Disclaimer: Don't own it.
Note: This fic is hard to label. I really mean it. If you are MerDer, its got that. But it has Addek, Maddison, Addex, Bang... Not that all these couples are going at it in closets all over the hospital. But they have to work together when most of them have slept together, or has slept with someone that slept with someone. Everyone has huge issues that are ruining each others lives.
"If you tell anyone..." Cristina threatened.
"I won't," Meredith assured her with a heavy sigh.
"No one," Cristina repeated.
"I swear Meredith," Cristina repeated, "If someone so much as looks at me funny, I'm killing you."
"I won't tell." Meredith promised, pouting slightly as she did.
Cristina pointed her finger at Meredith, warning her, as she backed away with a glare.
"What was that about?" Derek asked, grinning as he stood next to her.
"Nothing," Meredith's mouth twisted with displeasure. Her best friend was getting married, and it sucked. Seriously sucked.
She glanced at Derek, "We should do something," she said thoughtfully.
Derek grinned, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms, "Like what?"
"A movie?" Meredith suggested, "Like in a theater. People still do that right?"
"Last time I checked," he chuckled.
"So it's a date?"
Derek nodded, "A date. I'll pick you up at the locker room at 7," he lowered his voice, "We can play hooky on that presentation of Richard's."
"Like high school?" she smirked and raised an eyebrow suggestively.
"Like high school," he agreed, "We'll sit in the back. Make out."
Addison Montgomery walked briskly down the corridor. She had a busy day ahead of her.
"Good Morning," Mark greeted her smoothly, stepping directly into her path.
"I'm busy," she asserted, moving to step around him.
"How busy?" he asked, blocking her way once again.
"Very busy."
"Are you sure?" He took a step towards her, forcing her to take a step back.
She narrowed her eyes, "Positive."
"Really?" he asked again, continuing to take steps towards her and forcing her towards the open door to the break room.
"Mark. Stop," Addison requested, annoyance edging into her voice.
"No," he smiled easily and closed the door behind him.
"Mark," she sighed, glancing at her watch, "I have things to do."
Mark smiled slowly, stepping closer. The collar of his lab coat just barely touching hers, "I have things to do too," he whispered, lowering his mouth so his lips almost touched her cheek.
"I don't count as things to do Mark," she replied, he voice slightly breathy as she tried to move her face away from him.
"Don't you?" he teased, brushing his lips over her jawbone, "I think you're at the very top of that list."
"No," she argued weakly, already giving in. She tilted her her face to the side, letting him nibble down her neck, and she didn't even think to protest when his hands slid inside her lab coat and ran up her sides.
"Yes," he murmured, moving upwards to find her lips.
"Mmm," she moaned halfheartedly, mostly out of habit. She was used to being argumentative.
Within moments she forgot that she had patients to see and was only aware of how many damn buttons lined the front of his shirt. Until...
Her pager went off.
"Ignore it," he instructed, still pressing his lips hard against hers.
"I can't," she replied, reaching for her pager and she tried to pull her blouse on to her shoulders as he continued to push it off.
He sighed in frustration as he watched her move away from him, already more or less put back together, and checking her pager. "Addison..."
"Mark..." she glanced up at him and pursed her lips, shaking her head "Why me?"
His forehead furrowed, "Why you?" he paused and peered at her earnestly, "Addison, I love you."
Addison didn't even flinch, "No you don't. Mark. You don't. Maybe you think that you do, because I am the only woman that you can talk to outside the confines of a bed. But that's not love. What we have, it's not love."
"You're wrong."
"I'm not, Mark. I'm not wrong," she sighed, "All you'll ever be good for, is sex."
"Thank God you paged me," Addison exclaimed, bursting though the door to the X-Ray department.
Callie looked up from her screen.
"I keep sleeping with Mark," Addison blurted out, "And I don't know why!"
Callie winced, and then went back to business, showing Addison her recent X-Ray slides.
Addison studied the slides,continuing her narrative rant, "I am at the point were I am actually disgusted with myself."
Callie noticed something out the corner of her eye and subtly shook her head in an effort to stop Addison from talking.
"What?" she asked, "Oh I know. I know! I'm crazy and weak, and I need to keep my legs crossed and my panties on, and I know!" Addison ignored the resident's pained look and continued, "But I can't stop sleeping with him. I literally cannot stop. And I don't know why. And it's driving me crazy!"
Callie nodded to the door behind them.
Alex Karev stood with his arms crossed, leaning back on the wall.
Addison closed her eyes in mortification. The wheels turned in her head, as she tried to find something — anything – to say to the intern.
Addison didn't know how to describe it actually. He looked upset, a hint of disappointment, maybe a slight bit of jealousy in his eyes.
She wasn't sure.
"I would appreciate it, if you kept what you heard to yourself, Alex."
He let out a huff and shook his head in response.
"I invited Izzie to come to the movies with us," Meredith stretched out her shoulder and sat down next to Derek.
Meredith nodded, "She had nothing better to do. The house was going to be empty. And she wanted to see the movie too."
Meredith frowned, "Is that a problem?"
Derek shook his head, "No. Actually, why don't just you two go. Have a girls night."
"But I thought..."
Derek stood and kissed her gently on the forehead, "Bring me back some jujubes."
"Derek!" Meredith stood and started to follow him.
"Yes Meredith?" Derek replied, almost formally.
"Is there a reason why you suddenly don't want to go out with me?"
Derek shook his head, "I do want to go to the movies with you."
"Then why..."
"I want to go with you," he emphasized.
Meredith was silent.
Derek shrugged and turned away.
Meredith simply sighed.
Addison held a stack of charts and manila folders filled with medical information of two transfer patients in her left hands, clutching them close to her chest as she rushed through the crowded hallway.
"Excuse me," she said as she slipped past a group of chatting nurses.
Her last surgery had run very late, and her next surgery couldn't be postponed—unless she was willing to let that bald cardio surgeon take her slot. And she wasn't going to let that happen, Mrs. Bates' baby had to come out today.
So now she had roughly thirty minutes to go down two floors to room 216 for a final talk with Mrs. Bates and her husband before O'Malley could prep the patient, review the files in her hands, and call Mercy West and Seattle Presbyterian to accept—or decline—the requested transfers.
And somehow eat her late lunch, which was the granola bar Callie graciously gave her five minutes ago.
"Sorry," she apologized when she almost ran into an intern.
"In a hurry, Dr. Montgomery?" the bald cardio surgeon asked from behind the intern.
She cursed him in her head, but managed to fake a smile as she continued heading towards the staircase at the end of the hall.
"Should've taken a breather, and let me operate first," the bald cardio surgeon said smugly.
Addison turned around stared him down, "Never."
Just as she got her hand on the door handle to the staircase, a resident called out. It was Abigail Gates, a resident she was mentoring.
"What is it?" she asked as she approached Gates.
The young resident handed her some lab results and quickly gave the redhead her assessment. "Very good," Addison approved her student's plan of action.
"Oh," the resident called out once again just as they parted ways, "Mrs. Neill's blood pressure's too high, so I gave her magnesium."
Addison turned around and walked backward as to not waste anymore time, "Be careful, watch her toxin level."
Addison reached for the handle behind her and swung open the door.
A little to fast.
"Oh my God!" she cried when she heard the loud impact, followed by a thud. Addison cringed.
She had accidentally hit a person with the door.
She prayed to all the gods that the person wasn't badly injured, but she cursed them all when she saw who it was on the ground.
Addison Montgomery had just knocked her ex-husband unconscious.
Derek Shepherd was on the ground, unmoving, a small trail of blood trickling down his nose.
"Oh dear God, why do you hate me so much…" she grumbled, setting her files on the floor and kneeling beside Derek.
"Derek," she called, patting his cheek and shaking his shoulder, "Derek…Der…"
He moaned in pain as he gained consciousness and opened his eyes.
"Derek, I'm so sorry! I was in a hurry, and I was talking to Gates, and I didn't see…"
"Aarrghh…" he groaned and closed his eyes.
She reached behind his shoulder and carefully brought him into a sitting position, "I am so sorry…."
Derek brought his hand to feel the warm liquid on his face, "Jesus, Addie…." He wiped it off and looked at the red stain on his hand, "Are you trying…arrghh…to kill me?"
"I swear to you, I might have some scenarios, but this isn't one of them…" She bit her bottom lip when he gave her a look. She felt bad, really bad, but dammit she wanted to laugh too.
"Do you think you can stand?" she asked.
She circled one arm around his waist and one holding his upper arm, pulling him up as she stood up. Holding him up by his arm and another hand around his waist, she started to lead Derek into the hallway.
"Oh God, they're going to think I tried to kill you."
"You did."
Addison cringed, "I think…."
He raised one brow, "You think?!"
She sighed, "I broke your nose."
"You broke my nose," he repeated.
"I'm sorry, I didn't…"
He held up a hand, "Bad?"
"Not really, I can set it back…."
She smiled sadly, "But it's gonna hurt."
"No kidding."
Suddenly he chuckled.
Addison narrowed her eyes, "What's so funny?"
He smiled, "Just do it, Add."
She reached up and let her fingers feel the displaced bones in his nose.
He chuckled again, "First it was you and your poison oak…."
She glared and he laughed louder.
"Oouuuw!" he yelped, when without warning, she set his nose back in place.
"And now you and your broken nose," she concluded. She placed a small strip of bandage on his nose, "All done."
He touched his nose lightly, feeling her work, "Nice."
"I am the best." She smirked, "Anyway…you should lie down here for a while."
He reclined back on the exam bed, "You should go to your surgery before bald Lehman takes your OR."
"He wouldn't dare." She looked over her shoulder as she exited the room, "By the way, Derek, you might have an ugly bruise on your forehead soon."
"Thanks Add."
"What happened to your face?" Meredith exclaimed in horror.
"Addison attacked me with a door," Derek chuckled.
"On purpose?"
"She says no," Derek smiled, "I have my doubts."
Meredith bit her lip sympathetically.
"I bought the tickets for the movie tonight," Derek continued, "Three of them. As long as you don't mind sitting with the victim of a violent door attack."
Derek nodded.
Meredith's face broke into a slow grin, "You know it's about time that you started spending time with my friends and not just me."
"Yeah," Derek replied, "I suppose it is."
The theater was almost dark, almost empty and mostly full of comatose doctors listening to Richard drone on about hospital politics.
"Mark," Addison hissed pushing his hand away from her thigh.
Mark shifted in his seat so he was facing her. He watched her eyes shifted over to him suspiciously, but she kept her face trained on the front. There was no one immediately around them. He reached over and grazed his hand lightly over her knee.
Addison glanced down at his wandering hand and glanced around awkwardly, praying that no one was watching.
She locked eyes with Alex Karev.
She faced forward again. Mark fingers grazed lightly along the underside of her crossed legs. She brought her fingers to her lips and pinched her lower lip pensively.
She glanced over again.
He was still watching her. His gaze seemed to be boring holes into her.
Abruptly she pushed Marks hand away and exited the theater.
On the other side of the theater, Alex did the same.
He grabbed her by the elbow and steered her through the nearest door.
"Karev!" she warned as she was propelled through the door. The projector lit up the room and she could hear the discussion continuing in the theater, "Stop!"
Alex closed the door firmly behind them, "Stop what?" he demanded in a low voice.
"Stop looking at me," she implored, "Just stop. Please."
"What are you doing with Sloan?"
She narrowed her eyes and attempted to lean her hand casually against the walls, "I don't see how that is any of your..."
Alex stepped forward and crushed his lips against hers. Addison pulled back in protest, but realized she was quite fond of what his tongue was doing to her bottom lip, and willingly opened her mouth for him.
He reached back and cupped her ass, busying himself trying to find the zipper to her skirt.
"Just hike it up," she breathed, kissing him hard again.
Alex lip's roamed her neck and down to her chest, as he rapidly undid the buttons of her blouse, pushing it off her shoulders.
He kissed her again, hard every time, and this time got a moan out of her when he skimmed his fingers up her abs and across the swell of her breasts. She pulled always impatiently and unhooked her front-clasping bra, immediately moving back, eager to feel his hands on her again.
"Nice tits," he deadpanned, reaching out to let them fill his palms.
She smirked.
Alex busied himself with tweaking her nipples between his fingers, smiling at the flush that had spread all over her chest, up her neck, and found home in the apples of her cheeks.
She tugged on the drawstring of his pants, allowing them to pool at his ankles.
Alex slid his fingers between her thighs, feeling the damp crotch of her panties. Addison blushed, and he smiled widely, resting his forehead against hers as he pushed the thong down her legs. He nipped at her lips quickly, then guided her hips back until she was sitting on the narrow counter, and knelt down in front of her.
He quickly brought his mouth to her inner thighs, teasing her by getting dangerously close, then moving away. She moaned after a few times, slightly embarrassed it might sound like begging, but realized she didn't care as much as she wanted him to start.
And he did. Oh god, he did. Somehow he was rough and gentle at the same time, and he had the mixture perfected. She abruptly pulled him up by the shoulders, tugged on his lips with hers for a split second, and pushed his chest away.
"We've got about eight minutes," she murmured. She chuckled as his boyish eagerness as he almost fell over trying to get out of his boxers so fast. She laughed softly, as he climbed on top of her, pushing her back onto the counter.
He kissed her neck, grazing her breast, then pushed into her with no warning. And she kind of liked it. And when he started moving inside of her, she really liked it.
He was determined and attentive, just like an intern should be. But she was the attending.
And she was always in charge.
Addison flipped them over so she was on top, supporting herself on his chest.
He smirked, brushing his thumbs across her hipbones. He rubbed her faster, eager to make her come. He loved watching her, her face and her mouth open and her breasts bouncing around slightly.
She couldn't hold herself up anymore, her body falling forward onto his chest. He sucked on her neck right below her ear and held her hips steady and pushed into her harder.
That s all it took. She came biting his shoulder, squeezing suddenly, pulsating and rocking. It was too much for Alex. He came too, weaving his fingers into her hair and grunting as quietly as possible against her jaw.
"Damn," he said softly.
Addison sat calmly in her seat next to Mark and primly crossed her legs.
"Where did you go?" he whispered.
"I just laid Karev in the sound booth." Addison turned to look at him.
Mark looked over and met her gaze for a few moments, "Fine. Don't tell me."
How was that?