Title: Sarah Jane vs Sarah Jane

Rating: K+

Summary: Post Hand of Fear. Sarah's thoughts as she walks home.

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. I only know about Hand of Fear coz it's one of the many DW books I've bought from my local second hand book shops.

Author's Note: Bold writing is pessimistic Sarah. Italics (apart from here) is optimistic Sarah.

Sarah Jane vs Sarah Jane

Sarah Jane slowed down her pace and thought about what had just happened.

There you go. You're out of his life. Happy now?

But I didn't really mean it. I was just angry.

You wanted to leave before though, remember? You wouldn't even have found that stupid hand if the Doctor had gotten his coordinates right.

I guess I didn't think it through. It was stupid of me. And yes, he's gone. But it's not forever. Humans just aren't allowed on Gallifrey. As soon as he's finished he'll come back for me.

Will he?

Well, I mean, we didn't even have a proper goodbye or anything.

Since when has the Doctor given anyone a proper goodbye?

But, I thought we were …

Special? He's hundreds of years old and an alien, plus he's got the most terrible dress sense.

What about all those times he's held my hand?

He's dragging you along while you're running for your life.

What about all the times we've hugged?

The guy's seen so much death and destruction, he's just happy you're not another name to add to the list.

No! We had something! I was his. I'll wait for him. He'll come back for me.

Well, time will tell.

And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
You really broke my heart

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That quote just then was from Coldplay's "The Hardest Part". I think it fits the thoughts of Sarah perfectly.