Chapter Five


A/N: Yeah, me again. Sorry about the wait. It's summer, so I'll try to get some chapters out. Also, Restless Dreaming Spirit and I are starting a new Companions of the Night fanfic, so we'd like your support. We'll be posting it on her account as soon as we check it over. Also, yes, once again, my grammar and punctuation will be horrible because my beta is lazy and doesn't do her job. That's okay though, she's the one who bugs me to post…So, thanks for review. I always appreciate them. Love you guys. VAMPIRES RULE!---VampLoverNight92

"YOU SEXUAL MOLESTER!" screeched Michael, suddenly brandishing a glass vase from a neaby table.

"SHE'S MY AGE!" returned Ean, throwing a hand towards me in gesture.


I sighed tiredly and pulled Connor in through the front door then slammed it shut with a long bang.

Michael and Ean both glanced at me, momentarily silenced, then started again.


Michael cut off with his mouth still wide open from his yelling as he just realized I went into a bedroom for the night…with Connor.

"Now, look," Ean hissed angrily, "she's sleeping with him. I hope you're happy now."

"I'll only be happy when you're dead, vampire spawn" Michael snapped before charging into the room I was sleeping in. I had just lain down, and here comes Michael barging down the door.

"What are you doing?" he demanded mistrustfully, more directed at me than Connor.

"Going to sleeping." I stated the obvious. I really doubted that was what he meant, but oh well. I was tired as hell, and Michael I really didn't have to listen to, considering he didn't have the strength of threats behind him.

"'Night, Clair." called Connor from the other side of the bed, then I felt him stir and a tinkling breath in my ear before he added, "Sleep tight." And, he rolled over to go to sleep.

"Clair." Michael said, dangerously calm, as he stepped to the side of the bed before me.

"Hmm?" I mumbled sleepily into my pillow as I crammed it over my ears.

"You can't sleep—"

"If you're worried, just get in the damn bed." I growled scornfully, still tired and irritable from my lack of sleep.

Michael went silent, and I didn't care to see his expression so I closed my eyes peacefully smiling at the silence as I reveled in it. I actually didn't think for a minute that Michael would have the nerve to slip into my bed, but maybe being angelic didn't put too many limits on him for I felt the mattress sink briefly than someone slid into place behind me…very close behind me. I almost mistook him for Ean, for Ean was constantly friendly. I suppose that's part of his charm? But, as I murmured the angel's name into my pillow for conformation, I heard him grunt exhaustedly in return. It was Michael…that is very odd.

"Good night, angel." I whispered to him, and he ran his hand fluidly through my hair in response.

"Good night, Clair." he breathed, abnormally close to my back. It was comforting though. And, the thought of sleeping next to an angel amused me.

I heard a hiss next…or was it a sort of growl? I shot up, surprised by the abrupt noise, and found myself observing a very livid Ean with teeth bared and gleaming red eyes in place of his normal bright green ones. Spikes of fears peaked on my back up my spine. I figured that he wouldn't kill me since I was to do hell's dirty work, so now I was needed for a while. He wasn't growling at me anyways, but at the two men bordering either side of me.

"Ean…" I whined as I flopped down onto my pillow in annoyance. "Just sleep. Get in the goddamn bed."

Ean elegantly maneuvered himself between Michael and I, and Michael protested weakly since he had already fallen asleep but Ean scooted Michael away to a farther end of the bed in exile.

"We need to work on your jealousy." I said to remind myself. Put that on my to-do list, after killing a demon and demon hunter.

"You are my girlfriend, remember?" he reminded me assertively, and I shook my head slowly. Damn, I'm drowsy. I just want to sleep, is that too much to ask for?

"I'm not." I breathed shortly, recoiling away from him as he tried to embrace me.

"Yes, you are." He protested. "We've been dating for over three weeks—"

"Lying." I corrected. "You've been lying to me that whole time, and I bought it! I was foolish, but not foolish enough to fall for it twice." Ean went mute and his eyes softened to an almost look hurt. Could he have emotions? No, of course, he had emotions, but un-evil emotions? Like human emotion, too?

"Clair?" Michael said distantly from somewhere on the bed. "How could you two have been dating for three weeks when we didn't get our assignment until about a week ago. It's not possible."

"But," I argued desperately, "I committed suicide when he showed—"

"Yes, you lived when you should've died, but no one was sure what to do with you then…until a week ago when Ean and I were assigned to the task."

Ean now had his back turned to me, studiously not imputing any information against him or for him.

"So, Ean couldn't have known about my job when he asked me to date him?" I whispered to myself. That was before a week ago…come to think of it, so were the murders of Scott and Samantha.

Michael suddenly broke off into snores…not fake sleeping snores, but real snores that were—unfortunately--audible. Connor was already fast asleep, leaving me and Ean the only ones awake. Damn, why can't I be asleep? Damn!

"Ummm…Ean?" I whispered, lifting onto my elbows and leaning over to put my face near his shoulder. He smelled like sulfur, I recognized. Interesting. "Ean?"

He was ignoring me purposely. I could see his gleaming green eyes in the darkness and his eyes refused to meet my stare. I shifted closer until I was almost draped over his back and shoulder as I whispered more irately, "Ean? Ean..Ean…EAN?"

He sighed. That's it. He just exhaled loudly and shut his eyes tight…like he didn't want to see me. Then, he stirred and turned away from me.

"…good night, Ean." I finally conceded with a definite intonation of sadness I couldn't disguise after ten minutes of calling him. I wrapped the blanket around me and huddled in it while I silently shook with loneliness and sadness…and the tears. I did my best not to squirm or make a sound as I cried, but I wasn't very successful. Connor rolled over to face me with curious, blinking eyes. His colorful hair even semi visible in the darkness. I was grateful and relieved that he didn't talk to me for I knew he could see the tears streaming down my cheeks, or at least my puffy red eyes wide with hurt, by his softened expression. Instead he reached out a hand and brushed it against my cheek, picking up tears along the way, and smiled weakly to reassure me. I felt the absence of his touch immeadately, like a knife had skimmed my cheek in its place, and I burned with loneliness again. This time I put my hands in front of my face so I wouldn't disturb anyone, and so Connor couldn't view me crying. Slowly, two arms nestled their way around me, and I parted my fingers somewhat to see Connor. He had me pinned to his upper chest with his eyes closed and his pink streaked hair tinkling my face. I smiled and settled down enough to sleep calmly.

"What?" I demanded groggily as I was shook awake roughly. I peeked an eye open…Ean. Ean was straddling my torso with both hands gripping my shoulders harshly and continued to flounder me around.

"You have three days left." He announced cheerily with a wide, toothy grin. Someone had a mood swing.

"So, you're talking to me now?" I spat out, scornful. He looked briefly sheepish, then returned to that passive, suave look I've now come to hate and love. He shrugged before silently climbing off me and finding a spot besides me on the bed.

"Either way. You still have three days."

"Both tasks?" I inquired with a distasteful grimace. "I don't remember you giving me a deadline…or instilling consequences for that matter."

"Deadlines are the same always. Consequences aren't my decision. You forget I'm not the one controlling your fate."

"You might as well be." I murmured. Great, early morning surprises. Now I have only three days to kill a demon and eliminate a demon hunter as well.

"Shall we get going?" he prompted me as I skirted the footboard after I had fumbled out of the entwining bed sheets.

"Where is Connor?" I inquired curiously. He had been here last night, and I had a job to start as an assistant with him. I passed a glance at the clock, and did a horrified double take. HOLY—It's noon! "AHH!" I hurriedly stumbled towards a closet adjoining the room, where my suitcase lay.

"What's wrong?" Ean asked lightly, immensely amused. I pointed an accusing finger at him with a spiteful facial expression.

"It's noon." I spat. "Why didn't you wake me? Why didn't anyone wake me?"

Ean shrugged as he poised a hand over his mouth to conceal a laugh, and I flung open the closet door violently. I kicked my suitcase open and extracted an outfit consisting of a plain black t-shirt and old, faded jeans with rips in the knees.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, clearly sarcastically and insincere. "Connor left early this morning, around five. He instructed me to not wake you."

"WHY? You never listen to him! I have to three jobs to get underway, and I haven't even succeeded in one!" I ranted, restraining myself from ripping out my hair.

"He informed me that you were…distressed, and he would like you to begin your assistance tonight instead."

I silenced, and my gaze on Ean darkened when I finally looked over my shoulder at him because he looked smug.

"You were crying over me, Clair?" Ean whispered in a low, husky tone watching me with expectant interest.

"No." I replied shortly, dragging my clothes over to the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I stripped off my clothes and donned new ones hurriedly for I knew Ean wasn't going to be kept out by just a mediocre lock. I slumped back onto the bed, and sighed. Where would I find a demon…or demon hunter for that matter?

"Clair, I will not help you kill my kind." Ean said casually as he stalked in front of the bad, pacing back and forth.

"That's fine. I can have Connor help me with that."

"He agreed?" Ean asked, somewhat suspicious and incredulous.

"I suppose. He can't refuse either way. I'm his assistant, and his only reason for rejecting my request before was being too young to be involved. I'm already involved now, thanks to you."
"Yes, and you realize that I'm being generous in sparing his useless life. You owe me."

"Correct." I said warily. "I do. What do you want?"

"We'll see. Give me time to think on this." Ean requested, and I nodded my assent. "I should have killed him…" he murmured quietly to himself, then turned to me with a sniff. "You smell like him. It's revolting."

"Good." I said absently. "Then you won't come near me."

"Or you could sleep off the rest of the day with me." He offered hopefully, smiling devilishly.

"In a coffin?" I joked. "No thanks. You could help me find another demon hunter; I wouldn't object to that."

"Fine. Let's go then." he sighed before opening the room's door and guiding me into the hallway then out the front door.

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?" I screeched before Ean could muffle my shout with his pale, cold hand. He put a finger to his lips and hissed, "SSSHHHH!" We were hiding in the alley between a new hot spot night club and an old bar or pub, staying in the shadows to avoid the attention of the traffic treading on the pavement some feet away, while we devised a plan. I wasn't happy with what I heard so far.

"I want you to pretend to be a prostitute." Ean stated bluntly, and eyed me for an explosive reaction. I gaped with my mouth ajar, and then made gagging gestures with my index finger. Gross, I thought. No way.

"Why?" I demanded, skeptical. How could that work? I don't even look remotely like a hooker!

"Listen, I'm a vampire," Ean said, slowly and deliberately like I was an idiot, "and my kind tends to hang out at night, right?" I concur here with a nod. "Night clubs are perfect for feeding on drunken young kids, and where would a demon hunter look for us then?" I raised an eyebrow, and grimaced at the death trap I was about to enter.

"How does my pretending to be a hooker have to do with that?" I demanded, crossing my arms with an expectant look. Ean just rolled his eyes and replied, "That way, any demon hunters assume I'll drink your blood." I made a confused face here. How did being a prostitute link to blood drinking? It made no sense. "Clair, please, listen. It's not uncommon for vampires to hire prostitutes and drink their blood while…." He let the sentence go knowing my prudishness.

"Alright." I sanctioned reluctantly with a grim expression, but Ean wasn't standing near me any longer. In fact, he disappeared. I immeadately felt vulnerable, but it was short lived for I felt a cold hand on my elbow. I jumped causing myself to almost topple into an empty trash can in the alleyway, but Ean steadied me.

"Where did you go?" I asked quietly, and Ean shoved a pile of clothes into my hand. "What the hell is this?" I hissed as I held up a very short corset, then shuffled through the pile with growing horror. "Jesus, does Michael know about this?"

Ean snorted and gave me a highly amused smirk before saying softly, "You'd rather Michael be the pimp?"

"I'm not wearing this." I refused with a challenging glare at him.

"You will, as you know heaven's consequences." Ean stated matter-of-factly, and shoved me forcefully into deeper shadows. "Get changing!"

"But Ean—" I started to desperately plead until I caught sight of his eyes which were flashing that hell fire flame countenance. I clamped my mouth shut, and threw on the clothes while undermining the knot in my stomach. I glared down at my outfit in uncertainly, and Ean pulled on my hands which were now shaking from the chilly night temperature.

"Let's go. I need to return you to the PI's office in a few hours." Ean muttered before dragging me towards the nightclub door, then abruptly stopping with squinted eyes. "Perhaps we should go into the bar instead."

"What's wrong?" I whispered urgently, somewhat unsteadily, and gripped Ean's hand tighter.

"It's nothing. He probably doesn't even know I'm presently here." Ean said distantly with a last glance at the door before hurriedly guiding me into the bar while gentlemanly holding the door open for me. I offered him a weak half smile as he wrapped an arm tightly around my waist as he strutted over the bar. He positioned me on a barstool as he leaned over the polished wood counter and ordered two drinks from the bartender.

"Who?" I asked, quietly.

"Ah," Ean said reluctantly, "It's nothing darling." He smirked, winked, then handed me an artistically crafted glass of some swirling liquid smelling strongly of alcohol.

"I'm not drinking this." I told him firmly. He smiled at me slyly, then leaned close to my ear.

"Just drink it. It'll loosen you up. You're not a very convincing hooker, you know." he whispered, laughing at my expression. I sure the hell didn't want to be good at being a hooker, but if the situation calls for it…maybe. I looked at my glass contemplatively, then swirled it around a few times before downing it all in seconds. Ean went wide eyed and shook his head with a rueful smile. "That was very strong, Clair. You probably shouldn't have done that—Fuck." He started, then swiveled on the barstool to glance over at the entrance. In the dim light, I could barely see Ean. This place was evidently a vampire bar, with its unbearable lighting and Halloween atmosphere. There was no doubt in my mind that the immortals thought this place to be entertaining. The tables were made of glass with spider web and bat designs etched into the surface and the chair were seemingly made of bones. I clasped a hand onto Ean's cold arm impulsively, then regretted it as Ean turned his attention away from the door and looked at me pleadingly. This was what he was worried about, and I could see excitement behind the some doubt. He was going to enjoy this it seems, and I thought I saw a glimmer of mischief before he went passively blank in expression. Ean looked down at my outstretched arm, clinging to his arm, and pulled me from my seat and onto his lap.

"Play the part." He whispered to me in a very sexy tone. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck just as a weird feeling floated up from my throat and stomach. I cringed briefly and remembered the glass I just shot. Opps. I felt somewhat dizzy, but mostly giddy. Ean glared at me as the figure that entered moments ago plopped onto a nearby barstool, and I gave Ean's hand a tug. He didn't believe I could do this. I offered him a half smile before slinging my legs around his waist while trying to hide my blush and shush my modesty. I was supposed to be dead, why were my morals showing up now?

Just as Ean's fingers trailed up my outer thigh, the person spoke, causing me to breathe in relief at the interruption.

"Styx, long time no see." greeted the silhouette of the mysterious person who I couldn't decipher in the darkness of the bar light. I glanced at Ean as I wondered why he was being call 'Styx'. What was that?

"Damian. Ditto." Ean said shortly, barely restraining some anger and challenge. The stranger shifted onto a closer barstool and his face was suddenly more clear. He was pale, and his bright red eyes sparkled in the dim light though there was hardly light to cause the effect. His eyes, it seems, were hiding some type of flame lighting behind them because his eyes were flickering as would a candle and they were very mesmerizing to behold. Ean gripped my thighs closer to his sides, making me realize that I was being drawn in by the man's eyes a little too much.

"Who is this lovely young lady with you?" Damian asked. "Surely, this woman isn't Clair?"

"She's not." Ean spat shortly, and the hair on my neck stood up. Ean's usual sexy, melodic, soft voice was different now, and it scared me to death. His voice sounded strangely doubled now, as if he was talking at the same time was someone with a raspy, evil, devilish sounding voice that I immeadately associated with malevolence.

"Then, the girl is on vacation already?" Damian joked calmly, watching Ean's reaction over the rim of a shot glass as he gulped in one swift, almost unseen swoop.

"You could say that." Ean replied flippantly, not willing the question further.

"So, then, this is?" Damien inquired, gesturing to me with a whoosh of my hand.

"My one night stand." Ean introduced with a smug smile in an effort to hedge about my name, so he just sat there smirking both at me and Damian. Damian didn't seem so agreeable and shrugged as he said, "Well, I suppose I'll relay to the boss that you're slacking off with cheap whores."

Ean started busting out laughing; making most of the pub's occupants glance over at us. I attempted to hide my discomfort, and slumped over onto Ean's chest so I could rest my head on his shoulder easily. Plus, it blocked my view of Damian who was definitely not the best person to keep eye contact with…and Ean was cuter. But I'm not about to admit that.

"Believe me. She's not cheap." Ean gasped in between laughs, and I had to stifle a smile. Damian started to comment, and I clung tighter to Ean. This man creeped me out very much so, and in the end, I'd trust Ean more since he has some investment in keeping me alive what with my job uncompleted and all. Just as I shifted closer, the entrance to the bar flung open and in shuffled Connor of all people. I stifled a horrified gasp, and turned my mouth to Ean's neck and whispered softly, "Ean…" His eyes went down cast to meet my own looking upwards at him, then I flicked my eyes in Connor's direction noticeably. Ean followed my gaze, and grimaced. Apparently, Ean was just as thrilled as I was about Connor's bad timing. Unknowingly, Connor slipped noiselessly up to the bar counter and ordered a drink from the bartender, then slurped it down speedily with a glance at his watch. I could make out his mutter of, "Damn him. Clair is over an hour late." I bit into my lip, nervously, and my hands gripped Ean a little too hard. Green eyes abruptly glanced in my direction when my blood dripped down my lips from biting too hard from nervousness, and Ean was struck with a look of weakening restraint. I cringed before I leaned forward, catching his lips on mine, and lingered there before he put his hand to my jaw. This method, for my better judgment screamed that I shouldn't be kissing this liar, was mostly useful because I was trying to hide my uneasiness, get rid of the blood dripping down my lips, and stay unseen by Connor. But, unfortunately, not all wishes are granted. That, or I possibly have tainted luck. Ean pushed forward, crushing me against him and deepening our kiss, and I could feel his tongue roll over my lip and mop up the blood. Just as he parted my lips and slipped his exploring tongue inside, a hand slammed down deafeningly on the polished bar counter in front of us. We severed our kiss instantly, and found a displeased Connor scowling next to us.

"Well?" he prompted, his fingers digging into the polished counter with hardly restrained explosiveness. He took in our, well, intimate looking position which wasn't kindly helped with my being in costume, with a raised eyebrow. My cheeks burned brightly, and I stuttered to explain. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"Connor," Ean hissed, then jerked his head, "I don't think you've met my friend here, Roxanne—" He gestured to me, and Connor rolled his eyes as he caught on.

"What the hell? Styx! What are you doing being friends with this amateur hunter? I hope you're just playing with your food, otherwise, I'd be obligated to inform--"

"There is no need to bring Lucifer into this, Damian!" Ean stated, dangerously on edge. Damian, clearly peeved, stood up and shouted, "I'm going to kill you one day. I swear it, Styx, you deserve everything you got coming."

"Got coming?" Ean murmured thoughtfully before Damian brushed past Ean's shoulder, heading for the back exit. However, he halted as he darted his eyes to me and grabbed my chin roughly so I was jerked forward and staring directly at him.

"And, you too, Clair."

I jolted out his grasp as he shot me a dark look before escaping. Ean growled menacingly as my eyes wandered around the bar full of people and creatures now. They all stared back curiously, and I felt embarrassed for making a scene. The back door smashed closed, and Connor eyed me smugly.

"What are you wearing?" he inquired lightly, and Ean embraced me in an attempt to cover most of my indecent ensemble. I sighed tiredly, and Ean muttered, "Nothing for you, Connor. Get lost."

"I think you're mistaken. I have a little assistant who's over an hour late in skimpy getup while masquerading as a hooker. I think this calls for a photograph, honestly, because I find this all immensely hilarious." He teased, observing me as I climbed off of Ean and stood as dignified as I could muster. I made a 'hmph' noise and stuck my nose up in the air. "Aren't you going to cover up?" Connor asked, seriously.

"Why?" I inquired flippantly. "I look sexy." I joked, pulling on the string of my thong that showed above my black leather mini skirt on my hips causing it to emit a snap sound. I grinned cheekily. Ean hauled himself elegantly off the stool, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he guided me towards the door. I saw Ean's eye skim over my outfit then glance over his shoulder at Connor following us warily as he said, "And now, we wait, Connor."

"For what?" Connor called, baffled, as Ean opened the bar's front entrance and I strutted out into the alley bordering. Ean rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"To be arrested for solicitation, of course."

"Hey," Connor said uneasily, "You're the pimp, not me."

I glanced at the clock, again. I've been watching the clock, waiting for my break. The walnut grandfather clock in Connor's office chimed twelve times before he reappeared in his boxers and tee sleepily.

"Break time." He announced unceremoniously as he rubbed his eyes before he padded into his kitchenette that will soon be subsided with his office if his ocean of papers was any indication. The kitchen counter was clouded with application for something or other, and he extracted hot chocolate mix and a box of pancake mix. Setting them down, he turned to me.

"Want pancakes?" he offered, barely keeping his tired eyes open. I nodded while I got up and stretch, having to file for over three hours, but gave him an odd look nonetheless.

"Hey," he retorted defensively, "it's three in the morning. I'm not awake yet."

"I know." I said quietly, but not quietly enough. Connor started the frying pan, and returned my stare. "Can't say I've ever seen my former boss' boxers…"

"Don't be a smart ass." He snapped, brushing his hand through his bed head. "Almost done with filing yet?"

I gaped at him before saying, "NO! There are papers everywhere! How on earth can you expect me—"

"Settle down." He cooed, giving me a smile, "I was kidding…hey, don't touch that." I was currently occupying myself, since it was break time, with things tacked up to his walls. So far, I left fingerprints on a scathe looking blade, a set of matching daggers, and an engraved pistol. Though, now, I was handling what looked like a silver or chrome water gun. If I held it up to the light, I could see the clear liquid slosh inside. "Clair! Hear me?" I rolled my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, avoiding his commands.

"A gun loaded with holy water! Now put it back before you bust it!" I set it exactly where I found it, and meandering through the forest of papers waiting to be filed before arriving in the kitchenette. I stared at the old wallpaper peeling off the walls, the few cabinets with no panels covering the front, and vials of strange substances.

"You should clean this place up." I suggested, partly revolted.

"You should," He replied, turning around from the stove, then handed me a plate of pancakes, "change out of that prostitute outfit."

"I think I'm starting to be fond of it, actually." I muttered, taking my clothes into account. Connor walked off suddenly, and came back with a large black button up shirt of his and a pair of black tapered pants for me. He pointed out the bathroom, and I changed happily. I returned to the kitchen, snatched my steaming pancakes back, and settled down at his desk while he sat in one of the leather armchair meant for the client.

"What are two doing?" demanded a familiar voice, and I smiled at Ean who leaned in the doorway. He wasn't looking happy in the least.

"Eating. It's my break." I explained in between chewing.

"Aren't you done yet?" yelled Ean, and I laughed. How could he even think I'd be able to file all this in such a short amount of time? "We have school tomorrow, you know. You should finish up."

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed, ear-splittingly loud, and jumped from the office chair, "YOU'RE RIGHT! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?"

"Where do you live?" Connor questioned, through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Calm down, Clair. Your house is only a half an hour away." Ean reassured me, amused nonetheless.


Ean nodded in agreement. "I'M NOT GOING TO GET ANY SLEEP!"

"We could skip?" Ean proposed. "That would be the evil thing to do."

I gave him a reproving glare, then said as I put my hands on my hips, "Did I ever say anything about being good?"

"Clair," Ean said, smirking, "That's what I like about you. Can I forge the excuse notes?" At that, I gave him a pitying look. He's getting excited over such simple things…

"Sure," I relented. "Say we'll be gone for the whole week. Makes things easier."

Ean saluted mockingly before disappearing.

"Clair?" Connor said, and I turned in his direction. "I think you should stay here for the week."

I evidently looked confused, so he elaborated, "I don't trust that vampire. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care, but now you're my assistant. So, technically, you're under obligation to me. Plus, I can keep an eye on you regularly. And, you still need to kill a demon."

"Connor..."I whined. "Do I have to?" He frowned at my annoyed, pained expression, and shook his head firmly.

"Fine." I surrender. I gave him a sly smile and added, "But, I get your bed, and you have to inform Ean."

I shoved the last of my pancakes into my mouth, and chewed before slinking off to his bedroom down a slim hallway off his living room and office. I flung myself on his queen sized bed before I draped his dark blue comforter over me and fell asleep thinking I had got the better of his proposition.

Only two hours afterwards, I heard Ean's shouting all the way in Connor's bedroom. I stuffed Connor's pillow over my head and suffocated Ean's voice out of my hearing before I drifted back to sleep. Though, it was only a nap. I woke up not much later, maybe twenty minutes, when I heard the door slam and pounding on the exterior wall which shaking the rest of the interior walls in this cheap quality place. Seems like everything is extremely old here, I thought as I eyed the disco wallpaper splitting off his bedroom walls. I tumbled out of bed, and peeked out into the hallway. one. I scampered out into the living room off the hallway—no one there either. Where's Connor? Panic started in the pit of my stomach, and my breath hitched as I continued my searching. No one in the kitchen…or the bathroom. When I searched all the rooms in his flat thoroughly, I unlocked the front door and stepped warily outside. Nice, I said as I stared up at the glistening stars and moon. I wrapped my arms around me, since it was a little chilly tonight, and paced. What should I do? Wait? Call the police? How will I explain this? Without warning, I heard a moan coming from the shadows by the trash cans on the edge of his PI office. I concentrated on listening, not quite sure I wasn't insane enough to imagine noise, and heard someone panting. Please, I wished mentally, don't let that be Connor…

As I said, not all wishes are granted.

I peered into the shadows, desperately making an effort to distinguish anything, and heard the continual gasping crescendo. As I stood there, not knowing what to do, a streetlight flashed on.

"CONNOR!" I screamed, throwing myself down onto my knees as the streetlight outside beamed its light directly on Connor's shivering form. Connor, despite his luck at being alive, was covered in bruises, cut, and wounds everywhere possible. His hair was matted to his head with blood, and his clothes were covered in the crimson liquid as well. He was mostly unconscious, not lucid until I screamed his name.

"Huh…wha?" He said, slurred. His eyes couldn't open due to the colorful blemishes now decorating his eyelids. I struggled to correctly position him so I could drag him inside, but eventually succeeded. Landing gently on the couch, since that was as far as I could pull him, he forced his eyes open painfully.

"Connor…" I whispered softly, stroking his hair in comfort. "Try and sleep. I'll take care of you." Then, he said one of the most interesting things I've ever heard out of him.

"I trust you." He murmured. "I'm gonna kill that bastard when I see him…damn you, Ean."

I halted. Wait, did he just say he trusts me? When does Connor, demon hunter of all people, trust anyone? And….Ean did this to him!?!

"Don't worry." I assured him as he groaned in pain. "I won't let him hurt you again, Connor. Just sleep now."

"I can't…" he said slowly. "I might have a concussion."

"Shit! Get up!" I ushered him into a sitting position, now worried he'd fall asleep and go into a coma. I held him upright by the shoulders, careful to not disturb any injuries.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. "This is all my fault." I repeated that for nearly five minutes, sounding like I was reciting a mantra.

"Clair." He snapped. "Stop it. Just go get me a washcloth, okay?"

I nodded dutifully, and shot off to find a washcloth. After dampening it with lukewarm water, I rushed back to his side and examined his wounds. He took the cloth from me and pressed it momentarily to his face with a soft groan of pain as I carefully struggled to get him out of his shirt without disturbing any of his injuries.

"Connor," I began softly, "explain to me what happened."

He gave a calculating look, slightly innocent looking, and shrugged as he scrubbed off some of the dried blood matting his hair. "Not much to tell. Ean hates me. Doesn't take much to set him off."

"I've never seen him actually harm you before." I pointed out.

"You're not around then. Since you've been here, he's more tolerant of me."

I decided not to add the part where I specifically denied Ean the right to harm him, but nodded understandingly instead.

"Well," I sighed exhaustedly, "let's get you wrapped up."

I yawned, and glanced over my shoulder at the clock chiming noisily on the wall as I lay propped up against the side of Connor's couch where I had unintentionally fell asleep. I stared at Connor with a bittersweet smile at his sleeping, serene face. I stood up shakily, still groggy from sleeping, and jumped when the office chair emitted a telling sound. Someone was sitting in that chair, and I froze in fear.

"Morning, Clair." greeted a recognizable voice. I turned around slowly, wondering what I was in for, or what expect for Connor. Ean leaned back leisurely in the office chair with his feet propped up on the desk freely.

"Go to hell." I snapped, moody.

"Tomorrow is the last day to complete your tasks. Should you really behave that way to me if you require my help? Surely Connor is in no condition to help you." He retorted with a slow spreading smirk. I paced until I was standing firmly in front of Ean with a hard expression, and made an attempt to slap him in the face. Unfortunately, Ean caught my hand and twisted my wrist painfully as he stood up to his full height, taller than me.

"Clair." He said in a dangerous tone. "Don't play with me."

"Then stop making my life a game." I hissed, breathily, since I was in major pain. Any further and my wrist would snap. He bent forward slightly, hovering just above my shoulders, and took a sniff before giving me a disgusted face.

"You have Connor's scent on you."

Ean released me abruptly, and stalked towards the front door.

"Come on, Clair, leave him." Ean instructed as he pointed at Connor, putting emphasis and scorn on the last word. I frowned in disagreement before I began to retreat hesitantly. Ean swung open Connor's front door expectantly, turned around in the threshold, and leaned on the door frame as he crossed his arms. "Clair."

"Ean, I'm not going with you. Connor is hurt, and I'm going to take care of him." I whispered, looking in his eyes.

"I'm going to take care of him, too." remarked Ean, implying threat. I resorted to giving him a pleading look, and Ean raised an eyebrow. "Clair, you owe me for keeping him alive—again. I didn't kill him, so don't give me that look!"

"You almost killed him," I pointed out. "Does he bother you that much? Why did you harm him?"

Ean's features changed, and I found myself unable to read him.

"I harmed him because…" Ean began calmly, then trailed off in uneasiness. I stood, bolted in place, waiting for a legitimate excuse.

"Well?" I prompted impatiently.

"You picked him over me." He stated with no emotion, but acquiring an accusing glare. "You were going to stay with him, here, over being with me."

"That's it?" I asked, outrageously incredulous. I wanted nothing more than to shake some sense into him, but resisted the temptation. Ean abruptly closed the door. With a wicked smirk, he stalked back into the room—towards me. I shivered, fearful of his intentions, and began retreating step for step, matching his pace. However, within two minutes, I was trapped as I hit the wall with a thud. Dread piled on me, and Ean came almost an inch away from me before stopping, his eyes pinning mine with its intensity.

"Are you saying that you pick him over me still? " Ean asked, leaning in closer. I glowered at him as I put a hand on his chest, just in case I needed to push him away for protection.

"No. I'm saying—" I started, but was cut off. His lips had collided with mine, and that's all it took to subdue my train of thought. He nibbled on my lower lip, and opened my mouth in invitation before his tongue tasted mine. Pushing me back, flush against the wall, I wrapped my hands around his neck as his strayed down my sides. I ran one hand down his shoulders to his chest as I tugged at the hem of his shirt, making him smile against my lips. He pulled back a second to shrug off his shirt, leaving it in a heap on the floor. He kissed me again, more heated than before, as I let my hands roam his pale, lithely muscled chest. He pressed closer to me, making me aware of his erection growing, but I was too far gone to care for anything except Ean's kiss. His warm, sweet breath tickled my face as he panted in between kisses, and he continued on to kiss my neck as he pushed a knee in between my legs. Suddenly, his hands took hold of the back of my thighs, and he started for the door as he kissed my mouth in hopes of distracting me. I pulled back as he carried me out Connor's door, my legs clinging to his waist.

"That was cheap." I said with accusation and disappointment in my voice.

"What?" he said, overly innocent.

"You tricked me into leaving." I indicated.

"No, I persuaded you into leaving." He corrected, offended.

"No," I argued back, "You seduced me into leaving." He didn't object; it was the truth. I mentally added to get revenge on him for this to my to-do list, and secretly smile to myself in excitement for retaliation. However, it seemed, I needed to set him straight first. "Ean, I never picked Connor over you. I have no clue where you got the idea that I—"

"You slept in his arms the night before last, stayed with him past work hours, and wanted to spend the week with him. Am I wrong?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow, as he dared me to challenge him. I felt odd, slung around Ean's hips, with him staring slightly angrily at me while he waited for an answer as he walked down the sidewalk bordering Connor's place. He found his car, setting me down outside the passenger door.

"No, that's all true." I confirmed flippantly. "But I don't love him."

"You don't love me either." he stated, probably referring to the many occasions where I discounted our relationship.

"Maybe not," I said uncertainly, "But, Ean, no matter how much you screw up, I always end up fonder of you. Closer to love than I've ever been with anybody before."

"Really?" he said, very skeptically. I nodded and gave him a sweet smile.

"Now where are you taking me?" I demanded as he opened the passenger door and forced me in.

"My place. We need a demon hunter to kill, and I've found us one."

"What's he look like?" I asked casually.

Ean shot me a stern look, slight affronted.

"What the hell does it matter? You are not being friends with every hunter we meet. Remember, we need one to kill." He lectured, and I took his hand, the one not holding the steering wheel as we droved down the busy, traffic littered road. He glanced briefly at our intertwined hands, and I broke the moment when I said, "You just don't want me checking out other guys…"

"Bingo." He chimed, smirking. "You catch on quick."