If you´re reading this it seems like I finally managed to write the final chapter of Vinagar. Yes, that is correct the very last chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as I do. Don´t forget to read the little author´s note at the botom of this page.

Thanx to all who reviewed. I really love getting feedback and I hope you don´t suddenly hate the ending ;)

Hugs to my wonderful Beta Annette, who puts up with my horrible spelling mistakes.

Gwen this story is, was and always will be written for you. Mine forever!

When Harry had made his way to the tent he paused for a moment to button up the jacket that Remus had given him during their talk. Given his still naked state, it was more than just a necessity. The jacket, when buttoned up, reached almost till his knees, which, in Harry's humble opinion, was decent enough.

"Draco?" he called out tentatively before opening the tent. He was sure the blond was there, but to his surprise the tent only held both Draco's and his own suitcase.

Harry hoped Draco would return soon so they could talk. He wanted to dress up properly before the blonde returned and hand Remus back his jacket, but for some reason the blankets that formed his and Draco's bed seemed so warm and comforting. Just laying down for one moment wouldn't harm anyone…

Suddenly Harry bolted upright, his dark hair messier than ever. It stuck up at the back of his head and his eyes still looked a bit puffy. He had heard a sound outside the tent. He crawled closer to the tent entrance and decided to take a look outside. He must have slept for a couple of hours because when he had fallen asleep, it had been pitch dark, but now the sun shone violently in his eyes.

Just when Harry had made his way out of the tent on his hands and knees, he heard a gasp-like sound behind him. When he looked over his shoulder he saw Draco staring down at him with more then just jealousy in those beautiful eyes. That was about the time that Harry realised that he was wearing nothing underneath the above mentioned, and that his being on all fours position must present Draco with quite a sight.

"Draco! What are you doing here?"

The moment the words left his mouth Harry knew he hadn't just spoken the most intelligent words on the planet, but at least it bought him some time to change his position. He settled for sitting with his legs tugged under him so he could adjust the jacket to cover at least his most intimate parts.

The blonde's reply was not as hostile as could be expected of him. Although, he chose to ignore the obvious question flung at him, his response was one in the same category as the Harry had just cast at him.

"Why aren't you with him?"

His blond hair, still damp from washing it only minutes earlier, bounced up and down while he indicated the direction of Remus' tent.

"Uhmmm.." The blushing messy haired youth had to think of how to make Draco listen to him, without making him angry once more. How to tell Draco that he wanted to be with him, without making Draco feel like he was second choice. A back-up lover.

To Harry, Draco wasn't that at all. He realised now that what he had always felt for Remus had been love, yes, but it had seemed so much stronger because of the friendship they shared. And also, because of the way Harry looked up to him; not only as a teacher, but also a person.

In his heart, Draco had taken a place in the 'beautiful-department' the moment he saw him, but his mind had never even given him the chance to win over his heart entirely because of the hostile attitude the blond had adopted towards him. But now he had spent so much time with Draco, he realized he was noticing things. Like the way in which Draco's hair moved whenever he tilted his head to the side when he pretended to be listing. This little habit of the blonde's brought a smile to Harry´s lips. And the pouty look the blond took on when he was trying to get people to do things his way, made Harry's heart do a somersault in his chest. But what had really opened up his heart for the blonde, was the way in which he had embraced his fears and let his pride go when he had called out for help.

Draco had this vulnerable side. The side of Draco that was afraid of the dark and scared that the wolves might come and eat him. Harry realized with a shock that he never thought any of those things about Remus. He loved how Remus looked. He was attracted to Remus' beautiful body, but the way in wich Remus smiled didn't make his heart beat fast, like it did when the blond curled up his lips in a real sincere smile.

Harry only noticed that he had spaced out for quite some time when he saw the blonde's angry figure retreating. He sighed. "Gods, I've messed up big time."

Harry closed the tent and started rummaging through his suitcase and found something decent to wear. While picking out a clean shirt he found something else. The things he had packed to seduce Remus. The objects he didn't even wanted the personnel to find. He had wrapped everything carefully in his clothes in case someone might rummage through his stuff (like a certain blonde!).

He picked up one of the heart shaped candle from the floor. He held it in his hand for a while before he made a decision. It was all or nothing. If he wanted Draco to see him in the way he wanted Draco to see him, a talk wouldn't cut it. Draco was angry, and if he had to believe Remus, then him as well. Although the messy haired youth wasn't sure of this yet, he at least had to admit that it probably couldn't get any worse. Right?


Draco had enough of staring at Harry who seemed at a loss for words. He was probably thinking of Remus. They'd had a "good" talk at the lake, and Remus was obviously attracted to Harry as well. Oh, he hated this place more with every passing minute. The boy he had been dreaming of ever since he met him was in love with someone else. Great, just great.

The blonde did realise that he had never been very friendly towards Harry. He had tried, but his fear of rejection always made him say harsh things. The things he wanted to tell Harry so badly seemed to get mixed up in his mind and his tongue produced the most hideous sentences. Yes, Draco Malfoy—who always seemed so strong and collected—was scared. Not only scared of simple things like the dark and flesh eating animals, but scared to be left alone and scared to get his heart broken.

And it had happened. He had opened his heart after Harry had rescued him and it had happened. Harry had trampled it, stepped upon it without mercy. Draco closed his eyes for a second and drew a deep breath. He wouldn't cry. A malfoy would never cry. But all to soon, the tears made their silent way down his cheeks.

After what seemed like and eternity, Draco felt calm again. The tears had stopped coming long ago, but he had been angry, confused and sad about what had happened. He was now leaning with his back against a tree and stared out in front of him, at all the different shades of green that where displayed before his eyes. He had made a decision. He wouldn't open his heart for Harry again. He had had his chance and it had left Draco heartbroken. Never did he wanted to feel like this again.

When Draco made his way back to the tents, his nose caught the smell of freshly backed eggs and bacon. It hadn't occurred to him that he was hungry until his stomach gave a sound of appreciation at the delicious aroma. The only thing that made sure he didn't run of towards the small fire where the food was cooking and gobble everything up, was the thought of having to see Remus and Harry there. Together. Happy.

Draco almost wanted to turn around again. A few bushes back he'd seen some berries. If they killed him, then all the better. Then he saw that only Remus was eating there. And the worst thing was he had already noticed Draco standing there. He indicated that the blond should come closer and have some breakfast.

When he made his way over to the small fire he could finally feel the sleep he'd missed weighing him down. It might also have to do something with the fact that he knew that the teacher who was acting so friendly around him was nothing more than a backstabber, figuring he stole away Harry from him. Wait a second, I decided to think less of him not more.

Silently he sat down next to Remus and didn't even answer the man's morning greeting. It was clear the older man noticed the blonde's lack of sleep and decided that letting him be would be best.

Draco chewed mindlessly on his eggs, that just as well could have been gravel, because it all tasted like cardboard to him right now. Suddenly, Remus spoke up with an unsteady voice.


It sounded like he was still thinking of how he should phrase the thoughts on his mind. The younger man was afraid for some kind of preach on keeping his paws off Harry or something along those lines. He knew when that came; he'd find it hard not to burst in to a random stream of insults. This is why he tried to chew his egg as thoughtfully as he could, so he had something to keep his mind and mouth occupied.

Remus waited until he got a response from the other man, but when this didn't come he took it upon himself to keep the conversation going. And what rolled over those so much lusted after lips was something far off of a preach.

"Don't worry. He'll come around soon."

Draco's eyes almost fell out of his head after those words where processed in his mind.


Draco wasn't sure what those words meant. He knew what he wanted them to mean, but he didn't dare ask if he should really get his hopes up. Since Remus didn't spoke up again, the blond for sure wasn't going to ask him. He still had a grudge against the man, although he also knew that Remus might be the gentlest, most caring man he ever met in his life. With a pang he also realised that now knew what Harry saw in the man. He was practically a saint!

Which man, when a hot young boy would throw himself in front of his feet, wouldn't take advantage of that. Not only had the good-looking teacher not touched him, he was also alright with Draco going after his Harry. He didn't understand the man at all. Draco was sure that Remus was attracted to his pupil, but why wouldn't he just pull Harry in bed with him and ravage him.

Draco quickly shook his head at the thought. He knew he should be happy that Harry was still available. Well kind of, at least.

He muttered a quick "thank you for breakfast" while he got up to make his way into the forest again. He wanted to go and see the place he and Harry had, well, done things of which he wasn't sure had meant anything to the other boy.

But before he could even place as much as two steps on the dry ground, someone grabbed his wrist. With a shock he turned around and looked right in Remus' pleading amber eyes.

"Be sure to come back tonight, Draco" At that he let go of Draco's wrist.

Apparently the man was afraid the blonde would run off. Draco simply nodded and then took off into the forest. There had not been anything to the words of Harry's teacher, but his eyes had been pleading. Like he had been willing to give up his right leg in order to make sure Draco came back tonight.

Once Draco had made it over to the place he and Harry had shared their caresses, he sat down under a tree. The tree was not as comfortable as his bed back at home, but with him being so tired even a tree made for a nice comfy sleeping place.

Once he opened his eyes again he noticed it was already getting dark. He knew he'd have to make his way back to the tents fast or he'd not know where to go in the dark. Just like last night, he thought. It had taken him forever to find the cozy, campfire-lit place back.

When he reached the tents no one was outside. The fire was burning, but there was no good-looking, amber-eyed teacher making dinner and there also was no Harry. Draco pulled big eyes and tried to listen for any "suspicious" sounds.

When he could not hear any of those he made his way over to his and Harry's tent. He both hoped and dreaded to see Harry there. Him not being there would be a disappointment and he would worry about the whereabouts of his messy-haired love interest. But him being there would probably mean they'd have to talk. Somehow, that seemed like the worst out of the two.

Nothing in the world could have prepared him for the sight that met his eyes when he walked into the tent. Because from the top of the tent hung a red, almost see-through piece of fabric of which the sides where attached the sides and back of the tent and then made their flowing way down. It presented Draco with a picture just like the ones in the 1001-nights fairytales he secretly used to read when his parents had sent him to bed early.

Around the area where he and Harry normally slept where dozens of carefully placed candles and in the middle of this feast for the eyes, on top of more colourful pieces of fabric, lay Harry. Naked. The naked youth was laying on his side, with his leg placed in such a way he was not giving away all of the surprise yet. A carefully placed, see-through, dark purple sash that was draped over Harry's body, made sure he blended in with his surroundings.

Harry had just completed one of the most horribly difficult tasks in life: rendering Draco Malfoy speechless. And boy did he do a good job at that. The blonde's mouth was opening and closing like a fish on dry land.

"Like what you see?" Harry's seductive tone filled the small room.

He could tell perfectly well that Draco had never seen such a gorgeous sight in his life, but none the less Harry sat up slowly. He made sure to keep the most intimate part of his body covered until the last moment. When he was sitting almost upright on his knees, the sash fell away and it became all too clear what he'd been hiding under there. And it was nothing short of electric as Draco's eyes were drawn to the retreating sash.

The messy haired seducer merely chuckled and extended a hand, which he expected the blond to take. Draco had no idea how he got his muscles to move, since he was still in a daze, but he finally managed to reach out and grab a hold of the hand. Instinctively he knew what would happen, but when Harry pulled him forewards he just couldn't get his knees to make the move foreward with him.

When his clothed body collided with the dark-haired man's naked flesh, they both let out a low moan. Harry could of course feel the friction very clearly and for Draco, the mere knowledge that under him was a totally willing naked boy, who was trying to seduce him got him hard in less time that it took to blink.

"Draco? Off. Take it off."

Since the blonde's mind and body where operating on a totally different wave-length at the moment, it took him quite some time to process what it was Harry wanted. But then he felt the hands that where unbuttoning the shirt that clung to his chest, he quickly obliged by sitting up, on top of Harry. Now he was in charge again and he knew it.

"No, no, no. You just get to look." Draco grinned as he used his talented, if slightly shacking hands, to unbutton his shirt in a painfully slow manner. At every button that the blonde popped open, Harry's need grew. He wanted to have the teasing blonde upon him to kiss him, touch him, make love to him. He wanted all of Draco.

As soon as the buttons came undone Harry knew he had a free pass to roam his hands over Draco's chest. In the candle-light the blonde seemed to get this magical glow. Like he was a wood spirit that would disappear again by morning. From the very first moment his tentative fingertips touched the skin of Draco's chest, he felt like he was on fire.

"Draco, you're beautiful."

Soon, his hands where all over the blond. His chest, his back, his deliciously shaped ass, he wanted to touch every single part of Draco's body.

Draco smiled and let the other boy caress him all over, to explore his glowing body. He would gladly give Harry anything he asked for.

"Harry. You're beautiful as well." He panted softly while he placed a hand on Harry's cheek.

Draco leaned in closer and captured the messy-haired boys welcoming lips. His own seemed to fit just perfectly upon them. The kiss started out as a slow, caring kiss. A request for more bodily contact. Draco slid his tongue over those perfect cherry red lips and pulled back. Hopefully making clear what he wanted from his bed partner.

Harry willingly obliged when he parted his lips. He moaned softly when Draco's tongue slid in and soon he accompanied Draco's tongue with his own. His hands started roaming over Draco's body once more. He felt a nipple harden under his caresses. The moan the blond let out at that, against his lips, made Harry's stomach clench with lust.

The blonde on the other hand wasn't completely sane anymore, either. He grabbed Harry's hips while he trusted against him during their kiss. He wanted friction, he wanted Harry, he wanted to feel those damned hands on his ass once more.

He was just about to take his hands off Harry's body to unbutton his pants when he felt those too inpatient hands doing just that. The blond wanted that annoying piece of fabric out of the way as soon as possible and broke the kiss. He tried to wiggle his way out of it, but since the tent wasn't that high he couldn't sit up higher than on his knees. He grumbled in annoyance, but finally managed to take off the offending garment; with much appreciated help from Harry, who was now running his hands over Draco's underwear.

The panting blonde had no idea how he ended up being the one laying down, but at that moment he didn't really care, as long as Harry's hands didn't stop their rubbing over his groin. He placed his hand on Harry's arm and pulled him down for a lustful kiss. He couldn't get enough of those sweet tasting lips.

Harry on the other hand, couldn't get enough from some other place located lower on the blonde's body. He carefully broke the kiss, which rewarded him with a begging whimper from the other boy. Harry looked up and smiled lovingly.

"Don't worry, Dragon. They'll come back to you." Harry hoped the blush on his cheeks wouldn't be too noticeable. He noticed with obvious amusement that his lover's cheeks were exactly the same colour as he felt his own were at that moment.


Harry chuckled. "Yes, I thought it soothed you. Not happy with it, Drrrrrrrrragon?"

Harry grinned teasingly while he slid his hand inside Draco's underwear at the word 'dragon'. He would just have to take Draco's moan for a 'yes'.

The hardness he felt there made his heart leap. He placed his lips against Draco's throat and slowly kissed his way down Draco's chest, while his hand made a very slow pumping motion. He concluded from Draco's moans and bucking hips that he wasn't doing too bad a job, after all.

The kisses turned into teasing licks when he reached the blonde's erect nipples. Harry closed his lips around one of them and softly sucked on it. Draco's hand shot up and buried itself in Harry's hair.

"Oh! Harry! More please, more!"

Harry looked up and stopped his ministrations all together, which rewarded him with a whimper from the boy now completely at his mercy.

"Harry? Why…did…you...stop?"

"I think it's hot when you beg, Draco..." Harry's was sure his cheeks where burning brighter than the candles that surrounded them, but oh did it feel good being able to tell the blonde that.

Draco bit on his lip and a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "You do, eh, Harry?" He placed one hand on Harry's chest and softly pinched a nipple. Harry's yelped a little bit out of surprise, not out of pain.

"Dra…co!" he panted.

Harry noticed he was being challenged and a grin took over his lips. "Oh is that how you want to play the game?"

At that he pulled down Draco's underwear, lowered his head and took hold of the erection that was now presented before him. The moment Harry's tongue licked the underside of that appendage which had been screaming for attention, Draco screamed out in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck! Harry!" He whimpered while the feeling of Harry's tongue teasing him like that brought him closer to the edge. When a hot mouth engulfed him nearly halfway, digging his nails into the blankets was all he could do to keep himself from bucking up into that gorgeous, wet mouth.

He opened his eyes to take in the gorgeous sight that was presented before him; Harry, on his hands and knees, between his legs, licking and sucking on his erect member. He suddenly felt like he wouldn't last much longer and his eyes flew shut. He bucked up, which caused Harry to pull back a little bit and to put some pressure on Draco's hip with his hand.

"Harry! Yes. Oh, Harry!!! I'm so…close. I'm going to…!!"

Suddenly the mouth disappeared and Draco groaned in frustration. Harry quickly responded to this by kissing Draco deeply, letting him taste himself.

When they finally parted, Draco's angry mood had settled down some and Harry filled up the silence by speaking the words that made Draco almost glad that Harry stopped his wonderful caressing tongue down there.

Harry brought his lips to Draco's neck once more and he kissed up towards the blonde's ear. "Make love to me, dragon. Please?" A soft whisper with these pleading words momentarily stopped the blonde's breathing.

"Wha….?" He had hoped for this to happen. He had dreamed about it. He had been so close to getting it after Harry had saved him, but he hadn't quite gotten it then. And now he was offered just that which he was longing for.

Draco pushed his lover down and leaned in to give Harry's neck the same treatment his own had received. He took his time to place soft kisses along his lovers' jaw, before he returned to kiss those pleading lips.

He nipped teasingly, not quite yet giving Harry what he wanted so badly. Draco wanted to drive him mad with want and softly whispered his response.

"I will make love to you Harry. Gladly." He confirmed his response by kissing Harry again deeply and lowering himself upon the longing man's quivering body. If the bucking hips that urged Draco on weren't an indication of how welcome that pressure was, then the warm hands that now kneaded his bum, were.

When Draco could no longer stand the pressure that their naked groins moving against each other caused, he broke the heated kiss.

"Harry. Do you have some sort of…Uhmm…lubricant? …I mean…"

Harry could just smile blushingly at that almost innocent sounding question. He loved it when Draco appeared so vulnerable before him.

He nodded and saw the blonde look almost relieved. He reached to the most upper suitcase with one hand, while still laying on his back. "Fuck, I can't reach it. Dragon, can you have a look? I put it in there I'm sure of it." He felt nervous now. Afraid he might have forgotten to bring something that important.

The blonde quickly climbed over Harry, not realising yet how provocative his position was. Harry had a full front view of his lover's hard-on and he slowly took a hold of it. He gave it a few tentative licks, but let go when he heard Draco moan pleadingly. "Stop. I can't…search when…you…do…that."

Harry chuckled some and licked his lips. Still tasting his lover, who crawled down next to him holding up a little bottle in triumph.

Time both seemed to stand still and go at the speed of light for Harry. One moment Draco's long, slender, slick finger invaded him and just moment later he had already pulled out 3, asking Harry if he was ready.

It wasn't until he felt his Dragon push against his slick opening that he realised what was actually happening. He dug his nails in the flesh of Draco's shoulder when he pushed in. Of course he was careful. Draco didn't want to hurt his Harry in any way. He knew it would hurt him—that was inevitable—but the less pain, the better.

It did feel good; Harry's heat swallowing him willingly. He groaned out in pleasure. Both boys where completely oblivious to the fact that their moans could be heard miles away. The tents fabric was so thin even someone's breathing could be heard outside, so someone who tried to capture the sound of their moaning wouldn't have any trouble with that at all.

Once he was fully sheathed inside his lover, Draco held still. He looked up into Harry's eyes to see if he could capture a look of pain or, greatly appreciated, pleasure. When his lover opened his eyes and a small smile played on his lips, he rewarded it with a small kiss.

"Are you…alright?"

Harry nodded a bit weakly, not trusting himself to speak. He reached out to softly capture those kiss reddened lips staring down at him. The pain would fade, he was sure of it, if he could just kiss those lips. Just have the soothing feel of lips on lips.

It might have been a few second, minutes, or even hours, but finally Harry felt like he could wait no longer and he carefully tried to clench his muscles around Draco. He was rewarded with a loud moan from the blond.

"Harry!" A short pause. "Are you…ready?"

The short nod Harry gave him was the only sign Draco needed as he slowly pulled almost all the way out of his lover, before sliding in again. He heard Harry moan in pleasure so he did it again. And again. And again. Just using a bit more force and speed each time he thrust back in. He could feel Harry rock his hips in time with those thrusts.

"Oh, Dra….ke! Faster! Ohhhh yes! Ohhhh! Drake!"

Draco learned fast that Harry was very loud in bed while he himself wasn't nearly as prolific. He enjoyed it though; both the rhythm of their bodies and the moans and shouts from Harry.

"Dragon ohhhhh… so good! You're in so deep!"

Draco was sure he would hear these shouts in his dreams a dozen times more. He tried to remember every move, moan and sound Harry made. Everything Harry did turned him on and drove him closer to ecstasy.

And apparently, it all had the same effect on the other boy, who frantically tried to push Draco's hand in between their bodies. Luckily, Draco was a fast learner and he understood the stroking touches the other boy expected of him.

He leaned closer to Harry's lips with his own and whispered. "I love you Harry! Oh!!" as soon as he felt that he was going to come inside his beautiful lover.

Harry tightened hard around Draco as he himself shot the warm, wet fluid all over the other boy's hand between their bodies. "I love you too!!" He moaned against the lips that were crushed upon his own.


It wasn't until the last candle had died out that Harry spoke again.

"I meant it."

"Huh?" Came the other man's sleepy response. He held Harry in his arms. The boy's head was resting on his chest so he could hear the beating of Draco's heart.

Harry looked up from his comfortable 'pillow' and he went to sit up so he could look the blond in the eyes. His own held a very caring look.

"That I love you. I always have, I just found it hard to admit to it. Even to myself." He smiled apologetically. Suddenly he seemed to remember something. "You didn't mean it right? I mean what you said last time, that it was only…sex, because if you did…." He squinted with his eyes like he was looking into the sun and Draco could only assume that it had to look fierce. "I wouldn't be…happy"

The blonde had to think what his lover meant and then he broke into a smile and pulled the brunet close, pressing his lips unto Harry's. "Don't worry, I won't walk away from you this time. I love you. Besides, I'm much to scared you'll come and beat me up, you macho." His laugh was silenced by a playful punch on his stomach.

"I love you, too. And I could, you know, if I'd really WANTED TO! I'm just afraid I might really hurt you."

And when both their laughs filled the tent, so did their love.


Well, I hope I havent disapointed any of you. I loved the ending but Im curious to know what you guys think of it.

I also have a little suprise for those of you who would secretly have loved to see Harry and Remus as a couple...If I get over 20 reviews requesting a chapter with a HarryxRemus pairing, I´ll write you guys one. Aren´t I sweet ? ;)
Don´t forget to include any ideas you might have on the content of that chapter.

Hands out Harry and Draco cookies to everyone. Thank you for reading my crappy story, hehehehe