I don't own Zim or Jekyll and Hyde.
Well...this is it. The time has come. The moment you all have been waiting for...THE CONCLUSION OF ZIM'S HOT NEW PARTNER!!
Yes, I can sense the excitement spewing from the look of your bloodshot eyes. I have a lot to say, but to keep you from waiting even longer, I'll save my speech for the end.
Alraune sat in her new home, as a rose, trying to get some sleep. After Sypha had left Zim's base, they had tried to find a new home on Earth. Alraune said that Sypha should simply return home, but she refused, saying she didn't want to come home a failure. And Sypha didn't have any way to make a house as Zim had. So, they went house hunting, the way all other humans find a home.
They eventually found themselves a two room apartment. Alraune usually stayed in the small garden hanging over the windowsill. In order to pay for it, Sypha had to get a job. It wasn't long before she found what seemed like the perfect job for her.
"There was a time, I don't know when; I didn't have much time for men. But this is now and that was then, I'm learning."
A woman stood in center stage of a local bar, other women at her sides. The woman had long, straight, black hair and a pale face. She was dressed in a ruffled black and red dress, red gloves, and her hair in a matching bow. The men in the building cheered as she continued her song.
"A girl alone, all on her own, must try to have a heart of stone. So I try not to make it known my yearning. I try to show I have no need. I really do, I don't succeed."
"So let's bring..." She and the other women began to dance around the stage as she ripped off the dress, revealing a black leather corset and underwear. "On the men and let the fun begin. A little touch of sin, why wait another minute? Step this way, it's time for us to play. They say we may not pass this way again so lets waste no more time. Bring on the men."
After the show, the woman stepped off the stage and was approached by a man. "How would you like to come home with me tonight?" he asked.
The woman smirked. "I dunno, my services aren't cheap." The man held up several 20 dollar bills.
It was 3:00 in the morning when Alraune heard the dorr open. She looked inside and saw the black haired woman come in and collapse onto the couch. "Jeez, Sypha, you look beat." said Alraune. She pulled herself from the dirt and sat next to her.
"I literally am." she pointed to a red mark on your face. "This asshole slapped me because I was being 'too aggressive'."
"What'd you do?" Alraune asked.
"I bit off his balls while giving him a blowjob."
Alraune frowned. "Sypha, what did I tell you? We can't do anything to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."
"I know, I know," Sypha sighed sadly as her eyes changed to a deep purple. "These last two months have been a blur of booze, nightclubs, and hotel rooms. I've lived out every single sexual fantasy my sick mind has ever thought of."
"And aren't you happy about that?" Alraune asked.
Sypha shook her head. "No, because each fantasy was missing something. The one person I wanted to experience those with." Tears began to stream down her cheek.
Alraune put an arm around her shoulder. "Sypha, I know how much you loved him, but you have to forget about him."
"How can I?" she replied. "How do you expect me to just toss him aside like so many other men I knew?" She looked down. "The worst part is that it's my fault I can never see him again. If I had been able to control myself..." she broke into sobs.
Alraune hugged her. "Hey, don't think like that. It wasn't either of your faults. Think about the fact that Zim's still alive because of this."
"I know, but I can't help but wonder how he is. Does he miss me as much as I miss him? Or has he forgotten all about me?"
"Oh, I highly doubt that." Alraune replied. "He must miss you too. Probably beating himself up about it just like you." She paused. "In fact, if it's anyone's fault, it's the Tallest's."
Sypha raised her head as her eyes changed to orange. "What?"
"Well, it's just that they're the ones who forced you two apart, right?" said Alraune.
Sypha's eyes became dark blue. "You're right. I suppose they are the only ones getting in our way, huh?"
Alraune shrugged. "I guess."
Sypha stood, preparing to leave. "I need to take care of something." She exited the building.
Alraune sighed and stood. "S'pose this would be a good time to check on the green guy now."
"We saved your life by doing this, you know."
Zim stood in front of the transmitter, talking to the Tallest as they did their usual memory check through his PAK to make sure he hadn't secretly seen Sypha. "What do you mean?"
"You don't know much about Enfudikon women, do you?" said Purple. "They only love their own kind."
"They only act like they love you in order to gain your trust." added Red. "Once you do, they both destroy you and make new members of their army."
"How do they do that?" asked Zim.
"They impregnate you." Red answered.
Zim tensed, remembering how Sypha had done the exact thing to him, claiming she had no other choice in the situation.
"The children usually eat the host from the inside out." Purple added.
Sypha had said that that was a very rare occurrence.
"That woman probably found out you were here, and decided to eliminate her competition, acting like she loved you in order to drop your guard." said Red.
"Acting like she loved me?"
"You're pretty lucky, if she had been in your house any longer, she probably would've laid about a dozen eggs inside you, and they'd tear you to shreds."
Suddenly, the screen went blank. Zim looked to his left and saw Alraune standing in front of the machine, her fist over the control panel. "Alraune," Zim began. "Is what they said about Enfudikons true?"
Alraune sighed. "Unfortunately, yes."
"Was Sypha really planning to kill me?"
"Well, yes, but-"
Zim growled. "I should have known. Why would royalty like her want anything to do with me?"
Alraune slapped him on the back of the head. "Now wait just a minute, that was only at first. If she had really wanted to kill you, you'd have been dead a long time ago. You survived through your pregnancy, didn't you?"
"Yes, but that doesn't-"
"And if she didn't really love you, she wouldn't be crying herself to sleep every night because of how much she misses you!"
Zim put a hand to his chest. "Really?" He pulled out the golden locket that Sypha had given him, and stared at her picture for a few moments before closing it again. "That much, huh?"
"And don't pretend you don't feel the same way."
"You're right," he sat at the control chair with a sigh. "This is all my fault anyway."
"Oh, don't start that with me." said Alraune. "Sypha said the exact same thing. I had to tell her it was the Tallests' fault, just to get her to stop being so angry with herself." Alraune suddenly froze, remembering how Sypha had said she was going out to take care of something. She recalled her face, and could see the look in her eyes that she wasn't up to any good. "We have to call her, now."
"What?" said Zim. "I'm not allowed to speak to her, remember?"
"Well, I can." she replied. "I have to stop her."
"Stop her from what?" he asked.
"If what I'm guessing is correct, Sypha's heading straight for the Massive now to assassinate the Tallest."
"What?! Does she even know where they are?" he shouted.
"If not, she can easily find out." Alraune began typing madly into the control panel to contact Sypha's ship. "Get out of this room if you want to make sure you don't see or hear her." Zim nodded and left the room, and Sypha's image shortly appeared on the monitor.
"Alraune," Sypha looked surprised, eyes dark orange. "What are you doing calling me?"
She frowned. "Keeping you from making a stupid mistake, as usual."
Sypha smiled nervously. "Why, whatever are you talking abou-"
"Don't think I don't know what you're planning!" Alraune interrupted. "You can't kill the Tallest! That's just...idiotic! The treaty says that the moment one of your species is killed, it becomes null and void, and there wouldn't be anything from stopping every single Irken from attacking you!"
Sypha eyes turned dark purple. "I know, but...I-I just miss him so much!"
"And I miss you too!"
Sypha's eyes became yellow. "Z...Zimmy?"
He continued to call from the other room. "I couldn't live with myself if I knew you died just to see me again."
Sypha sighed, eyes changing to dark blue. "Alright, I guess I shouldn't risk something like that. What's the point of doing something like that to see you if it could kill me?" Suddenly, her eyes became yellow again. "Wait a second, there is something else I can do."
"Now wait just a second," Alraune began.
"Don't worry, I know what to do." Sypha reassured, eyes becoming blue again.
"Please Sypha, don't take any stupid risks for me." Zim pleaded.
"Relax; it's not a stupid risk. Trust me, Zimmy, I can do this."
He sighed. "Just be careful."
"Hey, don't worry; this is me we're talking about." Sypha cut the transmission.
"Well, she seems confident about whatever she's planning." Alraune said. "And that's usually a pretty good sign."
The Tallest looked up at the intercom, in the hallway leading to one of the snack pods. "Let the guards handle it." Purple said apathetically.
When they returned to the main lounge, they were met face to face with the intruder, a rather tall female Irken with red-orange eyes. She was only wearing dark blue underwear and fishnet tights, and she was lying down on one of the couches, staring at them with a seductive gaze.
The Tallest eyed her suspiciously. "Why weren't you caught by the guards?" Purple asked.
The Irken scoffed. "Who, you mean those guards?" She pointed to the nearby corridor, the still bodies of Irken guards on the ground, some looking more injured than most. "Don't worry, they should regain consciousness soon."
The Tallest turned from the guards and back to her. "Who are you and what do you want?" Red asked.
She smiled. "Just someone who wants to spend a little time with her Tallest." She lifted her wrist and moved her finger in a summoning motion. "Come here, boys." The Tallest were able to control easily, they soon found her absolutely irresistible.
Hours later, the Tallest reawoke on different couches in the room, each of them lightly clothed. Looking around the room confused, they found a small disk sitting on a table, with a folded piece of paper next to it.
They picked up the paper and opened it, revealing to be a letter.
I will be returning to my Zimmy now. Don't even think about deactivating him, that disk you see is a copy of the downloaded memories you both have from last night. You ever come near either of us again, I will not hesitate to show this to both my people and yours. I'm sure raping the eldest Belnades daughter will be severely frowned upon by my parents, and they won't think twice about attacking your planet. As for your followers, they're sure to be disappointed that their all-knowing leaders not only went against the rules of Irken life, but with their sworn enemies.
Red growled and picked up the disk, smashing it in his fingers. "That damn Enfudikon woman..."
"What'll we do now?" Purple asked.
Red sighed. "Nothing yet. She has us trapped. We'll leave those two alone for now, why should we bother over Zim anyway?"
Purple nodded. "I guess," He looked around the room. "Say, do you know where she put our clothes?"
A knock came from the door of Zim's base. Mary Annette stood from the couch she and Gir were on. "Pizza's here!" she opened the door excitedly, only to find a human girl with light brunette hair.
The girl smiled. "Hi, Mary Annette." she said, her light blue eyes looking at her.
Mary Annette turned around. "Miiisteeeeerrr! Some strange lady's at the door!!"
The girl sighed as Zim looked at the doorway. She smiled, her eyes turning pink. "Hello, Zimmy."
Zim's eyes grew twice their size. "S...Sypha?" She nodded.
Mary Annette turned back to her. "Master?"
Zim immediately ran to the door and threw her arms around her. "Sypha, it's been so long!" He sat up. "But, what about the Tallest?"
Her eyes turned orange as she smirked. "We'll never have to worry about them again."
Zim smiled and hugged her again with enough force to knock them both to the ground. "Oh Sypha, I'm so glad to see you again!"
"Me too, Zimmy." she said, holding him against her.
"MASTER!!" Both Mary Annette and Gir jumped on top of them, joining into the group hug.
"Come on Zim, don't be nervous."
Zim and Alraune stood in a room near the living room. Zim was looking at Sypha, who was sitting on the couch, while Gir and Mary Annette were rolling on the floor.
"Look at her, this is the perfect opportunity." said Alraune, who had recently returned to the base.
"Bu-but what if I mess it up?" Zim asked.
"Oh for fuck's sake, it's five simple words! You can do it."
"I dunno..."
"Oh well, you're going out there." She pushed him into the living room. Zim glared back at her, and she just gave him the thumbs up and a huge smile.
Zim sighed and sat next to Sypha, who smiled with yellow eyes. "Hi Zimmy." she greeted cheerfully.
"H-hey..." His gaze shifted from her to the couch cushion.
Sypha's eye became orange and followed his gaze. "What is it?" She looked closer, and noticed a small spot of black between the cushions. Zim started to panic when she reached down and pulled out a small black box.
"What's this?" Before Zim could stop her, she opened the box. Inside, was a golden ring with a blood red ruby in the center, surrounded by silver points. Her pink eyes began to water. "Is...is this...?"
"You don't have to answer me now!" Zim said nervously. "I mean, this is a big decision for you, and-"
"And m-maybe you don't wanna...wait, what?" Zim stared at her.
"Yes!" She embraced him, crying tears of joy. "Yes, I would love to marry you, Zim!"
Alraune smiled from the doorway as Zim hugged her back, also beginning to cry. Gir and Mary Annette squealed. "Yaaaay, we're going to a wedding!" they cheered.
And thus ends Zim's Hot New Partner. I wanna say how much I loved writing this fanfiction. I've always had tidbits of ideas for something like this, and it feels so good to finally share them.Because it was my first time ever doing this, this story was somewhat of a learning tool for all of my future fanfictions.
Now, I want to first thank you for seeing past this story's two main flaws. One, a VERY poorly written beginning. I honestly cannot read the first couple of chapters, and sheer laziness has kept me from rewriting them. But, it was my first time writing, so I forgive myself. Two, OOCness, with Zim especially. It's VERY hard to make Zim fall in love while keeping him in character.
Now I want to thank all of you who were kind enough to read this. I feel so happy to know that my ideas were generally liked. Allison Robinson, Avese Jolim, Captain Deadpool, Dlbn, IAteYourCookies, InuyashaPrincess14, Invader Devi, Invader Ren-chan, Invader Ria, Lady of the Twilight, Lilxsandxkitten, Mommaleasey, Pajama Jam, Sorinchako, TheBroccoliMustDie, WolvesAngelz, kalilamae, shadow-fox1221, IWasTheTurkey, Shadow35094, Wikitiki99, and probably a hell of a lot more! We all know that a story is nothing without its fans, and your reviews and favorites gave me all the support I needed to continue, and become the confident writer I am today.
I am very pleased to announce that there will be a sequel to this in the future, as well as one or two side stories. Me and ShadowIceMaiden or working on a collaboration fanfiction crossover. Visit her profile if you would like to see my story and hers collide.