For richestgrave who made the world a happier place with her Shin/Sena fics :p Witnessing the delightful appearance of Richestgrave's amazing Shin/Sena fics, has humbled me to write a less than stellar ES21 fic as a tribute to her dedication to fanfiction. Girl, you have shamed this lazy ass into writing TT

I'm not sure if it's going to be Shin/Sena but there will be yaoi! Oh yes, there will.

"You are Suzuna."

"... come again?"

"You. Are. Suzuna."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm - Taki! Which part of me makes you think that I'm a girl?!"

"It's your face! You might not have the perfect heart shape face my sweet little sister has, but it's close. And then there's that cute nose, slim body and big brown eyes-"

Walking past them, two girls were whispering and giggling to each other, casting amused glances at the trio and Sena, horrified, wanted to just reach over, pull Taki across the bench and cover his mouth.. or choke him until he lost consciousness. He didn't think the other people in the park would care since the blonde boy was making a big fuss like he normally does in the first place, twirling and boasting at anyone who was unwise enough to look twice in his direction. They would probably thank him for subduing the stupid ass. And Monta, dear reliable Monta, will definitely help him hold Taki down while Sena reaches for his neck-

"It could work," the receiver said, fingering his chin.

"Monta! Not you too!"

"Plus, you're close to Suzuna's height," added his monkey-like friend.

"That too!" Taki exclaimed happily.

Sena gave Taki a look that was a cross between annoyance and tearful dismay since the Tight-End player chose that less-girly image as the last point to his argument. Taki stared at Sena's brown eyes glistening with embarrassed tears in awe. "So cute- UMPH!"

"BAKA!" Sena cried, hitting Taki on the face, dazing the blonde boy who fell off his seat. The brown-haired boy stood up with a huff and was about to

leave before something caught hold of his leg and wouldn't let go.

"Please, Sena!! You're my only hope! Suzuna is already enrolled in another camp and she won't change just because the girl of my dreams is going to the camp in Yugawara! How can my sweet sister not want to help her brother in his quest for love! All you need to do is get close to her - I would do it myself but I just don't want to shock the poor girl - and tell her how wonderful I am - an easy task for you, I'll write you a list - and set up a meeting between her and myself!"

Sena really wanted to stomp on Taki's hands holding his leg tightly but upon seeing his friend's hopeful look - which was a mix of a dashing smile and desperate weeping, a queer look for anyone other than Taki - he felt his irritation dissolve. He was always such a pushoever for tears and apparently he found it difficult to say no to someone who was trying hard to look suave while blubbering on his pants.

The half-back sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright. I'll do it."

"Y-You will?!! Oh joy!" Taki yelled, grasping Sena by the hands and twirling the shorter boy with him in a circle.

"S-Stop it!" Sena cried, more worried about being sick than being stared at by the people around them.

Monta laughed for a while before a thought suddenly popped in his head. "Y'know, Sena... you do realise that you'll need to wear a skirt to the camp."

Taki's suddenly lax arms dropped Sena to the ground, both boys' eyes grew wide at the statement. "W-What?"

"Weren't you listening to what Taki was saying? It's an all-girl's camp. You can't expect to wear bloomers and hide that, can you," Monta told him, pointedly looking at Sena's crotch.

Sena eeped and covered the front of his pants, face red with embarassment. "I can't wear a skirt! I can wear short pants! Oh my GOD! I'm going to become a girl!" he cried, the implication of Taki's plan finally hitting him.

"That's the spirit!" Taki laughed, pulling out his handphone and quickly punching in some numbers. "I'll call Suzuna up and she'll help with the cosmetics. She'll be so proud of her great brother's idea!"

"Suzuna?! She's going to see me in make-up?!"

"And in a skirt."

