Title: Their daily lives
Author: Nekocin
Fandom: Card Captor Sakura
Pairing-Characters: eventual Touya+Yukito
Rating: PG
Warnings: possible OoC
Additional notes: shounen ai bordering to yaoi, for 30smiles livejournal community
Disclaimer: series doesn't belong to me

#12 Ice-skating

On rare nights when his family were together; 'tou-san would be preparing a grand lunch in the kitchen, Sakura would be watching one of her favorite shows--ice-skating--on TV and Yuki... he paused his train of thoughts. Sounds of pans rattling accompanied with Sakura's excited laughter clouded the background noise as he glanced to the one sitting next to him. Yuki was half-heartedly fighting to stay awake, head bobbing up and down before he caught himself almost sliding off to one side and re-arranged himself.

Touya nudged him lightly by the arm, slouched in his seat on cue and offered his shoulder. Dark brown eyes from under a curtain of thick eyelashes admired him through the glasses. Within a few seconds, Yuki had fallen asleep lolling his head to Touya's broad shoulder.

#11 Bitter honey; black sugar; sugar chili

Sakura twiddled her thumbs, looking uncertain at the kitchen door opening. After a moment, she finally gathered her courage and picked up the tray on which a large piece of vanilla up-side down cake accompanied with smaller porcelain plates and silver forks were ready to be served.

["You don't have to offer that guy anything, Sakura," Kero-chan had remarked as he consumed the cake.

"But-," Sakura shrunk back when Yue's glare was fixed on her. She could hardly wrap her mind around the fact that Yue-san didn't like eating when Yukito-san adored lunches anytime--anywhere. Which reminded her, Yue-san never smiled at all. The thought made her wonder if he had none left, since Yukito-san always smiles.

Onii-chan had patted her head affectionately and with a tired smirk, he thanked her before taking the tray. He told her to go to rest early. Behind 'nii-chan, she could see Yukito-san's head resting on the study table. Was he sleepy again?

"Don't worry about him. He hadn't slept for days when I was knocked out cold at that house," onii-chan assured.

For a moment she watched her brother's proud stature falter--as if he wanted to drop down right there and sleep on the floor--and then Yukito-san was at his side, keeping onii-chan upright.

A pang of guilt shot through her chest while she watched how awfully weakened brother had become after the exchange.

#18 Little Prince/Princess

He heaved a relieved sigh when the class agreed to do a movie instead of play.

Almost immediately did Akizuki claim the director's spot, giving no chance for their classmates to volunteer. However, with the way Akizuki laid out her plans, everyone believed she would make a great director.

He had been afraid "Sleeping beauty" and "Snow White" were the possible parodies his class wanted to claim. Thank god, Akizuki didn't decide on a fairy tale. She, instead, choose a historical setting and demanded both him and Yuki to be part of the main cast. Yuki gave him a helpless but tired smile, and shrugged.

"Sounds fun. For once, I'm the bad guy," Another humorless smile.

"Hey--are you sure you're okay with this? I can bail you out on this one,"

Yuki waved it off. "No need. No need,"

"If you say so..." He turned his attention back to the class representative when he finalized the decision.

#15 Don't leave it hanging!

He had tried so many times to explain that Yuki wasn't just feeling unwell or sleepy. At school, in class, at home, at work--he never seemed to finish his sentences. It's as if someone were scheming against him from telling the truth.

And Yuki--Yuki didn't feel the least curious whenever he attempted a serious conversation. It didn't bother him the last few days, but somehow... strange occurrences started worrying him. The pieces matched perfectly after New Year. He realized--Yuki was going to disappear. The accident on the balcony had been the last straw.

The other half submerged from Yuki's unconscious state, cat-like eyes flickering to him with trepidation. He hardly resembled Yuki in appearance-wise, but he still felt like Yuki.

"You two are very similar after all," He said smiling.

#21 Creating common memories with me; Do I know you?

To-ya has many pictures on display in his house. Every room has at least one or more frames either hanging on the walls or sitting upon the corner table. There are shots of family pictures; individual pictures of Nadeshiko-san; duo pictures of Sakura-chan with To-ya or Sakura-chan with Tomoyo-chan.

The shot of Fujitaka-san standing in the far back with a paternal smile on his face, To-ya in the foreground ruffling Sakura-chan's hair... he likes this one. Something inside would stare whenever he looks at the picture. Was Yue's life similar like this? Wherein Clow-san played the paternal figure and Keroberos the annoying brother?
Yue never really answers him straightaway, but he figures he must have struck home.

... home...

Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't have pictures to show off his family to the outside world. All he has is a cheaply-framed photo of him and To-ya sitting on the same bike. It was taken the day the first day they entered the final semester together.

To-ya suddenly pulls at his cheeks.

"Stop making that face. It's making me feel uneasy,"

A slow smile touches his lips as he rubs his cheeks. "To-ya,"


"Let's take pictures together,"

"Eh? Where did that come from?"

He laughs his heart out as he drags an unwilling friend to the nearest photo booth.

#22 Cheer up!; Stop crying!

Kero-chan gobbled the large piece of strawberry cake Sakura had saved, munching away and making happy sounds behind his throat. Ooh, human food is just too delicious to resist!

The other day, Sakura had punished him for eating the lunch her dad specially prepared for her, and demanded he should go on a diet--even though guardians can't gain weight at all. At least, not in the sense Clow had created them. She went as far as keeping his usual lunch from his grubby paws and with an angelic smile, passed it to Snow Rabbit as a present. Teary-eyed, he called her mean and fished out flattering comments to make her forgive him.

His beady eyes blinked down at his porcelain plate. All he could see was white covered with messy crumbs.


He sniffled and with a disappointed look on his face, he turned to his tea cup with the intention of washing the sweetness down. And then he saw another heavenly piece of strawberry cake on the other plate.

"Are you going to eat that?" Kero-chan turned his best pleading eyes to his companion sitting neatly on the cough.

Loose strands of silver hair moved along when Yue tilted his face to an angle to stare Kero-chan down with a cold flick of the visible indigo eye.


"Pity!" Kero-chan managed a quick mask of disappointment and then flung his paws in the air. "Sucks to be you, Yue! Oh well, we can't let such great food go to waste,"

And he promptly attacked the food with vigor.

Yue let out an inaudible sigh.

Blink. Pause.

Kero-chan stopped munching the cake and eyed the Moon guardian. "Did something happen with Snow Rabbit and 'nii-san that upset you?"

He regretted saying that as soon as he became the receiving end of Yue's fierce glare. Shrinking back a bit, Kero-chan stopped looking at Yue and focused his attention to the cup of tea next to him. Geez, talking about grouchy love between those two--three--argh!

"Why are you in such a bad mood when you really like Sakura's 'nii-san? Just confess or something. I'm starting to miss that happy side of yours--not that you have one really," he muttered.

Before he knew what was coming Yue had dropped hot tea on top of his head in vengeance.

"YAAA! How dare you!" Kero-chan shouted cradling his poor abused head and glared at the one he should likely call brother.

#29 Still in my lips & #30 Skin deep; touch me

He finds it annoying whenever Clow left everything as it was. His late master had foreseen everything, even way back when he had been still young and alive. The Clow Cards. Sakura. The Sakura Cards. And everything.
Clow did not share his thoughts or opinions that freely as Keroberos. But when he did, they came out weird and out of the blue once in a while. That's perhaps the reason why Keroberos believed their late master had a strange sense of humor.

Eriol acted partly like Clow--calm and serene with a thoughtful look on his young face. He knew everything. He knew parts of Clow would return. Then why did he come back after Yue had approved the new mistress?

Eriol's small fingers stroked the top of his head in a soothing motion. He started explaining about the many plans Clow had to prepare before his death, the reason why he choose Sakura-san to become the appointed card captor in the future and even made sure she could pass judgment day. Clow might have been a powerful magic user; however, he could not prevent a lot of unforeseen factors from influencing the part he called "destined future". Eriol had pointedly looked down to him, touching his face.

For a moment, Yue felt like he was staring up to Clow again.


He left after the conversation, easily switching over to Yukito as he walked down the familiar corridors one last time. He opened the last door in the hall and entered the room where Touya was left sleeping. Maybe he could learn to love Touya his other half did. Was this something Clow had hoped for?

He sat down on the chair beside the bed, and spent the night watching the mistress' brother sleep, all the while wondering why his chest was hurting.

- Let's start over again.- xxxx

Touya's eyes fluttered open and he found himself in a strange room. The high ceiling and the expensive chandelier above the bed, however, had given him a clue. It's that strange kid's house. Sakura's classmate...

He suddenly felt very awake and shot up, sitting on the bed and taking in his surroundings until his eyes found themselves zeroed in on Yuki's hunched form beside his hand. Out of habit, he let his hand comb through Yuki's long hair with a small smile dancing on his lips.

- I'm glad nothing happened to you. -

Yuki stirred.

-end 30 themes-


The original concept of the second installment was lost along with the third one when my notebook suddenly upped and left me TT. So I had to re-do all my themes all over again.

The original bonus parts won't be posted in FFnet, considering how one of them are NC-17 rated. :shifty eyes: It's not even officially posted anywhere else. But hopefully, this last installment has at least sated some part of the TouyaYukito inside of you. XD

Thank you for reading!
