Ok so this is the sequel to Secrets, hope you like it, love Sophie xxx:-D

One week later

Ziva walked into Ellie's hospital room to see her struggling around the room on her crutches.

"What on earth are you trying to do Ellie?" Ziva asked.

"I'm packing my things, the sooner I get out of here, the better!" Ellie replied.

Ziva laughed at her daughter, then took the clothes in her hands and put them in the suitcase.

"Well, since you're not having much luck packing, go and sit down and I'll take over." Ziva said.

"Fine," Ellie sighed. "Where's Tali?"

" At day care, I'm going to leave her there for day, get you settled at home. Sound ok?" She replied.

"Uh huh," she answered. "Ok I'm packed now, can we go? If I spend another minute I will die!"

"I thought the reason you go to a hospital is so you don't die…" Ziva replied.

"Ok, come on lets go" Ellie finished. Ziva grabbed the bag and helped Ellie out of the room.

"Um Ziva, am I still grounded?" Ellie asked.

"Oh yes, yes. You are still grounded, deal with it kid!" Ziva laughed.

"But Ziva-!" Ellie whined.

"I could make it seven months if you would prefer that." Ziva said.

"I'll be ok." Ellie replied. Ziva laughed as she watched Ellie hobble down the hallway.

A few minutes later they were in the car and on their way home.

"Ziva, could you please go a little slower, I already have a broken arm and leg, I don't want another thing broken." Ellie said.

"What's wrong? You usually love it when I drive." Ziva replied.

"Yeah, I love it when I'm sitting upright. In the backseat with my leg up, not as much fun!" She told her mother.

"Fine I'll go a bit slower." Ziva agreed. From the driver seat, Ziva could hear a small sigh of relief from Ellie as the car slowed down.

"Ziva, you missed the turn, our street was back there." Ellie said.

"No it's not, I have a surprise for you." Ziva said.

"What did you do?" Ellie asked.

"You'll see in a minute" Ziva laughed.

When the car stopped, Ellie looked out of the window and then looked at Ziva.

"Why are we at Tony's place?" Ellie asked.

"Come on, lets get you out of the car." Ziva said, ignoring the question.

When Ellie opened the door, she was greeted by Tony.

"Hi Tony. Ok since Ziva won't tell me, can you explain why we aren't at our apartment?"Ellie said.

"Well Ellie, this is your apartment now, coz you guys are going to live with me now." Tony replied.

"You guys are together now? Oh my god!" She said excitedly. Ellie threw her crutches back in the car and hugged them both. "Um so what else happened while I was away? Oh god you're not pregnant again are you Ziva?" Ellie asked. Both of the adults laughed at her question.

"No ,no. I fact we haven't even… well you know, yet." Tony said.

"Ok good, but before you guys, you know. You're going to have to buy me an MP3 player." She grinned, then walked over to the building.

"Why is that, Ellie?" Tony called out to her.

"Coz she really, is a screamer, and I am definitely NOT listening to THAT again!"

so how was the first chapter? Plz tell me what you think! thanks love Sophie xxx:-D