Well, we just finished learning about the colonist's outrages against the British in U.S. History. Those damn British! Ahem...sorry...


A fog was rolling in over the Boston Harbor in Boston, Massachusetts. It was December 16th, 1773. A man dressed like that of a Native American walked up and down the deck of a ship filled with tea, where men dressed in similar getups were proceeding to throw the tea overboard and letting it rot on the docks.

One came up to the man and spoke to him.

"Samuel Adams, sir," he said. "We've counted 342 chests of tea."

"Very good," said Samuel Adams. "That will show those British."


Somewhere; In Wonderland...

A march hare sat up suddenly from his lazy seat by the river bank. His ears perked and his whiskers twitched. Something had caught his eye.

"Ói, Hatter!" he shouted to his companion. "Take a look at this!"

The Mad Hatter walked over to the March Hare and looked to where his friend was pointing into the river. There, floating on the gentle current, were chests and barrels full of tea. The two were so excited. They couldn't contain it. They were so happy that they danced around on the grass until they were in fear of falling off the bank.

They quickly gathered up the crates and proceeded to head over to the Hatter's cottage...


Am I the only one who ever wondered how they got all that tea?