Chapter Ten

"You know I will do anything for you, right?" Jason asked Carly as they stood on the beach that afternoon. "But I am not doing that."

He motioned at the surfers.

"That is a Jax thing to do," he added.

Carly laughed. "There are plenty of people in the world who surf other than Jax."

"Not me."

"Okay, you pick a water based activity then."

Jason gave her a look, his eyes half closed, and murmured "You sure you want that?"

Carly nodded, the licked her lips.

He said, "Be right back."

She watched him walking down the beach and over to marina. Carly let her mind drift off into a fantasy of Jason sliding her out of her bikini and pulling her down onto the sand where he would make her lose her mind, placing kisses on her stomach and then thighs and then...

"You ready?" Jason asked

"Hmmm. Yeah, I'm ready."


He rented a speed boat and drove them five miles from shore. Once no one else was around, Jason stopped and threw out the anchor.

"So what are we doing? Swimming?" Carly asked from her seat on a bench that was at the back of the boat.


Jason walked closer to her.

"Snorkeling?" she kidded, seeing the look in his eyes.

He peeled off his shirt. "Uh-uh."

Once he reached her, Jason dropped a few kisses on her lips, and said "First this. Then we talk."

Carly brought her hands up to the back of his neck, then ran her fingers into his hair.

"I don't think we need to talk," she said softly as her mouth moved to his collarbone. "This works. We work. No over thinking. Remember, Jase?"

There was no way he could argue his point when her lips were on his body., he thought I am ...never..walking...away... from her...again.

She straightened, bringing her mouth up to his, and let her hands roam over his chest.

Jason figured there was all the time in the world to talk, right now he needed to be with this woman.

He pulled her down onto the floor of the speedboat, his hands making quick work of stripping off her bathing suit.

Then he stopped.

Carly moaned softly, "Jase..."

His eyes washed over her body, and he lost his breath at the fact that someone this beautiful in flesh and spirit could want to give him all of herself. Had wanted him right from the start and never stopped, no matter what he did to push her away.

Carly was the one meant for him, and he knew it.

Their eyes met, hers filled with pure passion and devotion and his with near shock at the depths of this love and bond between them.

One tear slid out of Jason's eye.

And then he was moving down and towards her, towards his past and future, toward the best thing that ever happened to him.


Later that night, they lay together naked in his bed at the hotel.

Jason's hand traced light circles and figure eights over her skin. Even nearly exhausted, he couldn't stop touching her.

Carly sighed, happily, "I could do this everyday for the rest of my life and that still wouldn't be long enough to get enough of you."

"Want to give it a try anyway?" His tone was light, but there was something fragile in his eyes, like his life depended on her answer.

"Yes, I would."

Jason kissed her body, working his way up to her mouth. Before he could make it there Carly nudged his shoulder and cried "Jase!"


"You just asked me to marry you, didn't you?" Her words were filled with joy.

Jason sat up and looked at her for a moment. "Not officially. Because when I do that I'll be on one knee and have a diamond and maybe the boys will be there and..."

"You're planning all that?" she asked in an awed voice.

"Don't you want all that?"

"Of course! But I want you most of all, any way I can get you."

Jason pulled her into his arms. "You deserve a hell of a lot more than anyway you can get me. And I intend to give it to you."

"Jase," her voice was teary now.


"I am crazy in love with you again... and still."

He laid her on the bed and looked down at her.

Jason asked, his voice so low and sensual that Carly could feel it reverberate through her, "Do you know the only thing I need to make me happy from now on?"

"Tell me," she said.

"For you to keep feeling like you do right now."


Months went by, and Jason got his wish, Carly had never been as happy in her life.

Even when her kids were born she was scared. Terrified that the secret about Micheal would come out. Confused about her future and past after she woke up from the coma when Morgan was born.

Now she felt like she had it all: healthy and beautiful children, a thriving business, and the only man that could make her smile by just walking in the room, that could practically read her mind and heart by looking in her eyes, that could take her breath away with his kisses and make her body throb with his touch.

She had Jason, and for Carly, it didn't get any better than that.

He gave her his love, his heart, and his word. And he would never take that away again.

Laying in bed together one night, sweat dripping off their skin, Carly said to her husband "How does it keep getting better and better?"

Jase smiled. "Don't over think it, babe."

Their eyes met, hers were twinkling in a way that made his heart flip flop, she started "I bet you twenty bucks that we can't top what we just did ..."

Jason angled his body over hers and cut off her words by saying, "That is one bet you're gonna lose."

Note- A sincere thank you to anyone who read this story. It means so much that you took time to read my J and C fantasy.

The next story I plan to post is about Milo and Lulu. It's called She Will Be Loved, it's finished already and is six chapters long.

It's less angst filled than my last Milo and Lulu tale, I'm With You. Though if you know me you know, there will be some pain with the love, some sadness tossed in with the sweet.

Hope you check it out.

Thanks for reading!
