Disclaimer- I do not own the Outsiders. I only own Tina, Danny, and their father.
Crazybutbeautiful- Ha. I'm thinking of what to do with Soda, Tina, and Angie. The "Barbie" is nice sometimes, but to Tina, she's a witch…So, we'll see. That's for reviewing.
applejax815- Lol. I've had tons of fights over Soda, with my friends. I usually (Always) win. Ha. So, thanks for reviewing.
"What would you wanna be married to me for anyways?"
"So I can kiss you anytime I want."
(I watched 'Sweet Home Alabama' today, and that's one of the cutest lines! I just randomly put it in, sorry for the randomness!)
Best Friends.
A Sodapop Love Story.
-The Curtis House-
-Dinner Time-
"Looks good!" Darry told me smiling, as everyone sat down at the table. I'm a good cook, I guess. I can make a dinner with out blowing the kitchen up, so I'm happy.
"Thanks!" I said smiling.
"So, what's going on with you?" Steve asked me.
"Uh, I'm doing okay." I lied.
"How 'bout you, Soda?" He asked, staring holes into me. I knew at that moment that he knows about my crush on Soda.
"I'm doin' good." He told Steve, glaring.
"How about your blonde bimbo?" He asked Steve.
"Shut-up, Steve. You already told me she's gorgeous! You're only doing this because Christina is here. I can't waste all my time making sure our friendship won't be broken over this. It's not worth it. Angie is fine, by the way." Wow. That was quite a speech Soda made.
"Alright, sorry." Steve said.
Tears came to my eyes. I stood up, "Sorry, I'll be right back." I told everyone.
I ran into Soda's room without hesitation. I knew Pony, and him wouldn't mind. I used to hang out at this house all the time. I sat on the bed and began thinking about Soda's thoughts about our friendship. Why can't he risk it for me? Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's me…" I heard Soda say. He opened the door and sat next to me on the bed. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Why won't you take a risk for me, Soda?" I asked him softly, staring up at the ceiling.
"It's not worth risking our friendship, Tina. I'd rather do anything but risk our friendship for any relationship."
I stood up. "Soda! What do you call sticking up for that slut, Haylie? You chose her over me! You risked our friendship then! Right now,…I don't know what to believe. I don't believe you love me, though." I told him, with tears in my eyes.
"I do love you! I've changed, Tine. I'm different now. I don't want to risk my friendship with you, because I don't only love you as a girl, but I love you as a best friend." He told me.
I shook my head. "Soda, if you loved me, you would risk anything, I know you, Soda! I know that when you love someone, you risk everything for them! Why can't you risk everything for me!?" I yelled. He looked up at me, sadly. "And how come you're risking our friendship now?" I asked quietly.
"I'm not!"
"You are! First, you tell me you're in love with me. Then, you say you can't be with me because you like another girl and it would ruin our friendship. Neither friendship or love is like that, Sodapop! Or at least it shouldn't be."
"I'm sorry."
"No, Soda…It's not just gonna be an apology. Do you love me more then a friend, or not?"
"I do!"
"Then show me. Be with me."
"I can't just break up with Angie, Tines."
"Why not? Do you love her?"
"But you love me?"
"Then why can't you be with me!?"
"Because I'm afraid of hurting you! I'm afraid of being in a committed relationship with my best friend, Tina!"
"Soda, you're hurting me more by not being with me!"
Right then, I felt like breaking down on the floor and crying, but Soda changed that. He walked over to me, wrapped his arms around my waste, and gave me the most romantic, passionate kiss I have ever shared with anyone. I was enjoying even the ten seconds, but I knew when the kiss ended, it would all end. No more "I love you", No more kissing, No more talk about a relationship. Sodapop is with Angie now, and I know he's not going to change his mind over night. I was wishing I was older, and Soda was my husband. I could kiss him like this anytime I wanted. (Hint: I kind of took the idea from Sweet Home Alabama, the quote at the top, and changed it. It's one of my favorite quotes. Ha.) He pulled away, and looked at me for a few seconds before he exited the room with a hurt expression.
I would do anything to be Angie right now. Anything. But right then I realized that Soda and I are soul mates. No matter how long it takes us to get there, we'll be together sometime.