Title: Entitled

Author: Lifelessmidget

Rating: PG-13 (for now)

Summary: Draco's life tends to revolve around his work, but what happens when we add a bit of Harry Potter's errands into his life? What chaos would ensue and how come time always comes at such a opportune moment?

Authors note: I wanted to write something with a dog in it so I used the description of my current husky just as a tribute to him and his understanding of my obsession for H/D squees


It never occurred to anyone that Draco Malfoy would end up working for the Ministry of Magic, nor did anyone expect him to do a good job of it as well, but it just goes to show that some forms of magic worked their way into people's lives.

Draco Malfoy was head of the Reinforcement Department, responsible for the protection of particular elements within the Ministry and having a specialty in his field for casting spells required to conceal or disguise various constructions such as buildings and the like. He spent most of his time conducting field trips for a number of undergraduates allowing them to practice their talent in secluded areas where muggles hardly linger, so it wasn't very surprising at times to see him sitting at his immaculately clean desk jolting down preliminary spells and instructions onto stacks of parchments.

On one particular afternoon however, he found himself free from the rush of work and seemed momentarily stumped at the idea. There was never a time where he had free time at the office because there always seemed to be an endless stream of breaches into systems and etc but for some reason everything chaotic had seemingly dissolved.

He looked about at the state of everyone else's work load and saw that he was the only one who had nothing on his list of things to do. Draco's grey eyes scanned the crowds of heads either bent in their little cubicles or shouting orders at each other across the large hall, he could see Ron Weasely bickering with Hermione Granger over the state of some sort of muggle appliance which had little mice reflected in its steel body. The three of them never did find the time to get to know each other, though Draco could see why with the amount of stress placed on their area of expertise, but over the two years they spent working in the Ministry of Magic they had managed to become at least civil to one another.

Harry Potter on the other hand, was another story. The boy had become a rather powerful Auror and rarely spent his time confined to his desk. No… he had a knack for always being on the practical field and avoiding all theory. He had a personal assistant to tend to those areas so Draco only ever saw Potter when he was also on the field.

Draco never noticed that every time he was out on a mission, Potter was always there. Their practical assignments had them paired together, one for the reinforcement and the other to protect against outsiders; Draco never paid much mind to the boy as he seldom talked unless it was to pass out instructions, but the green-eyed boy, from what Draco could decipher, had a very inquisitive manner.

Every time Draco was out on assignments, Harry Potter would ask him many questions at various points in time where he had to answer due to the result of bickering if he responded in any other manner, and bickering with Potter did NOT resolve matters when it comes to work. In fact, if said bickering ever occurred, then their assignments would magically have to repeat itself and it was only until a couple of weeks after that Draco found himself flooded in work as well as the same matter at his constant demand… so needless to say, he answered all questions asked as bluntly as possible to avoid the same outbreak.

He himself never asked questions back and found that Potter never asked any personal questions (not that he would answer them if he did) but merely inquired about vague things such as life, work, interests and the weather. Draco always answered them bluntly, hoping that one day Potter would just get tired of the same responses and move on with his work but the factor never happened.

It was hard to avoid the practical field as it required a great deal of assistance and at times it was out right annoying when things didn't go his way, still… Potter did make his way into his life, making each day somewhat better with the availability to have someone to yell at or at least become a victim to his infamous wizard duels, which the two would engage in after a gruesome day to vent off some stress and practice their hand at some advanced magic.

So Draco saw his relationship with Potter as a slow development from what he originally had at Hogwarts. School-boy fights, snide comments and competitive behaviour however now there was the addition of nosy Gryffindor to the list, though Draco had started taking a fondness to the amount of questions thrown at him per day.

"Hey, mister Malfoy?" a voice broke through his reverie and he was confronted with Potter's assistant, his hands filled with parchments and notebooks "I was wondering if you could do me a favor since you don't seem to be that busy?"

Draco normally didn't assist with other matters outside of his area though the spark that it was something involving Mr Harry Potter himself gave him that slight agenda to accept the offer.

"Depends… if you are planning on dumping that load of parchments onto my desk then the answer is no… but if it involves something practical then fire away" Draco watched the boy's face light up.

"Oh no no, I was wondering if you would be able to stop by Mr Potter's flat to feed his dog…" Not the answer Draco was expecting but nonetheless he was intrigued "…he left me a memo but I don't have the time nor the ability to feed his pet"

The boy bent closer to him "You see, I'm completely terrified of dogs and its my only consolation that I'm also allergic to them"

The grey eyed boy raised an eyebrow at him but accepted the job to the delight of the assistant, who gave him the directions to the flat ("Apparating is no good with Mr Potter's flat, though you could apparate down the street from his home") and the key ("Don't worry, Mr Potter placed the wards down for now and usually doesn't have a key") before scurrying off to complete Potter's errands.

After checking the address was correct with the registry, Draco grabbed his coat and headed on his way trying to remember if he had forgot anything he might have to do before leaving. His mind remained blank and he shrugged, pocketing the key and exiting the Ministry through a separate telephone box whose line was conveniently short. Usually Draco tried beating the rush every day but then found it to be utterly useless.

He reached muggle London at exactly 2:21pm before making his way to Potter's flat, he found it to be in rather close proximity to the Ministry, 10 minutes walking distance actually. Give or take a few minutes at the traffic lights and crossings, Draco's own flat was about the same pace rate away but in the opposite directions to Potters.

Draco looked up at the rather intimidating building, its large grey stones and clear open windows made it appear quite friendly however the large lock and bolts on the doors he passed gave it a sort of protective feel of its residing masters. He looked down at the folded parchment and saw that Potter lived on the middle floor.

'Thought the paranoia would have made you stay put on the first floor' muttered Draco to himself as he located the door, number 15. While the other doors had massive amounts of locking devices on it, Potter's looked completely devoid of them except for the small silver key hole under the handle which the grey eyed boy later on noticed had a snake carved onto it.

Inserting the key into the door proved to be somewhat difficult seeing as it seemed to have a magnetic force field around it, preventing the key from getting any closer to the keyhole other than one inch away. It wasn't until Draco realized he was attempting to use his own key to open Potter's door that he mentally mauled himself and thanked Merlin that there wasn't anyone around to witness his struggles.

The silver key slid in perfectly with no difficulties and the door dissolved into an open doorway (taking the key with it) and for the first time, Draco could see the sort of place that his former nemesis was living in.

Magic did have its uncanny behaviour for disguise as Draco wandered into the room which looked three times the normal apartment size and for good reason. There was a great space in the center of the floor, possibly for spell practice, and the kitchen was stretched across the entire back wall, with various potions books piled on the benches and various vials all neatly placed in the open cupboards.

To the left stood a large, glass doorway leading to the balcony, magically widened to comfortably suit a full grown dragon. Draco peered out doors and saw two metal bowls outside, one filled with water and the other regrettably empty, there was no sign of a dog or otherwise from his position.

To the right, there was another door half-open, possibly leading to the bedroom or at least the bathroom. Draco spotted Potter's broom leaning against the wall and little moving photographs hung from the wall of his bedroom as well as the room he was currently in. A large dining table was backed up against a wall (moved to create more room), its chairs piled up in the corner and the table top covered with newspaper articles and the familiar notebooks which Draco had seen his assistant carry.

Albeit the clutter was more than what one would imagine, the grey eyed boy noted that Potter kept all his personal situations under control, with all the dishes meticulously cleaned and placed into their respective places (though there was also the factor of whether the green eyed boy actually ate at home) and from what Draco could see of the bedroom, kept every inch of his room clean and excused of work issues.

Momentarily stunned by the state of Potter's home, Draco almost forgot why he was here in the first place as he stood in the doorway which had formulated back into its proper form. He questioned why there was a handle there in the first place if the door was to dissolve like that but at that current time of wondering a scurry of paws padded across the floor and a collision occurred.

His grey eyes came in contact with a light brown nose sniffing his face and attempting to lick his cheek. The great furry beast then leapt off his flatten body and sat beside him, as Draco looked up at the dog he could swear that he saw it grinning madly at his predicament.

Draco looked down at his once black robe and saw brown and white fur decorating its cleanliness, he glared at the dog, which barked happily and proceeded to scratch at a bottom drawer.

"Let me guess, your food is in that drawer?" muttered the boy as he attempted to clean off his robe with some simple spells. Another scratch and a wag of a tail made Draco clamber up as elegantly as possible before rummaging through the drawer. He procured a bagful of dry dog food and watched as the dog's golden eyes lit up miraculously.

After pouring the contents into the bowl, he patted the wolf-like dog on the head as it progressed onto eating and placed the bag back into the drawer. Draco couldn't see why Potter just did cast an endless spell on the food container, like those at Hogwarts; he guessed it was because the dog demanded attention (and the fact that Potter probably didn't want a fairly chubby dog)

Striding over to the canine, the grey eyed boy stared down at its collar and read out the name "Daemon", he regretted it almost immediately as the creature jumped to attention and started pawing Draco's trouser leg as if expecting to play ball or some other ludicrous idea for fun.

"Great…" but instead of scowling down at the animal, he roughed it up around the ears, its soft fur gliding straight through his fingers "My, my, Potter does groom you well huh?"

"Yes unfortunately this little mutt demands a heap of attention" the cutting voice made Draco pause in his dog petting behaviour. This was definitely not the moment where he wished Harry Potter would walk in on him, he preferred it when the boy saw him as a ruthless bastard with no feelings, not engaging in a conversation with an animal and admiring its fur. Daemon chose this opportune moment to jump atop Draco's bent form to take a flying leap into Potter's open arms.

"Ah so this is what humiliation topped with a cherry feels like" grumbled the form that was Draco, his face flat on the cold floor with Potter and his bloody dog staring down at him like he was a lunatic. "I wish there was a rock that I could just die under"

Finally finding that smidgen of respect in his body, Draco pulled himself up, stared straight ahead and headed towards the door, hoping no more questions would be asked or remarks made about his dignity.

"Hey Malfoy wait…" Potter's voice trailed behind him, Draco didn't bother to stop, continuing right until he reached the door attempting to wrench the door open but it remained shut. He began to feel as if there was a dark cloud formulating above his head and at any moment he was going to be struck by lightning or at least rained upon.

"Door Potter…" drawled Draco, refusing to turn and face the former Gryffindor due to the havoc wrecking upon his body, the green eyed boy contained a chuckle as he stroked the door handle in such a way that Draco was forced to hold back a rather obvious retort until he heard Potter hiss somewhere to the right of his ear. Parseltongue… so that's why Potter had the snake carved onto the handle.

It was a rather ingenious idea thought Draco as the door melted away, he stepped out into the corridor but not before Harry could say "By the way, thanks for feeding Daemon…" his green eyes burning a hole in the blonde boy's neck.

An inarticulate grunt resulted on Draco's behalf… but as he walked away from the apartment, he felt comparatively good about taking up the offer to feed his dog.



Well whatcha think?

Might wanna throw in a smutty scene somewhere in the future LOL

Feedback please… I felt like writing something a bit different from my style