Unfinished Business Chapter 5

"What?" Calleigh asked surprised.

"Horatio was just in here." said Frank.

"Frank, who knocked you out?" Ryan asked.

"Samuel was here." said Calleigh.

"If he got Horatio, then he couldn't have gone far!" said Frank walking out the door looking around the house. Nothing was there! No sign of Samuel or Horatio. Frank put out a call to all officers to look for Horatio and Samuel. Then he walked back into the house.

"Samuel is fast!" said Eric. "Calleigh is it possible that Samuel would take Horatio back where you were?"

"He might!" said Calleigh. "He doesn't know that I have escaped yet."

"Do you think you could lead us back there?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah!" she said trembling. "Its about a mile from here."

"I'll call for back up." said Frank.


Horatio woke up laying on the floor of a small cell. Samuel was standing at the door smiling down at him. Horatio stood up just looking at Samuel without saying anything.

"So how does it feel, Caine?" Samuel asked. "Now that your the one in the cage."

"You can stop this now, Samuel, and I may be able to help you." said Horatio.

"It's too late for that, Caine. I don't want your help." said Samuel. "But you see I don't want to kill you yet. First I want to make sure you suffer."

"Um, Samuel?" said a small women who just walked up.

"What do you want?" Samuel asked.

"The girl is gone!" she said backing away afraid he would hit her.

"What?" He asked angry. "How?"

"She found a way through the wall." said the women.

"I'll be back, Caine." said Samuel closing the door to the cell.


Ryan, Calleigh, Eric, and Frank walked up to the abandoned building.

"This is where he was keeping you?" Eric asked.

"Yes." she said.

"Look!" said Frank looking at the door of the building. They noticed Samuel walk out with a women following close behind him. They both got into a car and drove away.

"Come on!" said Frank walking forward. The three of them followed with their guns drawn. They got to the building and opened the door slowly. They looked around the abandoned hall to see several cells lining the right wall. They all moved down the hall careful not to make too much noise. They each peeked into the cells, but all of them seemed to be empty. There was only one more cell that they had not checked yet. The one at the very end of the hall. They peeked in and noticed that Horatio was sitting on the floor.

"H!" said Eric.

"Eric?" said Horatio standing up and walking to the door.

"I got the key!" said Frank coming up behind them. He unlocked the door and Horatio stepped out.

"Where is Samuel?" Horatio asked.

"He drove off with some girl." said Ryan.

"He'll be back." said Horatio.

"Sooner than you think!" said Samuel from behind them.

Authors Note: I will end the chapter there! I am hoping for a lot of reviews! I know it has been a while since I last added a chapter! Please tell me your thoughts and I will try to get the next chapter up soon!