Summary: Roger wants Mark to try something new, but he's afraid to cross that line.
Notes: Written for Rent fic challenge number 11: Prompt - "That's not something that should be bought or sold."
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: RENT is not mine.
"Roger, be gentle, I'm afraid." In the year that they had been going out, Mark had not yet allowed his boyfriend to cross that line.
"Relax, Mark. I know this is all new for you, but I'm not going to hurt you. Don't you trust me?" Roger reached out to his soul mate, grasping him in a warm embrace.
Mark's blue eyes met Roger's green ones and he nodded. "I trust you. I've never done anything like this before. I keep imagining what my mother would think and it freaks me out."
Roger leaned closer and gave Mark a quick kiss as he guided him further. "You need to stop thinking about your mother when you're with me. Besides, it's none of her business. You're a grown man. Your life is your own. You make your own choices in life."
"I know, but I'm still scared. It's all so new to me." Mark chewed his lip and leaned closer to Roger, who nudged him onwards at the same time trying to get him to relax with a kiss.
Even with all of Roger's preparation, he was still tense and resisted as they took the plunge. He placed the three pairs of boxers on the counter and counted out his money when the clerk at the second-hand store rang them up. After they left the store, Roger took Mark by the hand.
"I've got a surprise for you." He wrapped a blue and white scarf around Mark's neck. "That's your reward for being so brave and trying something new." He leaned close and brought his lips to his lover's.
"I love it," said Mark as he returned the kiss. "I still can't believe I bought used underwear. That's not something that should be bought or sold."