SEASON/SEQUEL: Set season 3, following 'Six Days Part 1' (see notes)

SPOILERS: Season 3, 'Six Days'

SUMMARY: Meredith has abandonment issues. What if these issues were more serious than Derek realized? (Mer/Der)

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of the ABC and Shonda Rhimes. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

AUTHORS NOTES: The snoring arc was meant for comic relief more than anything, I think. But what if we took away the story of George's dad? What if we made the arc a little more serious? I started this after seeing 'Six Days part 1' so ignore part 2. I just felt they could have brought up Meredith's abandonment issues at a better time, where we could delve a little deeper. Here's my idea on it.

Copyright © Jez, February 2007.


Meredith yawned as she followed behind Bailey, hoping rounds were almost over. She was exhausted and wondered how long it would be before she'd get a chance to sneak off to one of the on-call rooms and take a nap.

"What's the matter? Sheppard keep you up all night playing doctor?" Alex asked, smirking at her.

"What, are you jealous?" Cristina retorted.

"Well I certainly couldn't be jealous of you, seeing as you're still not talking to your boyfriend," he replied, with a shake of his head.

"You and Burke still aren't talking?" Izzie asked.

"Are you thumb suckers coming or are you gonna stand there and gossip all day?"

They scurried after her, Cristina sniping at Izzie, while Alex went back to teasing Meredith.

"Ah, if it isn't Doctor Bailey and her band of merry interns."

Meredith looked up at the sound of Derek's voice.

"Doctor Shepard," Bailey greeted curtly, before turning. "Who's presenting?"

George stepped forward. "Ah, Edith Merriman, thirty-two. Scheduled for removal of a tumor on the temporal lobe later today. Overnight labs were good and the slight increase in white cell count has dropped back down to normal levels."

"That means I can have the surgery today, right, Doctor Sheppard?"

"It does indeed, Mrs. Merriman. Now, do you have any questions for me?"

Meredith tuned out while the patient started asking questions. She watched Derek, scanning his face for any signs of tiredness. He didn't look tired, but then she'd made a point of staying awake the night before, knowing he had a heavy day ahead of him and needed his rest.

"Grey, are you with us?"

Meredith was shaken from her thoughts and realized that they were moving on. Derek shot her a curious look, but she just smiled at him and headed out of the room. She cursed herself. She didn't need Bailey riding her about being distracted and she didn't need Derek asking questions.

"All right, O'Malley, you're with Sheppard. Karev, Doctor Montgomery has requested you're presence. Stevens, you're with Doctor Sloan and Yang, you're with me." Bailey turned to look at Meredith. "You're in the pit, Grey. You think you can get your head out of the clouds?"

"Of course, Doctor Bailey."

The interns headed off to their assignments. Meredith sighed. The pit could be a good thing or she could be run off her feet all day. Knowing her luck, she was bound to have the latter.

It was five hours later when Meredith finally had a chance to catch her breath.

"Take a break before you go back into the pit," Doctor Hahn advised her. She touched Meredith's arm, as she went to move off. "You did good, Grey," she assured her. "Sometimes they're just too far gone by the time we get to them. That guy didn't stand a chance."

Meredith nodded and murmured her thanks. It was always hard losing a patient, but it hit a little harder this time. She was exhausted. While that wasn't uncommon for an intern, she was more exhausted than normal. What if she'd been too slow? Missed something that could have saved that man's life?

She heaved out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew that wasn't true and she hated how she was second guessing herself. She had to do something, she couldn't go on with no sleep or she really would make a mistake.

"Make sure his dressings are changed."

Meredith looked up at the voice and saw Mark Sloane handing a chart over to one of the nurses. She hesitated only a second, before heading his way. "Doctor Sloan?"

He turned and the McSteamy face made an immediate appearance. "Meredith Grey. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."

Meredith frowned. "What?"

"Ever since you and Derek got back together, I've barely seen you. What, he think I'm gonna steal you away if you get too close?" He grinned and leaned in closer. "Or are you just worried you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself if we're alone?"

She sighed. "You know what, just forget it." She turned on her heel, only to feel his hand grasp her elbow.

"Now, come on, you know I was only joking," he cajoled. "What did you want?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter," she insisted, pulling away slightly.

"It obviously does, or you wouldn't have broken the self-imposed no-go-zone to talk to me." He crossed his arms and moved so he was standing in front of her. "So, what can I do for you, Doctor Grey?"

Was it worth the hassle of having to deal with Mark? She sighed, yes, it was. "I need a consult," she told him.

He nodded. "Okay, lead the way."

She hesitated. "It's me." He frowned at her and she sighed. "The consult is for me."

His frown deepened and Meredith could see concern cross his face. "Is everything all right?" he asked, his hand reaching out to touch her arm. "Are you sick?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think I'd be talking to a plastic surgeon if I was sick?" she asked.

He grinned and nodded. "Excellent point. So, what can I help you with? Breast implants?" He scanned her body. "You certainly don't need lypo, though I guess I'd need to investigate a little closer to be sure--"

"I don't need implants!" she cried. She looked around quickly, realizing she'd said that a little loud.

"No, you most certainly don't," he agreed. He held out a hand. "Come on, let's go in here and you can tell me what I can do for you."

He led her into an exam room and told her to sit on the bed. She wrung her hands, feeling more nervous than she should. She was a doctor, she shouldn't be nervous, but the rational thought didn't stop her heart from galloping in her chest.

Mark pulled up a rolling stool and moved to sit in front of her. "What's going on, Meredith?" he asked. His voice was soft, almost gentle and it reminded Meredith of the tone one might use to soothe a spooked animal.

She sighed. "Apparently, I snore. Which hasn't been a problem for almost thirty years, but now seems to be driving my boyfriend out of my bed and onto the couch."

She waited for the laughter or at least a smirk and was surprised when it didn't come. "You should really be speaking to an otolaryngologist. This isn't my area of expertise."

"I just thought you'd be able to do it. You know an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or something."

"Have you thought about non-invasive answers?" he asked. "A dental mouthpiece or even C-pap?"

"I'm not going to look like some freak with a mask over my face every time I go to bed. Nor do I want to have to remove some oral contraption before I can kiss my boyfriend good morning. I just want it stopped, Mark."

He paused, head tilted to the side as if he were considering her request. "Okay. I'll need to do some tests, get some films and I'd like to consult with a friend of mine back in New York. He's one of the best ear, nose and throat specialists in the country. I'd also like to talk to Derek."

Meredith blanched. "What? Why do you want to talk to Derek?"

"I'd like to talk to him about when and how you snore. It'll help us decide how best to treat this."

"Like he'd know, he doesn't stick around long enough," she muttered. She felt herself blush as she realized she'd said that aloud. "I, uh, I don't want him to know I'm doing this."

"Don't you think he's going to notice when his girlfriend's in hospital having surgery?" he pointed out.

She shook her head. "I'll think of something. I just don't want him to know until he has to."

He didn't look convinced, but simply nodded. "Okay." He pulled out his penlight. "Now, open wide and say 'aah'", he joked.

She rolled her eyes, stuck her tongue out and did as she was told, feeling slightly better than she had in days.


I'd love some reviews, this is my first GA story.