This was the one me and Tina were dreading lol. I don't want to write a lemon but there are hints of sexual themes in this. That's why it's rated T.

Drabble #35: Sex


Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Characters and places belong to SquareEnix

Aeris sighed in slight disappointed at seeing that the rain had not stopped at all. It had been on all day and as far as she could tell, it had actually gotten heavier in the last two hours since they arrived at their hotel. With a sad expression, she pulled the curtains shut again and turned to go back to her seat and read a little more of her book.

However, she was startled by the fact that Cloud had walked up behind her, which meant when she turned around, she collided with his muscled chest. She blushed a little and glanced into his eyes and he gave a slight half smile, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I was wondering where you had gone," he muttered, nuzzling his nose into her hair before tilting his head to lay soft kisses along her exposed neck. She moaned at the feel of his lips, angling her neck so as to give him better access. Cloud smirked slightly against her skin at the responses he was getting from the Cetra.

"Cloud?" she mumbled softly, getting his attention as he stopped his movements and looked into her eyes. She blushed as she spoke again. "I want you."

Cloud frowned. "Aeris, we've been dating for two months now, I think you have me," he chuckled. Aeris shook her head.

"I want you...all of you," she elaborated, pressing herself flush against him. It was Cloud's turn to blush and his eyes went unimaginably wide.

"But I've never..." he began but Aeris pressed a finger to his lips.

"I know, neither have I," she whispered, kissing him softly.

Cloud pulled away, letting his hand slip into hers as they walked to his room. Upon opening the door, they soon found themselves wrapped up in emotions stronger than anything they had ever felt. Cloud barely had time to kick the door shut before he was kissing Aeris again. Their kisses soon became hungry and soft moans were swallowed as they collapsed onto the bed in a fit of passion.

Sunlight hit against her closed lids, forcing them to scrunch up and open slightly. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table she groaned softly, letting her head fall back against the pillow. It was only seven o clock, far too early to be awake, in her opinion.

An arm around her waist tightened its grip slightly at her movement and Aeris tilted her head to see Cloud lying peacefully beside her, his bare shoulders exposed above the sheet. She twisted her body to face his, resting her head under his chin and smiling to herself as she remembered their act of union the night before.

It had been perfect.

She let out a soft sigh, nuzzling against his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist as she whispered.

"I love you."