Okay, new game new dumb protagonist. Or shall I say, emo protagonist... Women like sensitive men but not ones who cry when their shirt doesn't match their weird arm thing. Seriously, I saw you crying over the colour in the bathroom! You may have had Reimi fooled thinking you were a pervert but I know the real reason. This guy is so dumb he- well I won't say. He knew what he did. *cough* MORON *cough*. And all this has falling into your love life. It's a good thing people can tell you to remember Reimi's birthday. If you had your way you would have thought it was the last day in her diet. Geese. Let me, not psychotic Welch, help you out. Seriously, stay away from her. I think she had too much of those Tasty Mushrooms; the kind with the question mark. Anyways, I will tell you what these women are really thinking.


I think you're the only dumb male protagonist that has negative points when it comes to cooking. Then again you did make that dessert with grilled chicken in it. It's a good thing this game doesn't make you cook otherwise characters would have negative points after consumption. Okay, now Reimi likes to cook but isn't a housewife type. She only cooks because she feels bad for you. So, to get on her good side you have to be a good househusband.

This is what she will say:

"How are my cookies?"

This is what she is really saying:

"I made you sugar now enjoy or I will murder you in your sleep."

This is the right answer:

"These are fantastic! The flavours are so good they could only come from a great baker. "

Another phase she says:

"Isn't it great when effort is rewarded?"


You lazy bum! You did nothing! I swear there was a couch on this battle field because you were on it!


"Yes, and you did the best job ever. Can I have some tips? The way you shoot that arrow is like cupid making a couple fall in love"


After her husband died she became a hootchie. Let's just say she is looking for a new husband. *wink* *wink* She is kind but do not piss her off. She will blast you into dust but very slowly and painfully.

What she says:

"My staff is too bulky for me. Can you make me a new one?"


"I don't like baggage in a relationship. Let's just do this and be done."

Owch, she really is a skank. Answer:

"I will make you a staff that is the perfect size. You deserve the best."


Another hyperactive teenager. Tri-ace sure likes them. I think she had too much of Reimi's sugary treats. Or Welch's tasty mushrooms? Anyways, impressing her is easy. Just give her food.

"Wanna make pretty pendants and bracelet's and jewels with me?"


"My mind is all over the place. Ooo a pretty bird! Let's play hopscotch and hold hands! Then be married!"


"You want one of Reimi's cookies?"

That will shut her up. Also, she will like you for it.


She is friendly but likes to keep to herself. She is very kind and is uber loyal. Somehow, you don't see this. You were probably too busy moping around to notice this. Anyways, she is the type to not say what she means. Like this:

"I don't know how to fly"


"Teach me how to soar! I wanna reach to the moon!"

That is all I can say in this PG rated letter. Answer:

"I will send you to stars, baby."

Here is another saying:

"I seem to have lost my glasses."


"Get away, creep! You're stupid so searching for them will take forever."

Oh no, too bad for you. Do you really think she is really that dumb? Just because you are doesn't mean others are. This is the answer you need:

"You misplaced them in my heart. The glasses hider your beautiful eyes that sparkle in the glistening sun."

That should help.


She is like a child. Too young for you but have no other choice. Wait a few years (you're going to be single anyways) and she will come around. She likes cute things so this shouldn't be hard. Hey, she didn't complain when you were having an emo break down. However, she is in love with Faize so change it.

What she says:

"You wanna see my doggie?"


"Do you want to see my doggie."

What can I say, she's an honest person. So, respond with this:

"I like Cerberus. You really know how to tame a wild beast. If you were older you would have tamed my heart."

Like I said, she is in love with Faize; however, she doesn't show it. So when she says this:

"Faize is a loser who smells like rotten cheese!"


"Faize has perdy hair."


"He is a loser. You deserve a man like me, not a boy like him."

Follow this and you will have a woman by the end of the game. If not, you suck. I give up on you guys.

I'm back! I just love SO4 :)