A/N: New chappie!!! This story is off hiatus! For now, anyway… Plus, I'm waiting for more reviews… I'm not really that bad an author, am I? I mean, AutumnBreeze12 (one of my favorite authors) gets tons of reviews for her stories, and my chapters are about as long as hers, and I have reviews for my other stories, so why not this one? I even got a beta for this story (SweetSummerx3) so review people! Review!!! Thanks!

Harry Potter was awoken by the sound of voices.

Where am I? Harry wondered, because he definitely wasn't in his bed in his dormitory in Gryffindor tower.

Then the memories came flooding back…

Damn, I'm a Slytherin now, Harry thought grimly. I'd better make the best of it… And what will my teenage parents think of me? And Sirius? They'll probably hate me…

"Shut up, you useless moron!"

Harry blinked and sat up. The voice was unfamiliar.

A new, sleepy voice joined in.

"Me, a moron? I'd say you're the moron, Kevin."

"You're not my friend, you filthy halfblood. Don't use my first name!"

"Yes, Parkinson."

A too-familiar, smooth, silky voice snapped, "Shut up, the lot of you. There are people trying to get to sleep here. It's already 1:00 in the morning and it's hard to go to sleep when there are two people arguing."

Harry's fists clenched and he had to stop himself from leaping out of bed and striking the speaker. That was Snape's voice…

"Oh, shut up, you're a halfblood too and you're not worth my time, Snape!"

I was right.


Meaning me.

"Calm down, Mark!" It was the sleepy voice again, not sounding so sleepy anymore.


A voice from another dormitory nearby shouted angrily, "HEY, SHUT UP! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!"

Harry winced. He was getting tired of all the shouting. He wondered exactly what time it was. Harry glanced at the clock nearby. It was five past one in the morning.

Now how am I going to go to sleep?

When Harry finally fell asleep again, he didn't wake up until six in the morning the next day. Harry climbed out of his bed. The two beds with the nameplates Severus Snape and Mark Incando were empty, but the two beds marked Sean O'Keefe and Kevin Parkinson still had the curtains drawn over them.

"So I take it you're the new Slytherin?" Harry blinked and turned to see a tall boy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. The boy held out his hand. "Mark Incando."

Harry nodded and took the hand and shook it. If he was a Slytherin now, he might as well be friendly with his dorm mates (is there such a word?). "Harry Po—Patterson."

Mark inclined his head and then asked, "Do you know the way to the Great Hall?"

Harry nodded.

"Well, you'd better get d—ah, changed, and shower and everything. I'll see you later." Mark turned and swept out of the dormitory, his black robes billowing around him like Snape's often did.

Harry clenched his teeth at the thought of Snape and went back to his bed and searched through his trunk. To his great surprise, there was now a Slytherin badge and a green and silver tie and scarf besides his Gryffindor things.

Harry sighed to himself and went to get changed.

By the time Harry was heading down to the Great Hall, Kevin Parkinson and Sean O'Keefe had both rolled out of bed. Sean had smiled slightly at him while Kevin had scowled and nodded before walking past him. Sean winked at Harry as if they had shared a great inside joke or something and followed Kevin out of the dormitory. At least Sean didn't seem at all that bad for a Slytherin…

When Harry got to the Great Hall, he saw Hermione and Ginny both at the Gryffindor table. Hermione nodded and smiled at him while Ginny made a face and turned away abruptly. Harry sighed—would Ginny ever understand his intentions and forgive him?

"Ouch… sorry, mate…"

Someone had bumped into Harry. Harry whirled around to see Sirius Black standing there.

"Hey, you're that exchange student!" Sirius grinned at him. "I thought you were James, you look just like him…" He smiled again before turning and walking to the Gryffindor table, missing the Slytherin badge on Harry's robes.

Ron Weasley had been shocked, to say the least, when he realized just whom he was going to be sharing a dormitory with.

James Potter, Frank Longbottom, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and Ron Wesson was printed neatly in gold letters just outside the doorway on a nameplate.

Ron had thought it would be cool to share a room with the four Marauders (even though one of them was the rat, but Ron had been sure he would be able to keep his temper in check when Wormtail was around) and Neville's dad, but he was sadly mistaken.

No, it wasn't that his new roommates were mean to him or anything; it was just the fact that they were so loud. Especially in the morning. Well, at least James and Sirius were loud. Remus, Frank, and Pettigrew were probably OK.

"It's time to get up, Prongs! Wakey, wakey!" Sirius sang happily, bouncing up and down and hitting James rather hard with a pillow.

Ron, who had been brutally awoken by the sound of Sirius's loud voice, had to snicker.

"It's Ron Wesson, isn't it?" Sirius called through the curtains surrounding Ron's bed. "Well, I can tell you're awake. Help me wake Prongs, or James Potter, as you know him!"

"Wake up," Ron mumbled, not trying to wake James up at all.

"You're not trying! Try a little harder!" Sirius's voice called.

Ron ignored him and stumbled out of bed.

"How much sugar have you consumed, Padfoot?" James groaned, sitting up in his bed.

"I stole some of Moony's chocolate," was Sirius's reply, a devious smirk crossing his face.

"You went through my things?!" Ron couldn't help but stare as a 17-year-old Remus Lupin sat up in his bed. He looked so much like the Remus Lupin Ron knew, only younger, not so tired looking, and he had no gray hair at all. "Oh, you're going to get it," he scowled.

"Not if you can't catch me!" Sirius bounded out of the room.

"He's had too much of your chocolate," James offered by way of explanation.

"Sometimes I wish I were a Ravenclaw," another voice grumbled. That was Frank Longbottom—Ron knew this because the voice was coming from the sound of the bed where the nameplate Frank Longbottom was—that and the fact that his voice wasn't squeaky at all, like Ron imagined Pettigrew's voice would be now, and that Peter would never say such a thing (about wanting to be a Ravenclaw, that is). Plus, his voice sounded kind of like Neville's, only decidedly deeper.

"Because you love us," James snorted, becoming more awake and acting kind of like Sirius had just did, only slightly different (as in, not so hyper). He turned to Ron. "You're Ron Wesson, aren't you?" He grinned. "It's nice to meet you—I think I already told you this, but I'm James Potter."

Ron nodded and sucked in a long breath. People weren't wrong when they said that Harry looked just like his father.

"And that's Remus Lupin, and that hyper kid was Sirius Black. Oh, and that voice that just spoke was Frank Longbottom, and those snores are coming from Peter Pettigrew. The four of us—minus Frank—are best friends. Frank isn't our best friend because he's too busy hanging out with his girlfriend, Alice Kyri, and all their super-smart Ravenclaw friends."

Ron nodded. This would have been too much information to take in all at once if it weren't for the fact that Ron already knew who Sirius, James, Remus and Peter were.

"I think I'm capable of introducing myself, James," Frank groaned.

"Hear, hear," Remus added, getting out of bed, fully dressed. His robes weren't the teacher's robes or the shabby, patched ones Ron had always seen on him—they were normal black school robes with the Gryffindor crest pinned on them.

Remus smiled slightly at Ron and turned to walk into the bathroom. "I got in here before you!" he called out through the door, presumably to James.

"No fair!" James yelped, and immediately ran to the door and began banging on it. "Remy, you're a cheater!"

"How many times have I told you not to call me Remy?!"

Ron had to smile at their antics. It was too bad, really, what would happen to all of them…

Once Remus had emerged from the bathroom looking refreshed and ready to start the day, James jumped in, shouting, "Ha! Take that, Moony!"

"I'm already finished," Remus reminded him.

"Fine then. Um… take that, Frank!"

"I pity myself." That was Frank's voice. "Why must I be stuck with all these lesser mortals?" There was a pause. "Well, you're not a lesser mortal, Remus. And Ron Wesson, I don't know you, so I can't say the same about you. But Potter and Black always drive me insane!"

Ron suddenly felt his throat choke up a bit. You have no idea how true that is. Just not by the Black—she'll be a Lestrange when it happens—you're thinking. And the Potter isn't directly responsible for it. But still. (A/N: Guess what this means… it's kinda obvious, really…)

"Peter sometimes, too," Remus muttered, speaking to Frank.

"Yeah, Pettigrew too sometimes." Frank sighed loudly, sounding weary.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Remus Lupin." Remus gave Ron a warm smile before turning and heading out the door.

Ron smiled back, wondering how Harry was faring.

"You're Patterson?"

Harry gave a short, jerky nod when Snape addressed him at breakfast in the Great Hall that morning.

"I'm Severus Snape." Snape was watching Harry's face closely for any sign of a reaction. Harry could tell.

He kept his face emotionless. "Harry Patterson."

Snape nodded and went back to his breakfast.

"May I have your attention, please," Dumbledore called out over the chatter of the students in the Great Hall that morning. "We have four new exchange students from Durmstrang joining us today."

The hall instantly quieted down. People craned their necks to see the exchange students.

"Harry Patterson, Ron Wesson, and Hermione Granger are seventh years. Ginevra—"

"It's Ginny," Ginny interrupted from where she was seated at the Gryffindor table. A few people tittered nervously—no one had ever interrupted Dumbledore in a speech before to correct a mistake. A few people—mostly first-, second-, and third-years—were looking at Ginny in awe.

"—excuse me, Ginny Wesson, is in sixth year. Harry Patterson has been sorted into Slytherin and Hermione Granger and Ron and Ginny Wesson have been sorted into Gryffindor. Please treat them as you would treat any other Hogwarts student."

Whispers started up all over the Great Hall until the whispers finally turned into murmurs, and then the murmurs grew into a normal volume for breakfast time at Hogwarts in the Great Hall.

People kept staring at the new exchange students—especially Harry, since he looked so much like James. Harry glanced over at the Gryffindor table. Ron and Hermione both smiled and waved at him. Ginny looked pointedly away when his gaze met hers, and James and Sirius were both looking at him, too. At least they weren't glaring. They simply looked slightly surprised.

"He's a Slytherin?" James echoed Dumbledore's words, right after he had finished speaking. "He didn't seem like a Slytherin to me…"

"Who cares? I highly doubt we'll be speaking to him again." Sirius was loading his plate high with breakfast food.

"Hi, I'm Ginny Wesson."

James looked up to see the sixth-year Gryffindor exchange student smiling at him.

"James Potter," James introduced himself.

"Sirius Black," Sirius added, after he had swallowed a mouthful of food.

Ginny smiled almost flirtatiously at them before turning to talk to her friend Hermione Granger, who also a transfer from Durmstrang.

"Patterson looks annoyed," James commented, glancing over at the green-and-silver clad table to his far left. Indeed, Harry Patterson was staring rather moodily into his plate of bacon and eggs, pushing his food around with his fork, and ignoring the conversation that went on around him.

"What?" Sirius shoved another forkful of bacon into his mouth.

"Padfoot, that's disgusting," Remus Lupin reprimanded. "You could scar the first-years for life."

"Didn't he already do that when they first saw him?" James joked.

"Hey, I resent that!" Sirius glared.

"And do you even know what that means?" Remus asked, raising his eyebrows.

There was a pause. Then Sirius said sheepishly, "No. I just heard you say it once, and it sounded like a smart thing to say."

James roared with laughter as Remus sighed, "I rest my case."

James tuned out his friends as they continued bickering and insulting one another as he glanced down at his timetable, which he had pulled out of his bag. He had Potions with the Slytherins first thing this morning.

Dungeons, Slughorn, Potions, a morning, and Slytherins. His good mood was spoiled already.


A/N: Normally my chapters would be considered long if they are this long (two thousand something words), but for this story, "Harry Potter and the Time Travel," it's actually quite short. But I put this story on hiatus for a while, and now it's off hiatus, so I figured you'd want the next chapter sooner. If I get enough reviews on this chapter, this story will not go on hiatus again, and I will update sooner (one month at the latest, probably). So I want at least TEN REVIEWS or I won't update. Or keep this story off hiatus. Whichever one comes first.

If I get fifteen reviews or more, I'll guarantee you that the next chapter will be at least 10,000 words long! How about it? Do we have a deal?

Sorry if you think demanding reviews is rude, or whatever. But I'm planning to write really long chapters for this story, and I have 36 reviews for a two-chaptered story of mine ("Harry Potter: The Dark Heir") and the chapters in that story are much shorter, so I think I'm justified in asking for reviews for this one.

So please review or I won't update!


A/N 2: This chapter (and the last chapter as well, really) was betaed by SweetSummerx3! Show her some love by reading and reviewing her stories! Because I'm nice, so I'm advertising here for her…