1Yeah this is my last chapter! Yeah! I finally finished it! So please tell me whatcha think and tell me if you think if I should write a sequel because im thinking about it! Yeah so anyway I tried to make this one longer. So please R&R! Thanks!

Chapter Five: Secrets Unfold

Asuna's POV

Me and Negi went over to Konoka and Setsuna's table after the party began. Yue, Haruna, and Nodoka were also sitting there.

"So, how was the wedding?" I asked.

"It was kind of funny watching you try to keep your wrists against your dress." Konoka said giggling. I looked down at my wrists. Cut after cut, mostly all of them were made by my sword.

"Well, I couldn't just wear a jacket so what was I supposed to do?"

"Uh you could have asked me to heal them for you!"

My face turned red with embarressment.


"Well it must have slipped my mind!" Konoka laughed again.

"Um ladies and gentlemen its time for the traditional father daughter dance." The announcer said over the microphone.

A few moments after a slow song came on. Shizuna was up there dancing with her father and a bunch of other people were dancing also.

I was about to walk away into the hallway. Never felt really comfortable with this dance sense I never met my father.

I felt a quick tap on my back. I turned around and saw Takamachi looking at me.

"So why are you walking away from me?!' he said joking around considering that he said earlier he thought of me as his daughter. He suck out his hand. I hesitated but took it as we walked onto the dance floor.

We started dancing to the song that was playing. I was finally dancing with Professor Takahata. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. I always thought though that I would be dancing with him as a couple. Not father and daughter. This was better though I thought. Being loved by him as a daughter seems more meaningful then being loved by a love potion or bribing him with money. Which I thought I could try when I fist met Negi and found out he was a wizard.

Takamachi's eyes widened in shock as I saw what he was looking at. I had forgotten AGAIN to ask Konoka to heal my wrists.

"Asuna, what happened?" He looked at me with a worried face. "Did you?"

I started to stutter, trying to think of what to say.

Negi's POV

I was about to go into the hallway to check on Asuna when I noticed she wasn't there. I turned around and saw her dancing with Takamachi. I smiled. Something didn't feel right though. Asuna looked happy. The one mood no one had seen in days.

I looked over at Takamachi and saw his eyes widen.

"Oh shit!" I said under my breath. Takamachi had noticed Asuna's wrists and was asking her about it.

She was looking at him in horror, mumbling and not pronouncing her words correctly.

I ran over and tapped Takamachi on the shoulder. He turned around and Asuna looked at me in wonder.

"Um..." I never really planned on what I was going to say. I was just thinking that I needed to destract him.

"Can I interupt. No, no, what I mean is can I dance with Asuna-san?"

"Uh yeah sure." Takamachi stepped back and started walking, to go sit back down at his table.

"Looked as if you needed some help!" I said when he was out of hearing range. We were slow dancing now.

"Thanks! I don't know what I would have done or said." She looked over at Takamachi who was about to walk into the hall with a person with a hood over his head.

"Wonder who that is? I've seen him everywhere this week!" she said. Our minds quickly came off of the subject.

"Some break its been, huh!" I said.

"Well...I think I ruined it for you, Konoka, and Setsuna. I shouldn't have been so dramatic."

"What else were we going to do? You paper route, sleep, kill Chamo-kin, nothing to amazing. Some excitement came. Its only Thursday too! We have till Monday until we need to go back to school." I smiled at her as we continued to dance.

The song finally ended but another slow song followed it. We went back tot he table with Konoka and Setsuna.

Asuna was getting her wrists healed incase Takamachi came back and asked about it.

Asuna's POV

We were back over at the table and I was getting my wrists healed by Konoka. I felt another tap on my shoulder and the first thought that came to me was that Professor Takahata came back to talk to me about my wrists.

I quickly turned around and put my hands behind my back so Konoka could finish healing them.

When I looked up I realized it wasn't him, it was the man with a hood over his head. He held out his hand.

"Can I have the honor or dancing with Asuna-san?"

Konoka, Setsuna, Negi, Yue, Haruna, Nodoka and I just looked at him. Everyone was just staring, wondering what im going to say.

"Maybe...Who are you?"

The man slowly reached up, grabbed his hood, and pulled it off. He had red hair and brown eyes that resembled Negi's. Memories of the night I saw Takamachi purpose flooded my head. I looked over at Negi to see his reaction. His eyes were wide and he was almost in tears. Happy tears not sad ones.

A few meters behind Negi was Evangeline. She turned around and saw him. Oh shit! I thought, he's in deep shit!

Evangeline ran over and started yelling menacingly.


She grabbed Negi by the head and lifted him off of the ground.

"Master...let go!"

"Master?" Nagi said looking at Negi who was now being set down on the ground.

Tears were going down Negi's face. Nagi scotched down to be at Negi's level and flicked him in the face making him stumble backwards a few feet.


"Well im sorry," said Nagi, "if my son isn't strong enough not to cry then..."


"Well I would never get into that kind of situation."


Negi stopped when he saw his father stand up laughing.

"You seem a lot like me when I was little. You also have a resemblance to Asuna." Negi and Asuna looked at each other.

"ARE YOU FRIGGIN SERIOUS! I HAVE A RESEMBLANCE TO THIS BRAT!" I yelled picking Negi up by the head.

"And again you get picked up by the head!" Nagi said laughing at Negi.

Nagi turned to look at me.

"So, can I have this dance?" My eyes lit up and I reached out to grab his outstretched hand as we walked out to dance. This doesn't feel right! I feel as if I should be dancing with someone else, but who? I looked at Nagi and my eyes lit when I realized who it was.

Negi's POV

"Hey Boya, seems that the Thousands Master is more into seeing Asuna-san than you!" Evangline said with a smirk on her face.

"Psst, whatever!" Everyone gasped when they heard this.

"Negi, I thought all you wanted was to meet your dad? I thought all that training was to impress him!" Konoka said.

"It was in the beggining but sense I've come to Mahora its been all to impress..."

"Impress who?" I walked out of the room quietly.

When I was alone I wispered under my breath. "Asuna."

I stood there in the middle of the hallway lost in thought when I heard a voice come from behind.

"Negi, are you alright?" I turned around and saw that it was Asuna.

"Yeah Im fine. Why arent you dancing with my father?"

"He's off talking to Takamachi and Eishon. Why are you out here alone? Come with me!" she said reaching out her hand.

"Lets go where?" I asked.

"Go dance!"

"But its still a slow song."

"Yeah, so!" Asuna flashed a smile.

I reached to grab her hand and as I did she pulled me really fast, shoving something into my mouth.

A puff of smoke came around me and when I looked down on myself I saw that I was taller then Asuna and about her age.

"For once Chamo got something that was useful!" I realized Asuna put one of the red or blue candies in my mouth to change my appearance.

"Now lets go!"

Konoka's POV

I quickly glanced over to the hallway and saw Asuna and Negi coming in heading onto the dance floor. Exept Negi looked our age. I slightly elbowed Setsuna and pointed over to them. They were now slow dancing to a song that was extrememly long.

Setsuna smiled. "Seems they got more of those candies! They better keep them away from you!"

"Thanks Se-chan!" I said sarcastically. "Look at them look at each other. Lets see if we can make something spark!" Setsuna smirked as we got up to dance.

We gradually slow danced our way behind Negi. I pushed Negi's head forward and he stumbled. His lips falling upon Asuna's.

I glanced over to see what everyones expression was like and the only people that seemed to noticed was my dad, Nagi, and Takamachi. They just looked at them in shock and Takamachi soon after said, "Hey, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later!" My dad smiled at this but Nagi looked disappointed and sad.

I looked back at Asuna and Negi who were just separating from there deep kiss. Me and Setsuna went besides them.

"Wow I only thought you were going to last for a moment or two. I guess you really do like each other!" Negi and Asuna blushed looking at each other. "Im going to need to keep an eye on Negi tonight to make sure he stays on the loft!" I said giggling.

"Hey Negi, your going to need to use those candies every time you and Asuna go on a date. Don't want to make your other students jealous now do you!" Setsuna said with a smile.

Asuna's POV

Wow that kiss was a lot better then I expected it to be. A lot better then when we made the pactio. Wait, what am I talking about? I just kissed that brat! Im getting friggin feelings for him! Well... he is really cute! I thought as we blushed at each other about what Konoka said.

"So," Konoka started, "Are you guys gonna start going out?"

We just looked at each other for a moment before Negi smiled. "Its up to Asuna-san."

I gulped. I had a loss of words. Negi's smile faded the longer it took me to answer. Konoka looked at Negi who now looked extremely depressed.

"Uh Asuna, I think you should answer. I think he's going to cry!" she said worringly.

Oh my god I need to answer. Damnit I don't know what to say. He is really cute and mature for his age but I don't want Ayaka to go bazerk about it if she found out!

I breathed in before replying. "Yes!"

Negi's smile stretched from ear to ear. The song finally ended and changed to a fast beat song.

Setsuna turned to try to head back to the table but Konoka grabbed her arm.

"Se-chan, will you dance with me?"

"Im sorry Konoka but... I cant dance."

"So, we can look like idiots together! Asuna cant dance either!"

"HEY KONOKA!" I yelled.

"Im only stating the truth though Asuna!" Konoka said giggling.

They turned and went farther into the dance floor. I followed leaving my new boyfriend to decide what he was going to do himself.

Negi's POV

I was about to walk with Asuna, Konoka, and Setsuna when Makie, Izumi, and Yuna ran over to me.

"You're Negi's cousin right?!" Izumi asked. Referring to before the Mahora Festival when Asuna and I went on our practice date.

I hesitated before saying, "Yes."

"Are you single?" Yuna asked excitively.

"Actually no."

"Awwwww!" They said depressingly.

"Who is it? Do we know her?" Izimi asked.

"Yeah its Asuna."

They gasped and looked over at Asuna who was dancing with Konoka and Setsuna.

"Aw Asuna, you finally have a boyfriend! And hes a cutie!" Makie said to Asuna. She had run over and went beside her to say it.

Yuna and Izumi ran over to Asuna to talk to her, leaving me alone.

I looked to the side of me and saw my father walking towards me.

"Just coming to say goodbye. It may be another ten years before you see me again." He looked at Asuna and then looked back. "Asuna is really pretty. You better hold onto her before someone tries to steal her away."

H turned around and walked into the hallway to leave.

What does he mean someones going to steal her away? I thought. This has been an...interesting wek. Asuna gonna express her feelings, Takamachi purposing, Asuna being depressed, the party, and now this. I turned and looked at Asuna who looked over and smiled. "I guess I should hold on to her." I whispered under my breath walking over to be with her.

WOOT I FINALLY FINISHED THE STORY!!!!! Yeah so Im thinking of writing a sequel and I want to know what you think about it and if anyone would read it! Love ya all lots!