes ran, but Naraku did. In fact, Sango suspected that it was Naraku who set the police after her father, just so he could hold Kikyo hostage with the knowledge.

As the young woman cried into her hands, Sango made up her mind to go and speak with Miroku. He would listen. He had to. If not, she had a feeling that Kikyo's future at the college would be over before the new semester began.

Kami help them if Kagura and Yura found out.