Hey there.
Okay, so this is my first fanfiction, so please be nice. XDD
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas. The characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. Don't sue, yada yada. The first italic line is directly from New Moon.
Oh, and Kiwi says hello. :D
And then I heard his voice. Clear as ever, smooth as velvet.
"Be Happy," he told me.
I welcomed the beautiful sound. But why was I hearing it? The current situation offered no imminent danger, though I suppose just being this close to a werewolf wasn't terribly smart. On second thought he...I sighed inwardly...Edward...was not warning me this time. "Be happy," he said.
I looked at Jacob, watching me. Clearly my thoughts had betrayed me.
"Him again huh?" Jake smiled weakly, and it amazed me how much he understood. Wait. Wrong word. Other people understood: Jessica, Mike, even my dad knew why I was upset. But Jake knew how to handle it. What to say. When to say it. I studied his features. "Be happy." I heard again.
Maybe there was something to be found in Jacob Black. I already felt for him more than I thought I ever could. Maybe, even if the hole never left, the edges could heal. As different and incomparable as this love would be, it would be love all the same. And Edward seemed to want it for me.
Maybe I could move past my zombie stage, into the arms of, just barely more than a friend. Two people mattered to me right now. Two and only two. Edward and Jacob. If both wanted this for me, maybe I should go with it. I would never "let go" or "get over" Edward, that much was certain. But maybe I could find a new place in my heart, and put Jacob there.
I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. It was warm. No surprise there. And just as I had figured the edges of the hole burned...but, to my surprise, not to any serious extent. Itched was more the word. I knew it was there...but it didn't pain me. Jacob smiled in surprise. "I had a great time tonight," he ventured. I agreed heartily and let myself out of the car. The voice in my head laughed sadly, and I had never been more confused in my life. But the damage...or perhaps repair, had been done. The plan was laid, and I got to work on a new place in my heart. A smaller one maybe, but a gap that needed filling, nonetheless.
I lay in bed and stared up at the ceiling, considering all that had happened. I had been using Jacob to cheer me up, this was more or less the same. Edward seemed to want it for me. I kept telling myself that. Edward wants this for you Bella...Edward wants this for yo-...My musings were interrupted by several little taps on the window.
I looked up...and there was Jacob. I sat up and forced a smile. I wasn't ready for this yet. It was a little too much, just a little too soon... "Hey Bella," he said.
"Hello Jake," I said sleepily. Then I made a show of finding my clock and checking the time. "It's past one! What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't sleep," he shrugged. We sat in silence and I could tell by the way his brow was knitted and his teeth set that if he wasn't lying about his reason for coming, there was another reason beyond it.
"What's really wrong Jake?" I eyed him with a mixture of suspicion and concern, laying my hand on his gently. He glanced down at it and sighed.
"What did you mean by that kiss?" His voice was low...small. He sounded scared, and I knew that the question had taken a lot of effort. After a while I still hadn't answered and he started up again. "Cause I mean, in the theater you said...and then just now...well not just now but." I nodded. "I know your not over Cullen yet." His voice was sulky. I wondered if I should try to explain.
It was only fair.
"Why don't you come in Jake?" I asked wearily, opening the window a little bit further. After a few minutes he was seated opposite me on the bed, the hole making itself known again. I sighed, and started to try to explain. "You see, the thing is..." my voice trailed off as he took my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. The touch was nice. My pulse didn't exactly quicken, but I was more aware of it...whether it was because it was stronger, or because I thought it should quicken, I couldn't be sure. But I could definitely see myself falling into this faster than I thought possible.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Your right, I'm not over Cullen," I began. His face fell and frowned. I touched his chin so he would look back up at me. "Listen Jake. I'm not over Edward. I doubt I will ever be completely over Edward. But that doesn't mean I don't..." I struggled with the word and decided it was best not to try to say it yet. "I care for you a lot Jacob Black. More than you can know."
He seemed apprehensive. "But what you said...at the theaters...I...Bella..."
"I know Jake." I said, not about to try to explain the voice inside my head. "Just believe me when I tell you there's no one I would rather be with right now than you." He cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, okay. Almost no one." I smiled grimly.
He dropped my hand and set his teeth again. "Can I kiss you, Bella?" he petitioned. The hole was more than present now, and I struggled with it, knowing that if the tiniest bit of emotion showed, he would see it. "Be happy..." the voice pressed again, pleading this time. Sad, reluctant, and yet pressing me. The hole shrunk back and so did my reluctance. I offered a small nod.
He leaned in and pressed his lips softly to mine. When he pulled back, he seemed to be searching my face for a reaction. I offered nothing, unsure of how I felt myself. I need time to figure out how I should feel... "Happy...happy" I could almost see Edward in my head, his honey-colored eyes several shades darker, his head hanging... To have Jake here, in my room, where I had passed so many nights with my Edward... I forged a look of worry. "Jacob, I think I hear my dad, you'd better go."
He nodded quickly and was soon gone.
I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling again. How did I feel? "Happy." the voice reminded me. "Be happy."
That night I dreamt. I was still in the woods. Still looking for Edward. But I wasn't panicking, it was okay. I was upset that I couldn't find him, but Jacob was with me and it was okay. He held my hand and was reluctant to participate in the search, but went along with it anyways, not trying to convince me to turn back.
Though it seemed that every time I got close a voice would come from behind this tree or just beyond that boulder...but every time I got there, the voice would fade to a whisper, telling me to stop looking...to be happy.
I would turn around and Jacob would be standing in the same place he was before I ran off after the voice. His features were quizzical but accepting. And I woke up in peace.
For the next few days, the hole itched...but the pain was gone. And whenever I doubted, Edward was with me to urge me on, his voice quieter and rather away each time. And part of me was afraid to lose him. But the screams that came from that part of me were drowned. The faded away with Jake's apprehension.
Everyone seemed happy with my decision. The voice in my head had been appeased. My father was ecstatic, and my former friends spoke to me again. I spent every moment I could down at LaPush. I felt like a twelve year old with her first crush. And everything was perfect for two weeks solid. Ont the Monday of the third week, I awoke to a rare, sunny day in Forks. Monday changed everything.