
A Kingdom Hearts Oneshot

Authoress: Illicit Memory


It was a year into Sora's captivity. He still slumbered peacefully within his white flower-like jail cell, and Roxas had just begun spending his final summer vacation with Olette, Pence, and Hayner.

After a week, the nightmares began. He recalled faces that he had never seen before, names, places… All these things that didn't exist in his world. So many other worlds were out there, but he didn't know that, because his world didn't exist. He didn't exist. It was all a fairytale, here in Twilight Town.



"Hey, Kai-"ri… Who's Kairi? What? "I mean, Olette. Sorry, don't know what I was going to say there." Roxes grinned at the only female of the group, blue eyes not reflecting his smile in the least. He gripped a sea-salt icecream bar in one hand, and in the other, a textbook – that report was due at the beginning of next year, after all. Who the heck is Kairi? Am I losing my mind?

"Riku. Kairi…"

What the hell? He dropped his icecream, the echo of the voice in his head startling him. Looking down with unseeing eyes, more memories invading his conscious, and he was lost again.


"Riku, Kairi! Let's do something!" Sora held his hands behind his head, elbows sticking out, his casual pose betraying his inner child.

"… I have homework, idiot. So do you." Riku looked up from his book, as he sat on the rock he normally used.

"so? Homework can wait. We don't have much longer until dark!" Sora turned to Kairi, pleading with his eyes. "Kai?"

"… Sure, why not?" She giggled, still so young. "Wjhat do you want to do? Blitzball?"

That elicited a groan from Riku.

"Heh, he just got kicked off the team by Wakka, you know." Sora grinned misheviously at his female friend.

"Shut up…" Riku glared daggers at the brunette.

"Oh, really? Sorry Riku." Kairi smiled softly. "Is that a problem?"

"If you guys want to play, that's fine. Leave me out of it…" He retured back to his book.

"He's just ticked off because Wakka ro-"



"-xas… Roxas!" Hayner was waving a hand in front of his friend's face, who was still staring down at his now-completely-melted icecream bar.


"Dude, I'll buy you a new one if you don't have any more money."

"Nah, that's fine…" Roxas smiled faintly. "No big. It's just an ice cream bar."


"Hey, uh, guys? I gotta go." He looked up at the clock tower.

"'kay. See you later, Roxas."

"Bye…" He left them there, and walked home, marveling at the clarity of the voices in his head.

And how much pain was left in their wake.