She could only watch and wait as she stood in silent vigil over the young boy's prone form, knowing that he would like to see her first once he opens his eyes.

The boy would drift in and out of consciousness, unaware of where he is, and in no complete control of his body. His muscles would shake uncontrollably, that it would take all her strength to calm it down when the convulsions becomes too violent, as though it could not forget the pain that it was put through.

Her brother insisted that she should leave him for a moment and take some rest, eat food, anything to take her mind off her current worries. But it was not easy to do so. Her shock, her anger, her fright, her helplessness, seeing the boy plummeting towards the ground after being struck down from behind by that terrifying blue light ,these memories keep repeating itself in such a sadistic manner that she was beginning to feel she might go insane.

He was the world's only hope.

And now, he may not even wake up again.

Tears would fall down from her face as she blames herself for what happened even when the other two insisted it was not her fault. She would call his name, hoping that he can hear her, that he understands that he must open his eyes just like before.

He did not do so, not yet…

For she feels his hand weakly tightens his grip to her own hand.

And for the first time in weeks the girl slowly smiled.

Somehow, everything will be alright again.