Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while. But don't worry I'm going to update as much as I can, now especially as I have a phone were I can write it on. If only I could post too I would marry this phone. Well anyways I've been gone so long that all my stuff is gone. Man I really hope I didn't have anything in here. Well I promise to update soon and I will try for this week but thanks to FCRAP (don't ask) I might not be able to so...if I don't have it in 2 weeks at max then you all can stop reviewing (not really. please don't). Speaking of which don't forget to review.



"Come on we have to go." Kyle said to Tess as they sat in the library. "The library's about to close."

"One second." Tess said not looking at him.

Kyle sighed and sat down. For the past half an hour she had refused to leave coming up with a lame excuse each time. His father had talked to him once about this.

"She's never actually had a father. Who knows how she deals with anger or fear." His father had said. "We just have to show her by example."

"You're not the only one you know." Kyle said.

"Huh?" She asked confused still not looking up.

"All of us are scared." Kyle said. "And just because you're partly alien doesn't mean you can't feel things. And if you do you have to deal with them."

"I just can't go back there until I fix this." Tess said.

No one knew about her past with the creature and if they did they weren't letting on. Or maybe they were doing that to be nice to her. Maybe that's what friends do. She thought. Because she honestly had no idea.

"You're not a queen anymore Tess. It isn't your responsibility to take care of us." Kyle said. "Come on let's go get a hotel room to stay in"

"Can you please not stare at me like that?" Maria asked.

"Humph." Was Michael's response.

"I understand that you are worried but you can't watch me all the time." Maria said.

"Maria." He sighed.

"What, Michael?" Maria asked annoyed.

"Look I know that I don't...well the thing is...OK this is hard." Michael said obviously frustrated. "I know that I really don't say this enough but I...love you Maria and I won't ever let anything happen to you, as long as I can stop it-"

Maria smiled and put her hands on top of his. She wasn't about to stop his confession.

"-and I would die just to keep you safe. So please just let me do what I do because I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to let me do this the way I do." Michael finally finished.

"I love you too." Maria said. "And I love it when you do things your way AS long as you don't get out of control so just don't over do anything."

"So do you agree to stay here, so I can watch you all the time." He said.

She sighed. "Fine."

He leaned over and kissed her.

"Are you sure your okay?" Isabel asked Alex.

"For the millionth time yes." Alex said.

"Good." Isabel said and leaned over to kiss him. "I'm going to be back in a second." She walked into the kitchen and got a glass and put it under the facet before she felt drowsy.

"You must be joking." It said. "This is what you have nightmares about." Isabel turned around and saw Alex.

Was she dreaming or was Alex? Who was the monster after this time? Her? Or was he going to try to kill Alex again.

"It's a little double header." It said. Then it stabbed her in the stomach. She screamed and he twisted it around.

Alex ran and jumped It to the ground.

It disappeared and Alex ran over and brought her up so she was laying on top of his bended legs.

Suddenly it was like they reversed roles Alex was hurt and Isabel was hurt.

Whose dream was this? Isabel thought. Hers or Alex's and which one of them was hurt?

Ok promise to do my best not to leave all of you hanging. So don't forget to review. I don't care if you tell me you can't stand it but just REVIEW!!!!!!

