The tenderness still warm on his lips. Every soothing touch, still present on his skin. Even though he was dressed, the sensation of last night replayed over and over against on his body.

Sitting out on the beach, legs outstretched, bright blue eyes watched the sun reach mid point in the sky. It told the time of noon, and the island was already buzzing with commotion. People were busy today like always. But to this teen it was unsure why.

Really though, all the loudness seemed to be drowned away by his thoughts and wonders. It was never a real bother to him as he sat carelessly on the soft sand as the rumbling waves came crashing onto the shore.

Then, darkness came over his eyes and he blinked.

"..Guess who." came a voice, and immediately a grin came onto the young teen's lips. Placing his hands over the ones that covered his eyes, he slowly removed them to look up. Only to see a second pair of blue eyes.

"Hello there, Roxas." The grin grew, and it reflected onto the sandy haired teen that stood over him. Bending over, a passionate kiss was laid onto his lips. It was tender, and soft…just like last night's kisses.

Parting from the kiss, the teen came around and sat next to him with a very satisfying grin. "Good afternoon, Sora. How did you sleep?" he asked, blue orbs shifting in his direction. The one known as Sora gave a bashful grin as their eyes met. Boy, was he a sucker for those bright eyes of Roxas'.

"It was wonderful. Thank you for asking." His voice, hushed.

Roxas blinked curiously, leaning in somewhat as his lover leaned against his chest slowly and warmly. It had always sent a sweet sensation throughout his entire body that would just send a bone chilling shiver up his spine. "What is it? You seem on edge."

Sora shook his head slightly, and his grin only grew from there on. "I was just thinking about last night…" This made the other teen smile and gently wrap his arms around the one that was so closely held to him. How warm he was..

"Think we could do it again tonight?" the brown haired boy asked, his cheeks turning to the light reddish hue that seemed to stick to his cheeks all the time. Roxas gave a sigh this time, making Sora's thoughts die and abruptly he looked to him. His eyes showed concern. "You mean.. we can't?"

The sandy headed teen shook his head somewhat, and a frown took over the grin that was on the other teen's lips. "Sadly, no. I have an errand to run for a friend. However, we can do it tomorrow night if you wish, Sora."

Sora's blue eyes cascaded downwards to the rushing waters. He was really looking forward to tonight's ceremony of love and sensational gift giving. "..Oh…okay. You promise me that we can do it tomorrow, Roxas. Okay?" The other teen nodded with a small smile as he lifted a hand and gently wrapped his fingers onto Sora's chin. He then turned his head in the direction of his, Sora giving no objections as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"Of course, chosen one…" Roxas spoke softly, gingerly brushing a strand of brown hair away from Sora's eyes. "…I promise you the world."

Sora smiled then, knowing that his words were true.

And with that, Roxas returned the grin and gently brought his lover's chin inwards so that they now embraced in another passionate kiss. One that Sora knew was to be just the start of Roxas' promise.