A/N: Yes, I changed the "Romance" gene to "Drama" gene. Can't really find any gooey stuff here… Hmm, story's not over, and if you didn't like Hinata in the last chapter, I'm making her tough ;). Well, tougher. Also, Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee were a little… how should I say this… "stupid". I also promise I will make it less "Dramatic" and more "Smarter", if possible. Umm this will be Chapter 4 and 3, included Sakura's and the other team's angle, or whatever… Sorry for long note thing… On with the weird story!

Kyuubi Unleashed!: The Friendship of Others!

When everything was settled, they quickly got ready to go. When they went to the gate, a cleaner neater looking Hinata was standing, with a very serious look on her face.

"Hinata, what are you doing out of bed?" Rock Lee asked in an odd way.

"I'm coming with you."

"Hinata-sama! You can't, you're…" Neji was cut off

"I can do this! I know where they are, and you most likely don't!" Hinata said. Neji recalled when she explain where it was.

"Neji, let's just let her come. In fact, she did come from… wherever they are." Tenten said to Neji. He sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Hinata replied back, smiling. But just then it quickly faded, seeing Naruto in pain was maybe to much to bare.

Amy coughed. Sakura right away awoke from slumber. She wiped her nose.

"Sleep well?" Amy said, sounding sick.

"No, but I do feel better. You?" Sakura replied. Ami got up; appearing to look for a place for the water she got yesterday.

"Like I slept. I feel horrible." Amy said, once again wiping her nose with her sleeve. "How's the boy?"

Sakura remembered all of last night. The blood. The gore. The tears. She walked over to him. The bandaged she put on him was brown, due to the drying of blood. His chest was moving up and down in a normal pace.

"Hand me the water please."

"Let's go."


With that they flew into the trees. Rock Lee was the first to speak.

"Where's Gai-sensei?" So much of a conversation.

"Good question. I don't know. Do you know?" Tenten said looking at Neji.

"Don't know, don't care."

"Neji! How can you say that!? He is an idol that should be looked up too by us kids!" Tenten couldn't help but laugh.

"Really, Lee?" She smiled. He gave her a nice guy smile.

'I wonder what's Neji is thinking right now?' Hinata thought, trying to keep her mind off of… you know…

'Of all people, I have to have THIS team.' Neji doesn't show emotion, but his mind does (spooky…)

They made progress, more then what Hinata's previous team had.

Sakura sated Naruto upright. His head didn't seem to tilt, so at least she knew his muscles were fine. She put her finger under his chin, making sure he wouldn't choke on the water while he drank.

'How odd…' Sakura began to recall yesterday's events. 'I… I never had seen Naruto fall so easily… What could have happened?'

"What should we do, do you think that girl made it?" Amy said, trying to get her throat cleared.

Sakura pondered for a moment. "Maybe staying here is the best; we wouldn't want them to lose us, or visa versa. But you can trust Hinata, she may not look it, but she's strong. And… well, she would do anything for him." She smiled to her.

Amy kicked the pole, something was obviously bothering her.

"Hinata, can I ask you a question?" Tenten asked.

"Sure." She said in a quiet voice, eyes on her goal.

"How will we bring Naruto back? I mean, what should we look out for?"

She thought for a moment, thinking on the best way to describe without that pain in her heart…

"I don't know…" She said, simple as that. "I just hope he's fine."

"I can't believe how he went though, I mean, he beat you Neji in the chuunin exams! Wow…" Rock Lee smartly pointed out. He probably would have rejected that but because they have no idea how much time they have, Neji can't take his time.

"Lee…" Hinata said trying to remain focus.

'You are so immature.' Tenten thought, rolling her eyes.

Sakura examined Naruto. She was surprised how deep the wound was, but she questioned one thing.

'What is this seal mark? Does he know about this?' She bit her nail. 'What happened to him?'

Amy went outside, for unknown reasons to Sakura. She wanted to leave. She kept remembering it.

Her fingers felt numb, and other parts of her body feel detached, like something was happening to her.

'This place… what is wrong with it? Is this a dream?' Ami thought. Her mind wasn't concentrating, she was forgetting.

'What has happened? That man… who was he?'

"Hey, there's a cabin! Let's see what's inside." Tenten stated, appearing to be the only one who noticed.

Hinata was surprised at the teams speed. It maybe has been only a few hours since they started. They have amazing speed.

Hinata nodded, saying that most likely they went to seek shelter. They stopped, and Neji could make out that there was chakra present there. There was also one standing outside.

'That's that girl,' Hinata thought. They climbed down the trees to find that girl was sitting down, tearing up.

"What's wrong?" Tenten stated as she walked over to her, trying to comfort her.

"They're coming! They're coming!" Ami replied repeatedly. "They're coming!"

"Who's coming?" Lee spoke to her too.

"Hinata-sama, come inside." Neji said, Hinata nodded.

They opened the door, to find one light source. It was coming near the bed, where the pink hair girl sat.

"Sakura… let's… get ready to…" Hinata didn't finish.

Sakura turned around; some blood was smeared around her face. And to her horror, Naruto's stomach was… was… exposed… Showing the wound somehow not healing. It was bleeding…

"I don't know what to do…" Sakura stated simply, "I never dealt with this situation."

"Well… can you wake him up?" Neji said calmingly.

"No…" Hinata spoke before she could answer. "That wound, it'll cause him pain…"

"True, but how will he travel?" Sakura replied.

Hinata bit the bottom of her lip. She walked toward him, closing her eyes. She lifted him up on one side, it used all of her strength to pick him up, but it was worth it for him.

Just for him.

Sorry for the long wait and I hope it was worth it…

Wow, this isn't even the climax yet! I'm planning on about ten or more chapters, so enjoy the pain I will inflict on you with waiting!

Stay tooned!!!