Alright, since everyone wants me to continue this, this will not be a one-shot. Praise the review, eh? Alright, to answer those reviews now.

Vesper Chan: Haha, alright, I will keep them as children and I will continue.

The Bloody Shadow: I have a few already you know. But I'll continue this one first.

Neko Kitty: Alright then, here we go

RedKanon: thanks.

Hitomi Hotaru: I'm sorry. But I don't have any lawyers so go right ahead. Thank you.

MistressTenten: Alrighty, I will. Enjoy.

Mikomimaru: Aw, glad you like it! Well, here we go!

That's all of them. Okay, let's find out what happens next, huh?

You are beautiful

Lee carefully covered a huge scratch on Sakura's face with a band-aid, making contact with her eyes when he was done. They were a beautiful emerald green. Mysterious and filled with emotion. Those big eyes seemed to fill Lee with a feeling he did not quite comprehend. Why did he feel all warm? The feeling was strange indeed, but he didn't mind. He liked this feeling. He tried to look into Sakura's eyes again but found that the girls shyly looked away from her, as she had done numerous times already.

"Are you afraid of me?" Lee asked softly, his voice possessing a certain tone of hurt, not able to get past the girl's keen senses. "N-No." she responded. "I-It's nothing like that." Her eyes quickly flashed towards his and back again. "Are you really shy then?" Lee asked, chuckling slightly. "That is really cute." Sakura coughed a little, as if to mask something she wanted to respond at that moment. She suddenly felt how Lee took hold of her hand and placed a very soft kiss on top of it. She couldn't help but blush.

"W-What are you doing?" Sakura asked, her tiny hands quickly retreating to fold onto her lap. Lee smiled. "I am simply giving you a kiss." Lee said. Sakura frowned. That, she had noticed. She wasn't that dumb after all. Actually, she was the smartest in her class. "But why?" she asked again, scared to hear the answer, but not winning from her curiosity. "Because I like you, and I wish to comfort you." Lee said, smiling. He leaned in and kissed Sakura on her cheek, the girl backing away from him the best she could at that moment.

"I am sorry." Lee said, apologizing. "I did not wish to bring you discomfort." Sakura shook her head quietly. "That's okay." She said. "It's just that I… I'm not… I simply don't…" She didn't seem to be able to finish her sentence. "Go on." Lee urged, wondering what could possibly be wrong with her. "I'm not pretty enough to deserve your kisses." Lee's eyes took on a size they had never explored before in his life. Was this girl actually serious? How could she ever think that?!

"Sakura-chan, that is a lie!" Lee exclaimed loudly. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life! Your eyes present the bright green of the purest emerald ever found. Your hair carries the colour of the wondrous flower that shares your name, and your smile brings forth warmth that no summer day can do." Sakura blinked a few times, staring at Lee as he spouted all of those beautiful words, causing her belly to fill with a warmth she had never felt before. But that didn't matter. After all, she liked it.

"Sakura-chan, you are beautiful." Lee finally concluded, looking Sakura straight in the eye, as if to prove that he wasn't lying. Sakura giggled loudly at Lee's foolishness. And then, her giggles formed into laughter. The most angelic laughter Lee had ever heard. Sakura didn't understand how one boy she had just met could make her laugh so hard and sincere. She couldn't even remember when she had laughed so hard. Her tummy even began to hut a little. "Lee-san, you're a funny guy." Sakura told the boy.

Lee blushed. He liked that he had made Sakura laugh. With him and not at him one might add. Her laughter made his belly fill with warmth again, and therefore, he only wished to make her laugh some more. He flashed her a flashy smile he didn't even realize was flashy and ruffled Sakura's hair. "Say, Lee-san?" Sakura suddenly asked, all serious. "Yes, Sakura-chan?" Lee responded, tucking his hair behind his ears. "Why do you always speak so politely?" Lee blinked as he looked at the girl before him.

Her head was cocked to the right in a very cute manner, and her small smile made him blush. "It is just that I think of our language as beautiful." Lee responded. "And I wish not for it to be brought down simply to make it easier." He smiled as he stroked Sakura's hair lightly. It was so very soft. "And it sounds more courteous, does it not?" he added. "I like to speak this way." Sakura giggled. What a silly reason, but that didn't matter. She liked the way he spoke. "Thanks Lee-san." Sakura said, kissing him shyly on his cheek. "Thank you so much."


I guess I shouldn't end it here yet, but this chapter is done for. Next one will be up… I dunno when. Until that time, please do review. I hope you enjoyed it!