Author's Note: I am so sorry for not updating this story, but I do have an announcement for it. Heartbeat is currently on hiatus until I finish rewriting it. And yes, I mean that I am going to rewrite the whole story. After reading it over, I couldn't get over the fact that I had so many spelling and grammar mistakes! I also did not like the writing style, since my style of writing has changed slightly over the years. So, I decided that I will rewrite the story. I know…the fanfic was almost complete too. I believe I only had one chapter to go. But, I promise that this new, rewritten fanfic will be better…at least I hope it will be for those who have been following this story. Don't worry, the plot will be the same, but the way how I will approach the plot will be different, meaning I will reach the climax using different conflicts. However, since this fanfic was written before Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, I will not have characters from there. As for the chapters, there will be some chapters taken out or moved or merged into other chapters. So far, I have three chapters done and the fourth chapter is currently being written. I will try to finish it as soon as possible. I promise that this fanfic will be finished! It is my goal…along with many other fanfics I have started.