I do not own 7th Heaven or any of the characters

"No! Stop!" Lucy cried, tossing over in bed. "Stop it!"

"Lucy" Mary whined, sitting up, "it's just a nightmare."

"No!" she was still asleep, still tossing. "Don't!"

"Lucy!" Mary whispered, leaning over to shake her sister awake. "Lucy, wake up!"

Her eyes opened, tear filled but staring straight at Mary. "He hurt me" she whispered. "It hurt so bad."

"It was just a dream"

"No it wasn't. It happened. This was a dream, but it was a dream about something that happened." She was half-hysterical, half-crying and half-screaming.

"What's wrong?" Matt had appeared in the doorway. "Lucy, what happened?" he was leaning over her bed.

"It wasn't just a nightmare" she insisted, tears pouring down in a waterfall.

"What wasn't?"

"Toby. He… he hurt me."

"What did he do?" she was practically in his lap now as he sat on the bed.

"Raped me." She mumbled into his shoulder.


"He raped me." She repeated, lifting her head. "At a party, it was dark, someone had slipped something into my punch." she rushed, setting her head back down. "I don't know what happened."

"Are you sure this happened?" She nodded solemnly, her head rubbing against his strong shoulder.

"I'm going to get mom and dad" Mary whispered, turning on the bright light.

"No don't" Lucy protested, but she was held in place by Matt.

"What happened?" Annie asked a moment later, rubbing her eye.

"Lucy was telling me a story" Matt told her, "and I think you should here it."

"Lucy?" she asked, noticing her daughter's tear, "Lucy what's wrong?" but Lucy turned her head into Matt's shoulder, refusing to talk.

"She said…" Matt paused, "Mom, she said she was raped."

"Lucy?" Annie leaned next to her head, "Lucy is that true?" she nodded, sobbing.

"Oh Lucy" she sympathized, "can you tell me what happened."

"I guess" she said, tears stemming into a silent but steady flow. "It was at that party, Jane's. I thought it was going to be just a movie or something, but her brother invited his friends and someone must have put something in everyone's drinks cause we were acting funny. I didn't really have control and Toby, this guy in my English class said he liked me. Within a few minutes he was ontop of me. Someone tried to come in the room, that's when he stopped. I left with Macy a little bit later."

"How long ago was that party?"

"Two months." she said, grabbing a tissue, the tears were drying.

"Atleast you're not pregnant."


"You would know by now, you wouldn't have gotten your period."


"Oh my God." Annie bolted out of the room. Lucy was still in Matt's lap, and he hugged her tight. Mary still hadn't returned. "Come with me" she said, taking Lucy gently by the shoulder into the bathroom, a pregnancy test in hand.

"How long has it been?" Matt asked impatiently a few minutes later.

"One more minute" Annie answered, staring at her daughter.

Lucy had been huddled on her bed for the past few minutes, completely silent.

"We'll call the police in the morning" she reassured her for the thousandth time. Lucy only nodded in response, watching the test in front of her. Blocking it from her mother's view she watched it turn a ghostly pink.

"What does it say Luce?"

"I'm pregnant" she announced, realizing the fear that had lived inside her so long.

"My baby" Annie cried, wrapping her arms around her. Lucy cried again into her mom's arm, feeling dehydrated from all the tears she'd shed.

"I'll wake dad" Matt whispered, walking towards the open door. "Dad?" he whispered.


"Dad, Lucy..." he sighed, "Mom and Lucy have something to tell you." Slowly Eric headed towards the door as Matt went in search of Mary, finding her in the kitchen.

"I was there that night" she told him. "I saw him pull her in."

"It's not your fault Mary."

"No, it isn't." she agreed. "But I could've stopped it. She's gonna have a baby, isn't she?" she stabbed her cake. "Isn't she?"

"That doesn't-"

"Yes it does matter. And she is. I know it."

"You can't blame yourself." He said, sitting on the stool next to her.

"Or can I?"

"You can," he confessed, "you are, but you shouldn't."

"I can't talk to you right now" she mumbled, taking her cake slice into her father's office and locking the door.

"Could this night get any worse?"