Behind The Mask

Hello everyone Its me. This is my rewrite of Erik's New Pupils. So i hope you all like it. And if you don't like it don't reed or review. Thank you.

Isabella,and Kayla are very close sisters who tell eachother everything.

They were taking music leasons in the Paris opera house.

Kayla had blue eyes, soft straight raven hair. Isabella loooked like Kayla, except she had soft wavy brown hair, blue eyes.

He watched from the rafters above staring down at the new dancers that were recruited from England and the other ravished cities France.

His masked face blended in with the shadows, his blue crystal eyes stared down,and there was young Meg Giry taking the place of her mother after the accident that had taken place.

Meg Was in her mid-twenties now, teaching the girls their dances. Of those girls were two sisters, Isabella ,and Kayla twin sisters. Orphaned at birth and that occurance had brought them to the Opera Populiare.

Isabella was a reserved quiet girl. She was the artist, the one who's emtions were painted, drawn, and written in detail,and brilliant strokes.

Kayla was the goofy one with the biggest heart in the world that you could ever imagine.

Kayla the bookworm of the two, always reading, even in the darkness.

The two sisters could never be seperated and always kept to eachother. The shadowed figure enjoyed what he was seeing he was quite taken by the sisters Kayla and Isabella.

But he was more drawn to Kayla he could tell that she was something special.

He saw that Isabella was also special.

After dance class was over the girls went to their dressing rooms.

Kayla sat at her dressing table taking the pins out of her hair.

She let out a lonely sigh.

She had noone to love her.

Well she had Isabella, but the love of her sister wasn't the same as the love of a man.

She got up walked behind the screen, and changed her clothes.

Then she walked out of behind her screen, picked up her book, and began to read it.

Being the bookworm thats all she ever did.

The book she was reading was a love story.

Oh how she loved a good love story.

The shaowed figure watched her from his hiding place, which was behind a big picture on the wall.

Kayla wondered if there was someone for like the young girl did in her book.

The figure saw her pain.

He decided that he would help her feel the love she wanted to feel.

As Kayla was reading she fell asleep.

All the lights went out in the Opera Populiare.

As Kayla slept The figure called out her name. Kayla didn't budge at first.

But the second time the figure called out to her she heard it.

She woke up, headed toward her dressing room door to leave, but thats when the call got louder.

Kayla turned around many times trying to find the person who was calling her name.

But she could see noone she could only hear them.

Once she was facing the far wall the big picture disapeared, and Kayla saw the figure of someone. She walked towards the figure.

She was a little scared.

Once she reached the figure he reached out for her hand she took his hand, and followed the figure.

Kayla wondered who this man was, and why he was hideing from her.

As soon as they got to his home the figure pointed to a chair.

Kayla sat down, the figure remove his cape, then he walked up to Kayla, and began to dance with her.

Kayla felt loved, and she also felt cerious.

As they danced the figure sang to Kayla. Kayla was begining to feel like a feather. Kayla:"What is your name?"

The figure:"My name is of no importance right now, lets just dance."

Kayla:"I must know your name, please tell me?" The figure:"My name is Erik."

Kayla:"Erik, Thats a beautiful name."

Erik:"Not as beautiful as yours or your sister's."

Kayla was now scared again. Kayla:"How do you know i have a sister?"

Erik spun Kayla around so her was against his chest, and he began to stroke Kayla's body.

Erik:"I know everything about you both."

Kayla tried to pull away she almost did to but Erik had such a tight grip. Kayla:"Have you been spying on us?" Erik:"Yes i have."

Kayla went to scream, but Erik put a hand over her mouth. She struggled to get free but she couldn't Erik was to strong.

Erik:"My dear Kayla, i won't hurt you so there is no need to scream." Kayla had fallen alseep.

Erik picked her up, and carried her over to his bed, he layed her down, then pulled the crutin down.

After that he walked over to his organ, and began to play. He also started work on a new song in honor of his new opera dancers Kayla, and Isabella.

Kayla slept in Erik's home for a long time.

Meanwhile Isabella was looking for her sister.

Isabella decided she would go to bed, and let Kayla alone for a while, she knew her sister would return soon. There was no need to worry or was there?