Sunrise for her

The sun had set by the time he arrived in the park. He needed to wait until morning to do this. He was going to give her the sunrise she thought he had promised her. It was just as he sat down on a bench in a secluded area that he felt his stomach grumbling in hunger. He wasn't sure if he wanted to chance another public appearance. He knew he was in a muggle area. Presumably the Ministry wouldn't be looking for him here. He figured it would be safe to get something to eat. His will was strong but even he needed to eat. He couldn't outrun the authorities on an empty stomach for long.

"Just be careful," he quietly reminded himself. He got up from the bench and headed into town, finding a small pub a few blocks away. He entered and took a seat in a booth in the back of the restaurant. A pretty young woman approached him with a menu.

"Take you time," she addressed him. It sounded rehearsed to Snape's ears. She was eyeing his peculiar choice of clothing. She was used to it though. They got all sorts of weird people in this place. After having handed him the menu she disappeared. Severus perused the laminated sheet for a while until she returned. He hurriedly placed his order and began scouring his person for the money he would need to pay for the food. Luckily he had some muggle money on him.

"Here you are sir," she said, coming back some ten minutes later with his meal.

"May I have the bill please," he asked immediately. She looked a bit confused but handed it to him. He placed the appropriate payment in the pouch and handed it back to her. Satisfied that she was going to get some tips for the night she left him to his food.

He enjoyed the meal more than he had anticipated. Perhaps it was the possibility that if he wasn't careful, it could be his last for a long time. He savored every flavor and by the time he left the sun was completely gone and the moon had risen to the top of the sky and was on its slow descent towards dawn. He would only have a few hours to wait.

He decided he should use the time to locate Eliza's grave. He'd gotten the address from Alyssa back when they were still in school. She'd given it to him just in case he ever decided to visit her. He moved along the dark road until he found a clump of trees that would provide adequate cover for apparition. He reappeared at the front gate of the cemetery. He pushed the wrought-iron gate open and began to tread on the hallowed ground. He finally found her headstone. The sun was just now starting to come up over the horizon.

"Good morning, Eliza," he whispered. He slowly bent down and placed a hand on the cool stone.

"I know I should have come a long time ago. I've just been dealing a lot of private matters," he continued conversationally.

"But I am here now. I've come to watch the sunrise with you," he told the still air.

He lowered himself all the way to the ground and watched the sun peek over the top of the trees. It really was a breathtaking scene. He could now see why she liked them so much. And he also thought what that something extra she saw in them. The rest of the world seemed to melt away around him, leaving only him and the sun, making the sky a mixture of blue, pink and purple.

"It truly is beautiful. Thank you for inviting me to share it with you," he breathed as the sun was fully over the treetops. He stood, clearing his throat.

"I apologize that I didn't take the time to acknowledge you….to pay attention. I should have done something. Please forgive me," he pleaded to the headstone as he silently disappeared.