I was bored so…Yeah.

20 Ways to Annoy Orochimaru

Walk around saying "Snakes are icky. They're so gross. I curse them all to an eternity of suffering."

Tell him the Pet Shop is trying to get rid of their giant cobra, but when he gets there, it will only be a little iguana.

Accuse him of being gay and being in love with Sasuke.

Go up to his face and tell him, "I know what you did last summer."

Whisper, "Watch out! 3rd Lord Hokage is behind you," every 10 seconds.

Get your very own army of snakes.

Then go, "I challenge you to a duel!"

Put him on Family Feud his partners are Zabuza, Kakashi, Naruto, and Gai. (One messed up family.)

Tell him that his long lost cousin's brother twice removed is Itachi.

Tell him that Snakes on a Plane is never coming out on DVD.

Run around screaming, "Sasuke Uchiha is mine!" (Don't forget to include Sakura and Ino in the fun!)

Randomly sing, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."

Now sing "The FUN Song" from Spongebob Squarepants.

Say in a freaky, low voice, "I eat snakes for breakfast."

Act like that never happened and say, "I love kitties and bunnies!"

Make an Orocimaru fangirl group (complete with MySpace group and drawings on and bring him in for one meeting. MUHUAHAHAHA!

Have Lee go to him and scream, "I love you, Gai sensei…Oh wait, your not sensei. Sensei isn't as ugly and creepy as you."

Have a young child run to him and hug him saying, "Daddy, I love you." When he says he's not dad, have the child say, "But Gai told me that you were my daddy and you love me so much!"

Dress up like Hokage and pretend to do the Reaper Death Seal. (Please leave this to trained professionals, because if it does not work, you will be…Umm, dead.)

And finally, dress up like him and argue that you are the real Orochimaru.