Omake 1

"Mmfh!" Sena made a surprised sound when he felt Shin's hands which was laying on his hips creep up past his shirt and onto the warm skin of his quivering stomach. When the hands began to rub against him soothingly, Sena slowly allowed his body to relax and concentrated on tasting the mixture of saltiness of sweat on Shin's lips and the wholly overwhelming flavour of the brunette.

The pressure eased as suddenly as it came and Sena found himself panting, Shin's breathing harsh and hot against his red mouth.


"Go out with me."


"Go out with me."

"Wha- N-no"
Sena pushed against Shin but the Knight was immovable.

"Why not?"

"Do you even understand what it means?"

Shin's brows furrowed. "We get exclusive rights to each other.
To date, kiss, touch-"

"Ah! Stop it!" Sena curled inwards to himself, trying to hide how mortified and embarassed he was .

"-and if all goes well, after we graduate and become pros, we'll get married, have sex, start a family and live together forever."

"You're crazy!"

"I am being logical."

"You are BEING CRAZY!"

Omake 2

It was after school and Hiruma as usual slaved them through practice. As soon as their demon-captain allowed them their break, the players groaned in relief before they tiredly make their way towards the benches. They were sure their captain was into S&M. The whip was one thing but having them use skin-tight leather shorts as a pretense for practice in flexibility was another thing. Also the pants chaffed when stuck with sweat as everyone in the team found out quickly, much to their displeasure - and they suspect - Hiruma's pleasure.

Omake 3

The Ha-Ha brothers were trailing out of the field to get to the cool drinks readied for them by Mamori and Suzuna, when someone jogged past them, disturbing the dirt on the field and dispersing it into the warm air. To their disgust, Sena still has enough energy to over-run them even after their gruelling exercise and they wanted nothing more than to trip him and see him fall on his face. Unfortunately, they could barely lift their hands much less their feet to do the deed.

Suddenly another trail of dust flew to the air as two more players trampled through.

"I can still run!" panted Taki, the gleam of his teeth shining over the sweat drenching his skin.

"I can still run, too!" Monta yelled, trying to outdo the blonde.

"Keh! Weirdos," Kuroki spat.

"Yeah, weirdos," Tagano echoed.

Jyumonji stared at the three players running away before looking back from where they came.
"Shit! It's Kerberos!"

Kuroki and Tagano cursed as well before they joined Jyumonji to run away from the crazy dog.

"Damn you Hiruma!"


Omake 4

"Hey, chibi!" Hiruma barked, "Go easy on the icecream or you'll be doing triple your normal run tomorrow!"

Sena has no idea how Hiruma knew about the icecream. But then again, although it horrifies him to admit it, the captain probably knows everything about what happened during the summer holidays. "B-But it's just icecream! I won't-"

The sound of the gun catridge sliding into place made the boy freeze in fear.

"Wake up, chibi. When you go out with girls, it's not just icecream. There will also be creppes, then a cup of milkshake, and then just as you walk back home you'll be stuffing yourself with a creampuff before you say goodbye to your girlfriends."

Sena braved himself to scowl. "Girls aren't that bad."

"Did anybody say creampuffs?"

Sena yelped when Mamori popped beside him suddenly to scan around the area for any sign of the said soft bread.

"See?" the blonde teen stated dryly before throwing a packet of creampuff away for Mamori to chase after.

Sena cried when the girl sped after the packet instantly. "Mamori-neesan!"

Omake 5

Sena's suspicion that Hiruma knew what happaned during the summer holidays became true when he found a picture of himself during his stint in a girl's camp in Shin's wallet. "Where did you get this?!" Sena demanded, thrusting the picture in front of Shin's face.

"Hiruma sold it to me. Those short pants do justice to your legs."

Sena's face burned in embarassment and mortification and he turned away in search of Hiruma to demand for the negatives when he bumped into someone that had just walked out from a corner.

Pieces of paper fluttered around him and a string of apologies was already coming out of his mouth when he realised that the papers he was helping the person pick up were not papers at all.

They were pictures.

Of him.

During summer camp.

In girly shirts with a ribbons and clips in his hair.

In loose pajamas with cutesy prints.

In those short pants Shin favours.

And to his horror, when he was in the Yugawara hot-springs with just a towel or a loose yukata, a blush on his cheeks that also covered any exposed skin to the eyes.

Sakuraba eep-ed when he saw the Deimon Bat start to shake and his team-mate already starting to exude a dark aura around him "S-Sena! Sh-Shin! I can explain!"

Omake 6

Sena sighed as he let his bag drop onto the floor, when his eyes fell upon his mobile phone that fell from his Deimon Bats jersey pocket and onto his study desk. After a minute of shuffling around in his room, his hands picked the phone up and dialed a number.

The voice on the other line, brings a soft and happy smile on his face.


"Eyeshield. Is this the part when we start doing phone sex?"


There was the sound of paper shuffling from the other line. "Or is it too early? The book did say that it is to spice up your relationship. It is true that we have not yet gone on a date but since we have already kissed, I think phone sex is best to practice for the real thing which is the next step-"

The dead tone cut him off.



I'm done! I swear! I'm not really superstitious but it's been bugging me that I've ended the chapter at 13. So this is chapter 14 - even if it's just a couple of Omake and I'm not even bothering to put it up in my lj first for a test drive. So, yeah. That's it... XP