Hey this idea just popped into my head, and I had to get it down. This will be a short-ish story, as I have far too many long ones going! Enjoy, and tell me what you think!

How it started…

Now, do not let this story get to your head. I am, in no way or form, nice. In fact the very word 'nice' makes me want to gag. I sneer at eleven year olds, torment Potter daily (although I must grudgingly admit he has my respect, if only for freeing me from the Dark Lord) and I very nearly committed a homicide when I heard that Ronald Weasley and Luna Lovegood were getting married. I mean, really! Can you imagine the sort of pain they… or more appropriately, their offspring will put me, ahem, Hogwarts, through? With Weasleys' brains (or lack there of) and Lovegoods… well loony-ness, (I can not believe I just used that term) they will no doubt raise a pack of insane redheads not seen (thank Merlin) since the Weasley twins.

The reason I am telling you this is because I have heard rumours… rumours that I was trying to be nice! And, as I have said before- I am not nice- I try not to be.

Well… ok so I quite like these two people, after all, they have both saved my life, at least once. And I must say, it was rather obvious that they were in love… just not to them, I suppose… Really, considering how smart Lupin and Granger (supposedly) are, you'd think they would've figured it out. But no, I had to step in, because I was sick of them tiptoeing around each other. Idiots.

Anyway, I'm here to tell you what happened; but really you need to hear it from all point of views, so I'll let Lupin and Granger fill in a few times… Just so you know the full story, and don't go spreading more rumours that Severus Snape has turned 'match maker'. Wow; I think I just spewed up a little in my mouth…

Anyway, here's why the fourth years giggle when ever they pass me, instead of cowering in fear, like they should. This is why Potter came and shook my hand, congratulating me for achieving the 'impossible'. This is why Dumbledore's damnable eyes are consistently twinkling… oh, wait... Any way, this is the reason why Remus Lupin and Hermione Granger can't be seen without the other… this is why I feel sick again… This is the full story. And you can decide if I was being nice, or not.

(It's the latter, believe me)